Global game evolution

Chapter 348: Coming to the door (please vote)

"Could it be Jigsaw?"

The words of the white-haired witch made those around her ponder.

The white-haired witch continued: "Recently, the news that our killer organization is looking for Jigsaw has become known to the whole world. Even many small foreign governments have learned about it. With Jigsaw's vast abilities, he must also know that we are looking for Jigsaw." Looking for him, maybe... maybe he already knows our location through some means."

"No, is it so powerful?"

A group of senior members of the killer organization felt terrible.

If Boss Jigsaw is really that powerful, they can't defeat him.

Surprisingly, the scavenger just laughed.

"Hahaha, interesting, white-haired witch, your analysis is reasonable and reasonable. It's not in vain that I love you so much."

The white-haired witch lowered her head, a fierce look flashed in her eyes, and she said, "Thank you, Mr. Scavenger, for the compliment."

"It doesn't matter. I am a very generous person. I only want to praise those who are capable."

The scavenger looked at the monitor above his head, "It seems like Jigsaw did know that we were coming. This time we seem to have found the right person. Where are the brothers Xu Lili and Xu Liqiang?"

"The brothers have been waiting downstairs for a long time."

"Okay, let's go meet him."

"But Mr. Scavenger, Jigsaw is still watching us..."

"Just watch. It's okay if he doesn't show up. If he dares to show up, then let him know how powerful I am!"


Since the scavenger has already said this, others naturally have no objections.

In fact, these people do all agree that the myth of Jigsaw is about to end.

"How arrogant!"

In the coffee shop, Chen Anlin touched his chin and frowned.

Looking at the scavenger under surveillance, we can’t see his strength yet.

"This group of people will definitely attack Kate Tower at night. Although I can escape, their pursuit of me will definitely continue..."

"The consequences of waiting for death will be death. I want to take the initiative."

Chen Anlin thought very clearly. The other party was just a person. Just deal with him.

Thinking like this, a brilliant idea suddenly dawned on him.

While Chen Anlin was busy here, the scavenger had already entered a fish restaurant.

This fish restaurant is doing very well, but today it was booked out.

In the huge hall, the scavenger sat alone in the largest seat in the hall.

There were six plates of fish in front of him, all of which were signature dishes of this restaurant.

As for the group of senior members of the killer organization, they were like little brothers, sitting respectfully on the table at the back.

"Mr. Scavenger, brothers Xu Lili and Xu Liqiang are here."

A subordinate came to report.

"Let them in."

The scavenger took a sip of fish soup and ate a piece of fish, frowning slightly.

This fish soup tastes really delicious, but the fish meat is too unpalatable.

According to his understanding, this is because most of the fish and other ingredients in this world are farmed, and the animals grow up on feed.

Therefore, the meat of this fish tastes loose and has no texture.

"Is this also called food?"

The scavenger sighed in his heart that the food in his hometown was still delicious.

In the game city, these creatures are not raised, because there are countless rare and exotic beasts outside the game city.

The creatures there are also big. For example, a fish in the giant lake is bigger than the sharks in this world. The meat is delicious, and it can replenish mental power after eating it.

"The lower world is the lower world!"

After sighing with emotion, the scavenger had no intention of continuing to eat and waited for the two brothers Xu Lili and Xu Liqiang to come over.

After a while, the two brothers finally arrived.

As soon as they came in, the two brothers felt their hearts tremble.

There are actually so many big guys in this room.

As the elder brother, Xu Liqiang is smart and capable.

He could tell at a glance the identities of some of the people in the room.

The boss of the killer organization, Blood Demon, is rumored to be practicing the art of blood sacrifice, and his skills are extremely sinister.

As a result of practicing the art of blood sacrifice, the blood demon's skin all over his body was dark red, and his blood vessels were blue and purple, giving him a terrifying appearance.

In addition, he doesn't like the sun and always shrouds himself in black robes.

The second white-haired witch is a female, and her most striking feature is that she has white hair.

Like the Blood Demon, the white-haired witch also practices magic skills. Due to her practice, her original black hair turned into white hair.

Rumor has it that she is already in her 60s, but her skin care is similar to that of a girl in her 20s.

Xu Liqiang looked at each person and felt shocked in his heart.

Suddenly, he regretted it.

With so many big guys here, what would happen if you knew that the information he provided was false?

His goal was indeed to get rid of Xu Jiaxin, but he never thought about risking his own life.

With this thought in his mind, he could only accept his fate at this time, thinking that he would make peace with it now that he had been framed anyway, so he insisted that Xu Jiaxin knew Jigsaw...

"Do you know the whereabouts of Jigsaw?" The scavenger put down the spoon and looked at the Xu Liqiang brothers.

Xu Liqiang nodded quickly: "I know roughly that my sister's name is Xu Jiaxin. Not long ago, we spent a lot of money to invite your organization to deal with her, but the entire army was wiped out. An insider I arranged for her said that maybe Jigsaw could help her... …”

"Where's the insider?"

Xu Liqiang lowered his head and said: "For some reason, Xu Jiaxin suddenly killed her. I suspect that she might have been discovered by Jigsaw!"

"Well, this jigsaw has received so many eight-star reviews and received countless good rewards. It must have this ability."

Xu Liqiang was very smart and didn't answer. He could see that the bosses of the killer organization were so respectful to this person. It was obvious that this person was not simple.

"I'll go to the Kate Building later and meet him."

Xu Liqiang narrowed his eyes. He couldn't wait to get rid of the jigsaw.

Once Jigsaw is taken care of, he can leave here.

He really couldn't stay in such a backward place.

Chen Anlin peeked into everything that happened here through the surveillance camera in the room.

"This scavenger is really confident."

Chen Anlin smiled, but no matter how confident he was, he had to handle it carefully to ensure nothing went wrong.

Finally at night, the scavenger arrived upstairs in the Kate Building.

"You guys just wait here."

said the scavenger.


When everyone heard this, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Jigsaw's reputation is far-reaching, and they are not willing to face it. Since the scavenger is willing to go alone, then let's go alone. It's not too late for them to have fun.

The reason why the scavenger does this is that he has confidence in himself.

On the other hand, he also decided to make a quick decision, but these pleasures got in his way and were too troublesome.

The scavenger walked forward and unexpectedly discovered that the formation here no longer existed.

"Do you know I'm coming?"

The scavenger's face darkened. This place had been surrounded before, and not even a fly flew out, so he confirmed that the people were still inside.

"Catch Xu Jiaxin first. Don't worry if Jigsaw doesn't show up when the time comes."

The scavenger raised his head, kicked off his feet, and floated towards the roof of the building lightly.

Before coming, the two brothers Xu Liqiang had given him all the road maps of this place, and he also learned that Xu Jiaxin lived on the top of the building.


The scavenger appeared on the roof of the building in the blink of an eye, like Li Xuan's sharp arrow.


The sweeper landed on the ground and glanced around. The top floor was indeed a luxurious suite.

There is a small swimming pool on the periphery, and after opening the door, there is a lobby.

What surprised him was that a man was standing right here.


The scavenger thought, if Xu Jiaxin was not here, the person who appeared here might be Jigsaw!

He looked overjoyed, but of course, he was actually slightly wary.

After all, Jigsaw can appear here without any scruples, which means that he has someone to rely on and needs to be careful.

Then a red light appeared in the scavenger's right eye and he scanned the area.

This radar scan can accurately analyze the enemy's mental strength and what is hidden behind the wall.

After the radar scanned it, the scavenger smiled directly.

Nothing, that's it?

I thought the rumored jigsaw was so powerful, but it turned out that I had no defense at all.

The scavenger walked over and Chen Anlin turned back.

He wore a mask, and slowly, the ghost realm emerged.

The scavenger hadn't realized the existence of the ghost realm yet, so Chen Anlin kept staring at his expression. After discovering that the scavenger hadn't discovered the ghost realm, he was relieved.

"That's all I can say to this guy."

Chen Anlin thought in his mind.

Think about it, the world where Scavenger comes may be stronger than this world, but it is also a game space world, and you can become stronger by completing dungeons and getting high ratings.

In this case, Chen Anlin has nothing to fear.

"Who are you and why are you looking for me?" Chen Anlin asked deliberately.

"It's useless to tell you. Anyway, after killing you, I will go back and resume my life." The scavenger said.

Chen Anlin's face turned cold: "In that case, don't blame me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the scavenger was the first to take action.

A wave of energy swept over him.

Chen Anlin dodged easily.

"You are quite fast. You are worthy of being someone who has received so many eight stars. It's a pity that it is useless to get more eight stars in such an inferior plane."

"Why do you say that?"

"Although you have many skills, you must not have enough game coins, right? Upgrading your skills requires a lot of game coins. How can you fight me if you don't have master-level skills?"

"So you mean you have so many game coins?"

"This is natural. We have special strategies there, and some copies reward more game coins. We will go there regularly."

"I see."

Chen Anlin nodded silently. He deliberately didn't use any special moves just to be cliche.

Because he needs to know what's going on in that world.

It's a pity that the scavenger obviously didn't intend to say more. A whirlwind of energy rose up from his hand, full of powerful power.

"Did you see it? This is the power of a grandmaster!"

Whoosh whoosh!

A whirlwind swept over.

Chen Anlin immediately summoned an ice shield to block himself.

"Hahaha, it's useless. Your ice shield is weak at first glance. How can you be a match for my grandmaster-level power!"


As if to confirm his words, the force grew stronger and stronger, and the ice shield released by Chen Anlin was quickly destroyed.


Chen Anlin screamed and fell to the ground as the ice shield disappeared.

The smell of blood was strong on the ground.

One of Chen Anlin's hands was shattered by the whirlwind, and the ground was covered with blood and broken flesh.

Chen Anlin's eyes were red and he said with difficulty: "So... so amazing."

"Hey, I finally got rid of you, I can leave."

"Wait a minute, I can die, but can I not kill Xu Jiaxin?" Chen Anlin said with difficulty.

"You are quite infatuated, but it's a pity, do you think it's possible?" The scavenger sneered, "I've heard for a long time that Xu Jiaxin is a peerless beauty. I'm leaving anyway, why don't I try this best product?"

"As long as you don't touch her, I can give you the dungeon guide. What if your world also wants to enter the dungeon?"

"Your information is quite good."

The scavenger's heart moved, and he admitted that he underestimated this jigsaw.

He was naturally a little envious that Jigsaw could receive so many 8-star reviews all at once.

It would be nice if I could get a guide...

Of course, there are real and fake guides, which is why he has never forced anyone to ask for a guide before, because it would be useless if he forced them, they would give you a fake guide.

However, he believed that Chen Anlin should give him real strategies.

Because he has a handle, doesn't this guy feel sorry for Xu Jiaxin?

He sneered in his heart and nodded: "Okay, you tell me the dungeon strategy, and I promise you to let Xu Jiaxin go and help her kill her two brothers. How about that?"

He said this, but in his heart he was already thinking about how to play with Xu Jiaxin. Do you want him to protect others? Are the inferiors of this world worthy?

It’s so laughable!

Chen Anlin nodded sadly: "I believe you will keep your promise, but before that, I have a small wish."


The scavenger was angry in his heart. If it weren't for the strategy, he wouldn't have been so patient and talked to the low-class people for so long.

Chen Anlin said: "I'm very curious about your world, can you tell me about it?"

"That's it." The scavenger smiled. The secret Taoist was going to die. It would indeed be the case. He wanted to understand something.

So, in order to get the strategy, the scavenger said in a deep voice: "Okay, let me tell you about it. Our continent is called the city of games. In the city..."

According to what the scavenger told him, Chen Anlin knew more and more about that continent.

That continent was larger than this one, with only one city, but there were many factions, families, and various forces in this city.

There is no concept of country there, and each area is guarded by a big force. If you want to get shelter within that big force, you must abide by the rules left by the big force.

Generally speaking, the more central the power, the greater the power.

Because it is on the outskirts of the city, it is a wild land, and is harassed by various strange beasts from time to time. Therefore, the closer the strength is to the outside, the more likely it is to be attacked by strange beasts.

Of course, there are dangers in those wild places, but there are also opportunities.

The opportunity is that the wild land is rich in all kinds of rare and rare treasures, so many big forces in the central area sometimes support some peripheral forces to develop together for the sake of rare and rare treasures.

The small forces on the periphery are also happy to cooperate with the big forces. After all, without the help of the big forces, they can easily be swallowed up by other opponents.

As for the appearance of the people over there, according to his description, the game city is composed of the population of multiple planets.

There are orcs, elves, and aliens, and the most powerful ones are the gods.

"Gods?" Chen Anlin was surprised: "Where are the gods?"

"It's not a god in the true sense, but it's almost the same. People of the God Clan have divine power when they are born. This power can be brought into any dungeon!"

"What?" Chen Anlin was stunned.

Just thinking about it, he can think of how huge the advantage is for people from the Protoss to enter the dungeon.

For example, in the Bloody Hell instance he entered last time, if people from the God Clan entered, he would easily kill those people instantly.

"Then the Gods are not invincible?" Chen Anlin said.

"It's almost the same as invincible. Of course, other races can stand side by side with the gods, and they also have the advantages of other races, such as the demon race!"

"There are still demons?"

"It's rare to see more strange things." The scavenger secretly said that Chen Anlin is really a country bumpkin, and talking to him is a waste of time.

But for the sake of strategy, he could only hold back: "Yes, in the game city, there are masters from various planets gathered, and the rest are the descendants left by those masters. However, after thousands of years, some descendants are still strong. Some of them have just declined. The demons inside are also very advantageous in the dungeon. For example, if you enter the dungeon of gods and demons, the demons can easily get help from other demons."

"What kind of force are you?" Chen Anlin asked: "Why did you kill me? As far as I know, there should be an envoy who would pick me up, right? Why did you kill him..."

The scavenger narrowed his eyes and said, "You know a lot about this."

"I have insiders in the killer organization." Chen Anlin said.

"I knew it." The scavenger didn't think much about it. Anyway, the person in front of him was about to be dead.

"Can you tell me? I just don't want to die in peace." Chen Anlin said.

The scavenger said: "Okay, I will tell you to give up. There are major forces in the game city. In order to make their own forces stronger, they will absorb some talented people to join. Every year, there will be some forces Go to some planets and ask if there is anyone in that area who has reached a certain eight-star rating, because only with so many eight-star ratings will the Game City be open to this person."

"The force that leads you is called Tianlan Group..."

"Tianlan Group?" Chen Anlin was very surprised by this name.

The scavenger did not explain much and continued: "And my power is called the Gongsun family."

"Your family has a grudge against Tianlan Group?"

"Yes, our two forces are peripheral forces, and we were at peace with each other originally. However, in the wild land, we discovered a crystal mine at the same time. The crystal can replenish spiritual power. You can imagine how precious it is, so we They’ve been targeting each other for years.”

So far.

Chen Anlin understood.

People from the Tianlan Group knew of his existence and specially sent envoys to pick him up, hoping to recruit him into a big force.

For some reason, this news was known to the Gongsun family, so they sent out scavengers.

"Boy, don't blame me. Every force has scavengers these days, even the Sky Blue Group. We don't know how many people there have died at the hands of scavengers."

The scavenger said with a smile, the strength in his hands was concentrated, and he was ready to take action: "Okay, it's time to send you on your way."

Thank you for the reward of 6500 for the tail number 2480.

Thanks to Age of Empires for the reward

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