Global game evolution

Chapter 371 The dog-licking system is online (please vote for me)

This black factory incident happened as quickly as it came.

There is no way, there are too many internal defense systems in the factory, and ordinary adventurers cannot get close to them.

And it is impossible for powerful forces to fight for the illusory black crystal.

After all, many people have not found out that there is black crystal in that place.

Of course, there are also some soul slaves who are unwilling to give up and send out souls one by one to try to solve the robots blocking the way.

Unfortunately, although ghosts can deal with some weak robots, they are of no use against advanced robots.

These advanced robots can automatically generate sonic images.

Although ghosts are invisible and intangible, as long as they are energy bodies, they can be detected by advanced mechanical radars, and then the robots will fire sonic cannons.

No matter how strong a ghost is, he can only run away when faced with a sonic cannon.

So now Chen Anlin is relieved and goes home with Fang Yutong and Yang Ronger.


"I'm so dirty. I need to wash myself."

As soon as Yang Ronger got off the car, she walked to Fang Yutong's house, making it look like her own home.

Fang Yutong shouted: "Let's go together, we're all sticky."

Chen Anlin walked towards the house, and suddenly Hua Zelei walked out of nowhere.

Hua Zelei: "Chen Anlin."

Chen Anlin: "Uh... I was shocked. Is something wrong?"

Hua Zelei: "I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to come back alive."

Chen Anlin: "..."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Hua Zelei sighed: "We need to discuss something."

Chen Anlin: "Let it go."

Hua Zelei: "Leave here and I'll give you a sum of money."

Chen Anlin pondered: "Why? Don't say it yet, let me guess, you want to... pursue Fang Yutong?"

Hua Zete's face changed slightly: "You are indeed extraordinary, your observation ability is so sharp."

You can know this without observation, right?

Chen Anlin wanted to complain about this.

Hua Zelei continued: "Well, since you have seen it, I will tell you straight away, Fang Yutong is mine."

Chen Anlin was surprised: "She is yours, what are you telling me?"

"Stop pretending to be confused. When I tell you this, you have no idea?"

Chen Anlin shook his head: "I really don't know, why don't you tell me about it?"

Hua Zelei: "You.........Okay, let me tell you, she and I were childhood sweethearts, and I was about to catch up with her, but you showed up. I know you also like her. This is normal. Who said She is so perfect, but you tear us apart, do you know how cruel this is?"

Chen Anlin was speechless.

"No, big brother, I know you like this person, but they don't seem to show any signs of liking you, right? You feel too good about yourself."

Hua Zelei: "Stop talking, leave her and I will give you a large sum of money."

Chen Anlin: "This is not about money."

Hua Zelei: "You really don't want to leave, hahaha... I knew there was nothing I could do. I can only duel with you. Let's challenge Chen Anlin to a duel. Let's have a battle between men. Let Fang Yutong See who the real man is."

As expected of the man named Hua Zelei, he is very good.

Chen Anlin even felt a little pity for him at this time. It was all his fault because of love.

He would definitely not be able to duel, and Chen Anlin didn't have the kung fu to duel.

Then, Chen Anlin had a thought in his mind.

He has an idea. Doesn't he want to pursue Fang Yutong? Then I will give him a thought and save him from looking for me.

"Ding! The dog-licking system is loading..."

"Ding! The dog-licking system is loading..."

"Hey, what's the sound?"

Huazawa Lei didn't notice that there was a thin wire connected to his ear.

"What is that sound?" Chen Anlin asked pretending to be strange.

"It's okay, I have something else to do, so I won't talk to you anymore."

Hua Zelei walked aside, and there was still a voice in his ears: "The dog licking system is loading..."

"I got the system?"

Hua Zelei felt a little weird at first.

Of course he knows about the system. He also reads some novels on weekdays, so he naturally knows what the system is.

Even in reality, many people have obtained system skills.

Those who get the system, no matter how poor they are, have great strength. He used to envy those who got the system, but now, he also got it.

"No, I got the system?"

Hua Zelei subconsciously shouted: "System, system..."

"Host, the system is loading, please wait."

Hua Zelei: "I, Cao, I really got the system. System, what unique skills do you have?"

System: "Loading successful, the dog-licking system is officially online. Hello, host Hua Zelei."

System: "Congratulations to the host for successfully loading the dog licking system. I will give you a gift package for newbies: vision enhancement technique."

The so-called vision enhancement technique is nothing more than Chen Anlin using illusion to make Hua Zelei think that he is seeing far away. This is vision enhancement.

After that, it was time to customize some tailor-made tasks for Hua Zelei, so as to save him from pestering him all day long.

"Vision enhancement technique?"

Hua Zelei's heart moved and he looked at the ground.

He was surprised to find that the ants on the ground could actually be seen.

Then look at the sky in the distance, good guy, there are several birds flying in the sky.

"I can actually see so far."

Hua Ze burst into tears and was overjoyed.

But soon, he found that he couldn't read it, "System, what's going on? Why can't I see it all of a sudden?"

System: "Your mental strength is too weak to support the consumption of long-distance vision."

Hua Zelei: "Ah, isn't that useless?"

System: "Of course it's not useless. As long as you improve your strength, you can use it anytime and anywhere. You are too weak now."

Hua Zelei: "So that's it, then how can I improve my strength?"

System: "I will release tasks one by one, and complete the tasks to get rewards."

Hua Zelei: "Great, let's publish it."

System: "Novice mission 1, kneel down and lick Chen Anlin, use various methods to please Chen Anlin and make him happy and satisfied. The mission lasts for three days. Completing the mission will reward you with mental power."

Hua Zelei: "I, Cao, what the hell kind of mission is this, asking me to kneel down and lick him? You are not a fake system, are you?"

The system is still emotionless: "I am originally a licking dog system. By licking others, the host becomes stronger step by step."

Hua Zelei: "But he is my enemy, and he is trying to steal my girlfriend from me!"

System: "Turning an enemy into a friend is the most powerful gesture of a strong person. Besides, host, you are licking Chen Anlin just to get a reward. When the time comes, you will be mentally strong and you will be able to crush the opponent. You are stronger. I believe it." Your loved one will be impressed by you."

Hua Zelei: "It makes sense."

System: "Host, please feel free to carry out the mission boldly. The missions released by this system are tailor-made for the system. After the novice mission, you will be rewarded with equipment and props to take you to the next level."

Hua Ze was overjoyed with tears: "Good, good, very good."

He looked at Chen Anlin who was not far away.

At this moment, Chen Anlin was counting the leaves on the tree.

"Do you really want to lick him?" Hua Zelei was very confused, but thinking about the system, it seemed to make sense.

"I'm not doing this to lick, but to get rewards. So how can this be called licking? I'm just using Chen Anlin."

After some self-hypnosis, Hua Zelei immediately became confident and walked towards Chen Anlin.

"Chen Anlin." Hua Zelei shouted.

Chen Anlin turned around and said, "Hua Zelei, I've thought about it. You love Fang Yutong deeply. Although Fang Yutong and I have nothing to do with each other, it will always make you uncomfortable, so I decided to leave, lest you be unhappy."

Ah, let’s go! !

If he leaves, how will he complete the tasks given by the system?

Hua Ze burst into tears.

"No, you can't leave."

Chen Anlin pretended to be strange: "Hua Zelei, you asked me to leave, and now you say so, you..."

Hua Ze cried: "The nature is different, just... I just said it."

Chen Anlin: "Tell me?"

Hua Zelei: "Yeah, the main thing is to test whether you are loyal to Ms. Yutong. Well, you passed the test, you are great."

Chen Anlin: "I see, then you said you like her..."

Hua Ze cried: "Of course I'm just talking, I'll tell you the truth. The first time I saw you, Brother Chen, I felt that you were not a mortal. You were just like a firefly in the night sky, so dazzling..."

Chen Anlin: "Uh... Hua Zelei, don't say that. I can't be as good as you say."

Hua Zelei: "Chen Anlin, don't think so. In my eyes, you are indeed the best."

Chen Anlin said: "Okay, let's not talk anymore. I'll leave first."

"Wait a minute." Hua Zelei caught up with Chen Anlin, took out a few Fang family coins from his pocket, held Chen Anlin's hand, and slapped the money hard.

Chen Anlin: "...??"

"Hua Zelei, what are you..."

Hua Ze cried and said: "You just came here, it must not be easy to be alone. Really, I understand you, you are really pitiful. You should take this money first, my brother gave it to you."

This is generous enough.

Chen Anlin said: "Brother Hua Zelei, this is great of you."

"It should be. Just take it. If it's not enough, I'll give it to you."

"Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden?"

"You're handsome, you're a nice person, and I can tell you have a good character as soon as I see you..."

In this way, Hua Zelei flattered him for more than ten minutes.

Until later, Chen Anlin was really embarrassed by the praise and escaped directly by going to the toilet.

As soon as Chen Anlin left, Hua Zelei quickly asked: "System, licking dog system, how was my performance just now?"

System: "Task completion is 9%."

Hua Zelei looked at it and frowned: "No, I just praised you for so long and gave you money. How come the task completion rate is so low?"

System: "Sorry host, your licking posture is wrong."

Hua Zelei: "Why do I need posture to be a licking dog?"

System: "Of course."

Hua Zelei: "Then what posture are you talking about?"

System: "Don't bore the other person, use your sincerity to move the other person."

Hua Zelei: "Made, it's so troublesome to be a licking dog!!!"

System: "The system has gone to rest. The system will come out again after the host completes its task."


In the room, Chen Anlin was very happy.

I have to say that the feeling of being kneeled and licked is very good, but unfortunately, if it is licked too much, it will become nauseating later on.

Anyway, nothing happened, so Chen Anlin continued to eavesdrop.

Hua Zelei is still thinking about how to continue being a dog licker.

As for Fang Yutong and Yang Ronger, they were taking a bath.

Fang Yutong: "Listen to my cousin, Chen Anlin is very powerful. He defeated Lord Jin and his gang by himself. Let's ask him later what happened?"

Yang Ronger nodded: "Yutong, I also feel a little strange about the person you picked up."

Fang Yutong: "For example?"

Yang Ronger: "You and I are pretty, right? He didn't even take a look at her. It's weird, it's so weird."

Fang Yutong said speechlessly: "Maybe people don't like us like this. I think it's normal. Some people keep staring at me, but I hate it."

Yang Ronger said: "But he didn't even look at him. That's strange. I think only cold people are like this, but cold people are very powerful. Do you think he is powerful?"

"It should be quite powerful. Didn't you defeat Master Jin and his gang?"

Yang Ronger said: "Well, probably, but think about it, he probably won't like your place being so small.

Fang Yutong: "You are younger than me."


"Compare is compare..."

At night.

Chen Anlin went online to receive messages from the super-intelligent queen.

After a day of adjustments, the Queen completely parsed out the information in the black factory.

The black factory comes from another time and space, where there is a mechanical civilization where humans can make robots do anything.

But soon, the peaceful life was broken.

A powerful alien enemy invaded there.

The people of mechanical civilization were also very strong, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

This black factory is a fortress on the front line, capable of automatically producing various types of robots.

The battle lasted for a long time.

Finally, a big explosion occurred in this black factory after being attacked. Perhaps the explosion was too violent, causing space cracks to appear.

In this way, the entire black factory came here.

"I didn't expect this."

Chen Anlin lamented that no matter which world or society, war will never disappear.

That's why everyone wants to become stronger.

Because only by becoming stronger can we survive in a turbulent society.

It's almost time to eat.

Yang Ronger hasn't left yet today.

During the meal, the three of them sat down. Yang Ronger stared at Chen Anlin and narrowed her eyes.

"There are flowers on my face?" Chen Anlin asked, touching his face.

Yang Ronger said: "Of course you don't have any flowers on your face."

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"You also know that in a few days we will enter the Dragon Ball world together, so it is necessary to understand your true strength. Let me ask you, how did you deal with that big golden tooth during the day?"

Fang Yutong also looked over, with a complicated expression.

In her opinion, Chen Anlin should be a master.

Chen Anlin said calmly: "I activated the illusion."

He said it, and the general meaning was that through illusion, Da Jinya and his gang saw many terrifying scenes.

These pictures are so lifelike that they are frightening and require a lot of effort to resist.

In the end, under the illusion, these people failed and fell to the ground.


Chen Anlin ate a chicken drumstick: "That's what happened. It can only be said that those people are mentally weak and were easily affected by my illusion."

Fang Yutong opened his mouth wide: "You actually said that those people are mentally weak. You, you... your illusion shouldn't be simple."

"What level is it?" Yang Ronger asked the most critical point.

There is no point in hiding this. Chen Anlin replied: "Grandmaster."

"Hiss, hiss..."

The two women gasped.

The powerful master is so terrifying.

"How can you be so powerful?"

Fang Yutong couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, Yutong, you can do that. A random pretty guy from outside can be so good. I'm so envious of him."

When Chen Anlin heard this, his rice almost spit out.

There is no way, this Yang Ronger's personality is too bold, and I don't know whether what she said is true or false.

Fang Yutong probably heard too much and didn't react at all. He said to Chen Anlin: "Let me do some magic tricks and let me see how it goes."

"Are you sure you want it?" Chen Anlin smiled: "I'm afraid of scaring you."

"Are you kidding me? I'm scared?"

Fang Yutong said proudly.

"Okay, I'll give it a try..."

Fang Yutong looked around carefully.

But a minute passed and nothing happened.

"Uh...that's it?"

Fang Yutong was speechless, looked at Chen Anlin and said, "Nothing happened."

Chen Anlin stood up and wondered: "Are you sure nothing happened? It shouldn't be. I have already released my skills, you should be able to see it."

Fang Yutong laughed: "You still said it was the master level, hahaha. In my opinion, it is at most the apprentice level? I really didn't see anything."

"Is it."

At this time, Chen Anlin smiled.

"Then... let me remove the illusion now."


Fang Yutong's heart moved. Chen Anlin, who had just been standing in front of her, came behind her at some point.

In an instant, goosebumps appeared all over her body.

"How is that possible?" Fang Yutong was shocked: "You are clearly in front of me, how come you are suddenly behind me."

Everything that happened just now was actually seen by Yang Ronger.

Her expression was complicated. Just now, when Chen Anlin said that he had activated the illusion, he had already stood up.

But Fang Yutong didn't seem to notice it and kept staring at Chen Anlin's chair.

This shows that in Fang Yutong's eyes, Chen Anlin never left his chair.

This is scary.

The illusion was cast silently, but the key was that they didn't notice it at all.

Chen Anlin shrugged and said, "Didn't you want me to cast an illusion on you? I did it."

Fang Yutong said: "It's so amazing, I didn't notice it at all."

"Me too, Chen Anlin, it seems we all underestimate you."

Chen Anlin shrugged. The illusion just now was actually the lowest level, but he didn't expect that the lowest level illusion could surprise these two people so much.

‘It seems that there are very few skills that can deal with illusions. ’ Chen Anlin thought in his mind.

At this time, Hua Zelei came in.

"Miss Fang, Miss Yang." Hua Zelei held a casserole in his hand. It looked very hot: "This is the ginseng black chicken soup I just made."

Yang Ronger smiled and said: "Yutong, Hua Zelei is very good to you."

Fang Yutong frowned: "Hua Zelei, didn't I tell you that you don't need to do this? Besides, I don't like to drink these greasy foods."

Hua Zelei looked serious: "Miss, you misunderstood. I gave this soup to Mr. Chen Anlin."

With that said, the casserole was placed on the table.

"Mr. Chen, I cooked this for you myself. It took three hours." Hua Zelei said seriously.

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