Global game evolution

Chapter 369 Lord Jin (Thanks to Ban Yuefan for the 4500 reward)

In the small warehouse, the weapons on the alert robots were all aimed at the door.

It is the guard robot here, guarding this long-abandoned warehouse.

As long as someone enters, it will activate its defense mechanism and attack the enemy.

There are three such robots here. Just now, two of its companions have been destroyed, but the enemy is not doing well either. They have been burned to ashes by the flamethrowers on their bodies.

At this moment, the only remaining robot is still performing its duties.

It finds a few strangers outside the door. As long as they come in, it will attack without emotion.

But at this time, an invisible life form came to the robot.

This is the ghost sent by Fang Dongtian.

The ghost instantly invaded the robot's eyeball and destroyed the wiring inside.


The robot gradually shuts down.


Fang Dongtian outside looked overjoyed.

Sure enough, some ordinary robots are easiest to deal with with ghosts.

"The senior is still very good. He defeated the robot in one go." Hu Lan said flatteringly.

"Yeah, it would be great if I could be as good as senior."

These flatteries were very useful to the young Fang Dongtian. He suppressed his pride and said: "Go in first. This lock must be locked by an outsider. Maybe he will come back."


Several people went in.

When Chen Anlin entered, he noticed that the interior of the factory was mechanized. He also saw a computer on the console in front.

He thought that this factory might be an unmanned factory, with robots controlling everything inside.

In this case, can I use the super intelligent queen to try to control this place?

Take out your phone and summon the queen.


The Queen's voice came.

"Control this place, okay?"

The Queen took the initiative to open the wireless connection program on her mobile phone and connect to the local network.

"This is an unmanned machinery factory. It is severely damaged, but there is sufficient energy inside the base, and the mechanical soldiers have not lost much. I can try to invade the local program to achieve control purposes."

"Well, let's do it. Find out where this place came from and why it became like this..."

Looking at the robot in front of him, Chen Anlin continued: "It's best if I can control this place."

"Yes, Master."

The Queen went to work.

Unknowingly, Fang Dongtian and others were still checking the robots here.

Soon, they discover the robot's secret.

"Sombra, it's Sombra that drives these robots." Fang Dongtian was shocked.

Black crystal is extremely expensive and contains plenty of energy.

Especially the energy black crystal in this robot's body is as big as a fist.

"This is definitely a black technology in this world."

"If we take these robots back and give them to my research institute, it will be a great achievement."

Fang Dongtian has already started to think about it.

However, Hu Lan on the side reminded: "These robots are too heavy for us to take back."

Fang Dongtian also realized this, which was a pity.

"It seems that we can only bring people in next time, but I'm afraid it will be too late by then."

Fang Dongtian's tone was pity: "Let's search and see if there are any black crystals here."


Several people started to organize themselves.

Fang Dongtian walked to the robot and took off the black crystal.

Unfortunately, he soon discovered that the black crystals on the two damaged robots had been shattered.

This shows that the energy in the black crystal has been used up.

"What a pity." Fang Dongtian sighed.

Now he just hopes that his companions can find more black crystals.

It's a pity that he overthought it.

Several people searched around but found nothing.

However, Hu Lan noticed a basement.

The basement was locked. Hu Lan flipped the lock and immediately smiled: "Senior, I made an discovery."

A group of people hurried over, all looking overjoyed.

This place is locked, which means there must be something good hidden here.

"Maybe there are a lot of black crystals stored in it." Fang Dongtian said happily.

"Open it quickly."

Chen Anlin frowned. In fact, he had already inspected this place through the Ghost Domain. There was nothing good, just a bunch of mechanical robot accessories.

The reason why he didn't tell them about this place was not because he meant it, but because there was a trap inside.

Although there are a few black crystals here, the problem is that there are trigger mines under the black crystals.

This device is designed to induce others to accidentally detonate landmines when taking the black crystal.

At that time, the explosion of the mine will also detonate the black crystal, with stronger explosive power and wider range.

In fact, he has a ghost realm and can take out the black crystal, but then the place will explode. Although he will not be affected in the ghost realm, his secret will be exposed, which is not worth the loss.

What he wanted in his heart was actually to wait for them to leave and then come here alone.

I just didn't expect to be discovered by them.

"Can't take it."

Chen Anlin spoke.

Hu Lan had long seen that Chen Anlin was uncomfortable and felt that he had no strength. When she heard this, she said unhappily: "Why can't I take it?"

Chen Anlin was just about to say that there might be a trap in this place.

Something unexpected happened.

As he eavesdropped, he heard a group of people wearing flying suits coming towards here.

"Hurry up, there are definitely a lot of black crystals hidden in that place."

The leader grinned, revealing a mouth full of big gold teeth.

"Master Jin, something is wrong. During the radar scan, several thermal images appeared in the abandoned warehouse."

The appearance of thermal imaging means that there are people there, which is bad information.

This meant that the abandoned warehouse they found had been boarded first.

"His grandma is a bear. If anyone dares to steal my Lord Jin's things, turn on the power and fuck him."


A group of flames accelerated instantly.



"It's time for us to leave."

Sensing a large group of people approaching quickly, Chen Anlin, who was unwilling to reveal his strength, reminded him.

"The things haven't been taken out yet, why are we leaving?" Hu Lan was suspicious: "You don't want us to leave first, and then come back and get it secretly, right?"

"Don't say that, why would my sister's friend do this?" Fang Dongtian smiled awkwardly.

"There's someone approaching here."

When Chen Anlin sighed, he knew he couldn't persuade these people, but he didn't bother to persuade them because those people were already outside.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

The landing of flight suits sounded outside the door.

Fang Dongtian's eyes narrowed: "Someone is really coming."

Hu Lan was a little embarrassed, "It's true."

A group of people were a little worried.

Because those who can afford the flying suit are basically powerful, and listening to this voice, it seems that there are dozens of people coming.

"Okay, someone really stole my things. Let me see who the thief is?"

A rough voice came, followed by a burst of messy footsteps.

After entering the house, Jin Ye and his gang quickly surrounded Chen Anlin and others.

Lord Jin smiled coldly, his big gold teeth shining brightly.

Seeing the people coming in, Fang Dongtian and others' expressions changed.

"Master Jin!"

Jin Ye is a relatively famous figure in the game city.

This person does not belong to any force, but any force has to give him some respect.

The reason is that he has strong business ability.

He is one of the few arms dealers in the game city. He has equipment in the dungeon, equipment in reality, and equipment in the secret realm of the wild area.

Whether it's alive or dead, as long as someone wants it, he will find a way to get it.

In fact, Fang Dongtian and the others have never met Jin Ye, but famous people have portraits, so these people recognize them.

Although the Fang family is a powerful force, the problem is that Fang Dongtian is not a direct descendant of the Fang family. He is just a stray leaf on the big tree of the Fang family.

"Huo, meet me."

Mr. Jin came limping with a cane.

Fang Dongtian said nervously: "My elders have mentioned you and said you are very powerful. That... Mr. Jin, you are here..."

"Hmph, you touched my things and you asked me why I came here?" Mr. Jin smiled instead of getting angry.

The padlock he hung was made of pure gold, with the word 'gold' stamped on it.

The adventurers who are hanging out outside don't know that the padlock with the word "gold" means that this place has been spotted by Lord Jin. If you want to go in and get the goods, you have to weigh it carefully.

Fang Dongtian and others obviously can't deal with Lord Jin. Hu Lan and others don't know what's going on now and just want to leave.

"Master Jin, what did we touch you?" Hu Lan asked with a trembling voice.

"Who broke my big golden lock?"

Hearing this, Hu Lan's face turned pale.

She broke the big golden lock.

She was so excited just now, thinking that she could get the black crystal right away, that she didn't even think about who the golden lock belonged to.

"Master Jin, you mean...that big golden lock is yours?"

Fang Dongtian couldn't help but ask.

"Nonsense, I won't come if it's not mine? You brats are okay, but you actually dare to mess with me."

Fang Dongtian: "Master Jin, I'm from the Fang family. My grandmother's name is Wenren Zhenlan. Please give me some face, Master Jin. We really don't know that thing is yours, otherwise we definitely wouldn't."

Hu Lan: "Yes, we didn't do it on purpose, and we didn't get anything."

"Wenren Zhenlan? Hahaha, this girl, she has to call me brother in front of me."

When Fang Dongtian heard this, his face turned pale.

Obviously, the name Wenren Zhenlan cannot suppress Mr. Jin.

"Master Jin, we really didn't get anything, but we helped you deal with this robot. Look, forget it, okay?" Fang Dongtian said bravely.

Mr. Jin sneered: "Who the hell knows whether you have taken it or not."

Hu Lan waved her hand quickly: "I really didn't take it, so we just came."

"Is it possible that your friends who took the things left first? You young people are very awesome. I don't trust you."

Fang Dongtian: "Master Jin, what do you want?"

"These two women are quite pretty. Since you broke my golden lock, you can sell yourself to pay for it and pay it back in a year. As for you being Wenren Zhenlan's grandson, I'll let you go for the time being. You guys You can leave, but! You have to search yourself and make sure there is nothing before you can leave."

When Lord Jin said this, he actually gave Wenren Zhenlan a bit of a thumbs-down.

Otherwise, based on his usual approach, if ordinary adventurers dared to touch his big golden lock, they would have hung their heads at the door long ago to let everyone see what would happen.

This is the result of provoking Mr. Jin.

Suddenly, Hu Lan and the other girl turned pale.

"Brother Fang..."

"Senior, save us..."

Fang Dongtian looked ugly.

Frankly speaking, deep down he actually wanted to save her.

But the key is, how to save?

It’s not that we don’t work hard, but the other party is Mr. Jin.

"Master Jin, they are my classmates, let's do this, let's pay for it, okay?" Fang Dongtian said, enduring the humiliation.

"Who cares so much about your three melons and two dates? Can you afford my Lord Jin's face?"

Jin Ye stretched out a finger: "One minute, I'll give you one minute to disappear in front of me immediately, otherwise, just stay."


"Brother Fang..."

The two girls pulled Fang Dongtian, fearing that Fang Dongtian would leave.

At this time, another boy next to him hesitated for a few times and suddenly raised his head: "Yes... I'm sorry, I'm leaving first."

This boy obviously likes another girl, but when something like this happens, he doesn't dare to stay here and turns around and leaves.


The two girls looked at each other in despair.

"30 seconds left."

Lord Jin said calmly.

Fang Dongtian gritted his teeth and prepared to leave.

But at this time, Chen Anlin stood up.

Chen Anlin watched for a while.

He didn't mean to save anyone, but Jin Ye's people came over and wanted to search him.


As Jigsaw, would you let others search you at will?

So he stood up.

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"Chen Anlin, you..."

Fang Dongtian condensed, and he realized at this moment that his courage was not as good as that of a person who was not as strong as him.

He felt ashamed.

The two girls regretted it even more.

Chen Anlin just said in advance that someone is coming.

But they didn't believe it and laughed at him.

But now, he was the first to stand up.

Jin Ye looked at Chen Anlin playfully.

Among this group of people, only Chen Anlin and Fang Dongtian were out of tune. They didn't seem to be part of a team at first glance. He wanted to see what Chen Anlin would do if he stood up.

Chen Anlin didn't have many ideas. He stood still: "Master Jin, right? You have a lot of people, but sometimes it's not enough. If you leave now, forget about this matter. Otherwise, it will make everyone look bad. "

Mr. Jin was almost furious: "Who the hell do you think you are? Just one sentence and forget about it? Then I won't mess around anymore."

Chen Anlin's cold eyes flashed: "Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Boy, you don't sound cool, what are you doing?"

"Fang Dongtian is just a friend of his sister."

"Friend? Hahaha, what's your name?"

"Chen Anlin."

"Never heard of it." Mr. Jin waved his hand with a look of disdain.

He has been traveling around for many years. Who doesn’t know some of the powerful and important people?

I have never heard of the name Chen Anlin.

Jin Ye sneered: "Okay, the time has come. Since you don't want to leave, then just stay."

Fang Dongtian was so frightened that his calves trembled.

In the past, he was considered a popular figure in school and was worshiped as a hero.

But when this happened, he got scared and even blamed Chen Anlin.

Why stand up?

Why come forward?

Why provoke Mr. Jin?

Wouldn't it be nice to leave in peace? Although he is a little cowardly, he will not lose his life.

As for Hu Lan's two women, they won't die either, so why bother.

For a time, Jin Ye's people surrounded everyone.

"It's over. Fang Dongtian is heartbroken and wants to die."

Jin Ye raised his hand and shouted: "A Ding, go meet him."


A man took off his flying suit.

He was wearing a brown suit, a pair of sunglasses, and a scar on his forehead. He looked like a ruthless man.

Click, click, click!

In an instant, the man's arm turned black and turned into metal.

Then, his arms transformed into two heavy hammers and hit Chen Anlin hard.


Fang Dongtian's expression changed drastically.

In front of everyone, Chen Anlin remained motionless, as if he was stupid.

But in fact, Chen Anlin had already launched the Ghost Domain on this man, and an evil ghost attacked the strong man.

As long as he sees this scene himself.

"what's the situation?"

The strong man's expression changed drastically, and he hit the evil ghost with a heavy hammer.

But it's no use.

The huge hammer hit the air and then fell to the ground, making a deafening roar.

"A Ding, what are you doing?" Jin Ye scolded angrily.

Because in their eyes, Adin seemed to see something terrifying, fighting with a ball of air.

A Ding didn't seem to hear it and was still fighting against the evil ghost.

It's a pity that in the illusion, he is no match.

Soon, the ghost hand appeared.

The ghost hand grabbed his arm and broke it hard.


A Ding screamed, and the two heavy hammers formed by his hands were pinched and broken.

With his hands disabled, Adin could not even stand firmly and fell to the ground howling in pain.


Jin Ye's eyes narrowed, and this scene shocked him.

"Okay, you have some strength, no wonder you are jumping like this." The muscles on Jin Ye's face twitched crazily. Of course, he would not let it go so easily, so he waved his hand and shouted to his subordinates: "Come on."

Suddenly, a group of people rushed forward.

Facing the attack, Chen Anlin remained calm.

It is true that these people are very strong, and each of them has a trump card, which is also what Jin Ye is capable of.

It's a pity that Chen Anlin is not afraid at all.

Nowadays, his strength is not only the strongest in the entire game city, but he is also among the best.

In addition to a group of subordinates, Lord Jin also moved.

He is older than Wenren Zhenlan, but he also has a trump card.

Otherwise, just having money is useless in this world.

"Earth escape. Earth dragon bullet."

Jin Ye shouted loudly and activated his ninjutsu.

"Oops, Lord Jin actually did it himself." Fang Dongtian's expression changed drastically.

Fang Dongtian, who knew the situation of major powerful figures, remembered what Zhenlan said.

Jin Ye is powerful, and his strength is also very strong. He has been inherited by Yuan Fei Hiruzen, the third generation of Hokage, and is good at the ninjutsu of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

His strongest move is the forbidden technique, the zombie seal.

This move can seal strong people across levels.

The condition is to hand over your soul to the God of Death, then pull out the enemy's soul and seal it.

This move is actually a way of perish together.

But I have to say, this trick is very effective.

Because every strong person cherishes his own life very much, and no one wants to die with others.

Coupled with Lord Jin's power, it is natural that everyone sells his face.

Whoosh whoosh!

When the earth dragon bombs came, Chen Anlin remained motionless, and all attacks failed.


Chen Anlin snorted lightly and instantly came to Jin Ye.

Jin Ye's expression changed drastically and he wanted to evacuate, but he was too late. His hands were grabbed and pulled hard.

"Ah...let...let me go."

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