Global game evolution

Chapter 351 Game space upgrade (please vote for me)


Ye Feiyan was stunned, "Together?"

"Yeah, didn't you mean to take a bath together?"

"I meant traveling together, but I didn't say taking a bath together..."

Ye Feiyan blushed, "How can a man and a woman take a bath together if they don't have sex? Isn't it too... too weird? I have something else to do, so I'll leave first!"

Tap tap tap!

Ye Feiyan ran away in large strides.

Chen Anlin was shocked. Did I misunderstand the co-author? I really don’t know what to say.

After returning home, Chen Anlin went to the supermarket to help for a while.

Then while his mother was settling accounts, Chen Anlin casually transferred 50 million.

"Hahaha, son, spam text messages have become more and more serious these days. They all pretend to be bank transfers and transfer 50 million to me. I guess someone will call me later and say that they can't get the money or something, and then ask me to pay. Money to unfreeze...the routines, these routines are too low-level now."

Yang Ping shook her head with emotion and turned off her phone.

Chen Anlin was immediately happy: "Mom, take a closer look at the money, or check your bank card records on your phone."

"What's there to check? It's a waste of time."

Although Yang Ping said this, she still listened to her son's words, turned on her phone, and checked her balance.

At this sight, she turned to stone and covered her mouth in disbelief: "Son, eh, eh, eh... eh!"

Because she was so surprised, Yang Ping couldn't even speak.

"50 million, I actually have 50 million in my account!"


"Son, what's going on?"

Chen Anlin said: "Don't be excited, Mom, I know what's going on?"

"How do you have so much money?"

"I recently made a few copies and sold some props."

"How much money do you make?"


"This money is too much..." Yang Ping still can't believe it.

"Mom, you can travel abroad from now on."

"Hey, son, you must have made so much money by selling very good props, right?" Yang Ping said worriedly: "Actually, our family is not short of money. Although we are not a rich family, it is enough."

Chen Anlin smiled and said, "Mom, don't worry."

After a while of comforting, my mother felt at ease.

After the boss Chen Ziqiang learned about this, he immediately proposed to expand the supermarket.

Chen Anlin just smiled at this and did not get too involved.

But in the end, he also said that he would plan to travel abroad in a while.

The parents didn't say anything about this. They thought it was normal for their son to want to go out and play with so much money.

At night, Chen Anlin enters the game space.

Originally, he wanted to use the refresh card to enter a dungeon to improve his strength.

Unexpectedly, after entering, the game space prompts directly.

"Game City items detected, game space upgraded."

Chen Anlin was stunned. He felt that the time-travel talisman on his body began to heat up slightly, and after a while it actually floated in mid-air.

"Huh?" This scene surprised Chen Anlin: "What's going on?"

Can the game space be upgraded?

He suddenly remembered that the scavenger said before that the game city over there was different from the one here. The game space there was richer in items.

"I understand. After coming into contact with the equipment in the Game City, the game space defaults that I have arrived in the Game City, so the space has been upgraded."

Chen Anlin nodded silently and began to wait for the upgrade.

During the upgrade process, the originally white surroundings suddenly became transparent, and then his own attribute panel appeared in front of him.

Nowadays, there are so many skills, items, and props.

Therefore, the panel is densely packed.

What surprised Chen Anlin was that behind the upgraded panel, there were sale options for both skills and equipment.

In other words, all unused equipment and skills can be sold.

This made Chen Anlin feel happy, because he had so many messy skills and equipment that sometimes he couldn't use them at all.

"No wonder the game players there are so powerful. If skills and equipment can be sold and exchanged for game currency, it means that limited resources can be fully integrated. This advantage alone is enviable."

Click to view, the equipment is relatively cheap, but the top equipment obtained through 8-star evaluation is very precious.

For example, the infinite bullet gun is worth 1 million game coins.

Of course, Chen Anlin would not sell this kind of weapon.

Skills are more expensive.

Eavesdropping, because you have reached the master level, the game currency is actually worth tens of millions.

Chu Renmei's Ghost Eye (Grandmaster Level) is not available at this price, because it says Grandmaster Level Skills at the back and cannot be traded.

"Even if it can be traded, no one will sell the master-level skills, right?"

Chen Anlin complained and began to consider selling those things.

Current skills include:

1: Eavesdropping.

2: Chu Renmei’s ghost eyes.

3: Durable.

4: Tattooed Chinese blue lobster.

5: Bewitch.

6: Nine Yang Magic.

7: Great shift in the world.

8: Possessed by sharpshooter.

9: The position of the God of Cookery.

10: Rapid freezing.

11: Limb regeneration.

12: Forbearance.

13: Silk.

14: Super flash.

15: Golden Buddha statue.

16: Simulation learning.

17: Advanced mechanical repair.

"Advanced mechanical repair skills are of no use to me."

Chen Anlin muttered, and the price was 2 million game coins.

"There is no shortage of game currency. Let's sell the equipment first."

Considering that some dungeons would require mechanical repairs in the future, Chen Anlin decided not to sell them.

As for other skills, say they are useless. If they come into use, say they are useful. They seem to be useful.

Tangled ah.

Looking at the equipment area, the giant toad summoning card is worth 50,000 game coins.

Don't hesitate to sell.

The giant crocodile summoning card, worth 60,000 game coins, continues to be sold.

The Cancer Summoning Card, worth 40,000, was simply sold.

The remaining summoning cards are:

Super Power Pill Summoning Card.

The evil ghost princess.

The old monster from Montenegro.

Big rice dumplings.

Thousand-Armed Buddha.

Slippery guy.


Mars alien.

Big Zongzi is the weakest thing here, but considering that it can attract monsters and so on, it would be a pity to sell it.

There are so many Martian aliens that they can form a legion.

After categorizing, Chen Anlin sold all the zombie serum and killing chainsaws.

Meng Jie's sponge was useless, but it was sold for 1.5 million game coins.

There are also Damascus knives and Ion knives.

These two are as good as clay for cutting iron, but now that there is an ion knife, the Damascus knife is inconvenient to carry, so I simply sold it.

Get 1.5 million game coins again.

At this point, plus the 1.8 million game coins earned from the last copy, I now have more than 5 million game coins on hand.


"It feels good to be rich."

Chen Anlin looked at so many game coins and decisively added some points to Wenhua Green Lobster's physique.

Physique of the Green Dragon with Patterned Flowers (Grandmaster Level): Possessing the power of dragon blood, natural divine power, invincible fists, and the ability to chain explosions.

"It's so strong!"

Chen Anlin was stunned.

The master-level skills surprised him too much.

"Now, instead of getting a tattoo of Huaqing lobster, I will get a tattoo of Huaqing dragon!" Chen Anlin nodded silently. He guessed that this was because this lobster might have dragon genes in its body.

He clenched his fists, and now he was born with divine power.

Even without using any skills, her strength is comparable to that of her teacher Xia Weiwei.

Of course, in order to upgrade the master level power, so many game coins are almost spent.

"Hey, it's really inconsiderate."

Chen Anlin shook his head. The space was still being upgraded at this time, but many places had been upgraded.

He noticed that there were more things in the mall.

In the past, there were only some ordinary healing products and tools in the mall. There were few items and the effects were average.

Therefore, what everyone spends the most game currency on is purchasing attribute points.

But here, there is more of that.

"Anti-evil Sword Technique."

"Sunflower Sword."

"Detonating charm."


"The Infinite Curse of Heaven and Earth."

There is so much good equipment.

Of course, the price is not cheap either.

Other than that, the price of attribute points is the same.

In addition, Chen Anlin saw the time-travel talisman, which was even more valuable.

And this thing can only support traveling back and forth once, and it is a one-time item.

Thinking about it, if the time-travel talisman was cheap, I'm afraid many outsiders would have come here long ago.

Knowing this, Chen Anlin was ready to enter the game space and see what the copy was like.

After using a refresh card, the dungeon is normal. Because its coordinates are still on this planet, the dungeon entered and the game players encountered are still here.

This shows that although the game city and the game space here are different, the dungeons entered are the same.

This made Chen Anlin feel relieved. After all, knowing the plot was his biggest advantage in entering the dungeon. As long as the dungeon there was also a movie he had watched in his previous life, then there would be no problem.

There are four copies appearing in front of you.

"Unknown Woman Corpse" Danger Zone Ordinary Copy: 3 stars.

"Ghost Rider" Danger Zone suppressed copy: 2 stars.

"The whole story of the Jin Funan Murder Incident" Ordinary Area Copy: 2 stars.

"My Sassy Girl" ordinary area ordinary person copy: 4 stars.

There were quite a few dungeons that appeared this time. What made Chen Anlin happy was that he knew the plots of all the dungeons.

"It's difficult."

Chen Anlin muttered, to be honest, he wanted to enter all the plots above, but unfortunately he could only enter one.

Touching his chin, Chen Anlin decided to enter the copy of "Unknown Female Corpse".

Firstly, because of the degree of danger, the rewards are correspondingly higher, and secondly, because the plot of this dungeon is the simplest and easiest to operate.

"Enter "The Unknown Female Corpse."" Chen Anlin shouted.

Game space: "The space is still being upgraded, please wait."

"Huh? Haven't you upgraded yet?"

Chen Anlin was stunned for a moment, "That's all, let's exit the space first and talk about it later."

That night, Chen Anlin noticed that the game space had been being upgraded, and he could only wait.

The next day, Tang Qiqi sent a message to the group, inviting everyone to go swimming at the beach.

More than an hour later, many friends gathered together.

Tang Qiqi, Ye Feiyan, and Jiang Xiaoxue drove their own cars, and then the three cars drove toward the seaside together.

As they moved forward, they didn't know that a huge crisis was looming over the world.

In the sky above the Eagle King Empire, as a ripple suddenly appeared in the air, three people wearing golden clothes and with cyan eyes gradually appeared.

These three people are the three masters sent by the Gongsun family on this trip.

They are three brothers, the three strongest top scavengers in the Gongsun family.

The eldest son, Gongsun Wuji, is the shortest, with a round face and sharp eyes. At first glance, he looks like a cruel short man.

The second eldest son, Gongsun Wuwu, was quite tall, with a square face and very pointed eyes. Occasionally, when he grinned, he showed a mouth full of sharp teeth.

The third son, Sun Wuqiang, was the tallest and most well-proportioned, but his eyes were even sharper, and at first glance he looked like a scheming and ruthless man.

These three people have different martial arts, but the same thing is that they are the strongest scavengers in the entire Gongsun family, and they have assassinated many people for the family.

The eldest son, Gongsun Wuji, had a thought in his mind, and an invisible force of thought came out.

"What a weak human being." Gongsun Wuji sneered, "Onis is really rubbish, she can't even deal with the low-level people here."

The third son, Sun Wuqiang, said: "Brother, I will immediately invade this world's network and investigate Jigsaw's identity."

"Well, let's do it. Only by fighting quickly can we show our strength."

"People in front of you, please note that this is the airspace of the Presidential Palace of the Eagle King Empire. According to the player convention, you are not allowed to fly over without special permission..."

At this time, the three people noticed that three fighter planes actually flew towards them.

"Brother, the people in this world are so weak. How old are they? They still use such backward fighter planes."

The second oldest Gongsun Wuwu said with a smile.

"Solved." Gongsun Wuji ordered.


Gongsun Wuqiang took a step forward, his eyes turned red, and he shot out two laser beams.

In an instant, two laser beams swept towards the approaching aircraft.

"Boom boom boom!"

The three fighter planes turned into three brilliant fireworks, blooming in the sky.

After a while, air defense sirens sounded over the entire Eagle King Empire.

None of the three brothers took this matter seriously. In their opinion, the people here were too weak. If everyone attacked them together, they might not be enough to kill them.

Gongsun Wuqiang slowly opened his eyes. He had just invaded the world's network and already knew a lot of things.

He frowned, a little incredulous: "No one knows Jigsaw's identity yet."

"What? No one knows?"

His two eldest brothers were a little surprised.

After all, Jigsaw is the top powerhouse in the world. Under such circumstances, it is a bit strange that no one else knows Jigsaw's identity.

Gongsun Wuqiang explained: "This is because Jigsaw has never revealed his identity. Not only us, but others are also tracking Jigsaw's whereabouts."

"Since Ornish died at the hands of Jigsaw, there must be some way to find him."

Gongsun Wuji thought about it and continued: "According to the information that Ornis passed before, he seems to have found the killer organization here to find Jigsaw. From this, it seems that Jigsaw should be a good person. In this case, I have a Method."

"Brother, do you want to force him out?" Gongsun Wuwu's eyes lit up.

"My second brother still understands my thoughts. Since Jigsaw is a good person, we will massacre the city. We will kill enough people and force Jigsaw to come out. By then, the whole world will know who he is, hahaha..."

"Brother is wise!"

The two younger brothers flattered each other.

"Hey, brother, there are a few more bedbugs here."

Since Gongsun Wuqiang monitored everyone's network and phone calls, he knew everything about the plans of the Gamer Security Institute here.

"The security organization here is a safe place for gamers. There are very few strong people in this city."

Gongsun Wuqiang sneered.

While he was talking, dozens of game players flew up from below.

These powerful players are all the top gamers in the city. After the fighter plane was destroyed, these players immediately launched a counterattack plan.

The leader was a woman whose whole body was shrouded in the storm.

This is the director of the player safety office here, nicknamed Storm Girl.

"Listen to the three people in front of you. You destroyed our fighter plane for no reason. Now raise your hands and surrender. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

Storm Girl's tone was domineering, her fiery red hair fluttering in the wind.

"Although these low-class people are weak, they have good looks."

Gongsun Wuji licked his lips and said without any concealment.

"Hahaha, brother, shall I capture her for you?" Gongsun Wuwu said.

When these two people talked, their voices were very loud, and they were not worried about being heard by these people.

Storm Girl clenched her fists. She had a bad temper and couldn't bear to hear other people gossiping about her.

At this time, a younger brother walked out from behind Storm Girl: "Sister, I'll go meet them."

"Well, be careful. These people have unknown origins and are a bit strange."

Storm Girl may seem rough and arrogant, but she still has some thoughts in her heart.

"I understand, sister."

The boy strode out, his whole body began to change, and then muscles like stones swelled rapidly.

"Physique of stone."

The three scavengers smiled and recognized this man's body.

Gongsun Wuwu said with a smile: "I prefer punching to the flesh."


A figure flashed past.

The people present were alert and ready to take action, but at this time, an accident occurred.

This guy with a stone physique stood motionless, his originally bright eyes suddenly becoming dull.



This person exploded directly into a ball of blood mist.

"So weak. Is this a stone body? It's just a pile of ordinary stones."

Gongsun Wuwu said with a smile.

"Kill on the spot!"

Storm Girl knew that the visitor was evil and immediately gave the order.

"Haha, we are looking for the jigsaw anyway. Until then, we three buddies can have a good time."

Gongsun Wuji smiled ferociously, and his huge mental power quickly suppressed the entire audience.


Several screams rang out, and except for Storm Girl, everyone in front of them was crushed into pieces by telekinesis.

As for Storm Girl, she who was about to release a storm attack was instantly suppressed and couldn't move at all.

"There is a hotel down there, take her down there."

Gongsun Wuji picked up Storm Girl and walked downstairs.

"No, no..."

Storm screamed, but to no avail.


This day, the sun is shining brightly.

Chen Anlin and others were playing on the beach.

I have to say that the figures of these beauties are so good.

Especially Ye Feiyan, neither fat nor thin, just right.

Everyone soon started a water fight in the water, sweating profusely. After resting for a while, Xia Zhiji looked around, feeling a little strange.

"Hey, why are Ye Feiyan and Chen missing?"

"Yeah, were you there just now?"

"Where did they go?"

Thanks to Shuiyue Yefeng for the reward

Let’s talk about the plot. A strong man is coming and his identity is about to be exposed.

There's no way

However, when the whole world knows who Jigsaw is, it also means that they have to go to the game city.

I've already finished the outline there. Please vote for me. Oh oh oh oh oh

Try to add more updates, thank you guys

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