Global game evolution

Chapter 376 Temptation (please vote)

"Chen Anlin is Jigsaw?"

When Fang Yutong heard this, his eyes widened in surprise: "Why do you say that?"

Yang Ronger: "You can just talk. Look, Jigsaw is from an alien planet. He is a low-level player, but he is quite powerful. And Chen Anlin seems to be alone. He has never been seen outside. The most important thing is The thing is, he is very familiar with this place..."

Fang Yutong: "But people from other areas come here every day. Chen Anlin said he escaped here because he was being hunted. I think it's normal."

Yang Ronger: "But he didn't say where he came from, right? He didn't say who he had offended. This is abnormal. Combined with his good strength, at least Jin Ye can't deal with him, so I wonder if he is Jigsaw?”

Fang Yutong: "Well, your analysis makes sense, but don't forget, if it is really Jigsaw, with his strength, he will not be wronged in this small temple of mine. After all, he is the person who killed the God Clan, Chen Anlin There’s nothing cowardly about it.”

In the room, Chen Anlin was speechless upon hearing this, "Am I scared? Hahaha, I'm keeping a low profile."

At this time, Yang Ronger said: "Maybe he is keeping a low profile. To be honest, when I saw Chen Anlin, I could tell at a glance that he was not simple."

Fang Yutong: "No, how did you see it?"

Yang Ronger: "That's what you said."

Fang Yutong: "Did I say that?"

Yang Ronger: "He saved you, right? When you were unconscious, he actually didn't touch you. It shows that endurance is not something that ordinary people can achieve. Such people are very scary. There are three possibilities."

Fang Yutong: "Analyze, what are the two possibilities?"

Yang Ronger: "The first type is that you are not attractive."

Fang Yutong waved his hand: "This is absolutely impossible."

Fang Yutong is absolutely confident in his appearance and temperament.

Yang Ronger curled her lips, "Then there are only two possibilities left. The second possibility is that he is sick and has no interest in women."

Fang Yutong: "It's possible. You see, Hua Zelei has been infected."

Yang Ronger: "Yes, I think so too."

Fang Yutong: "Tell me about the third possibility."

Yang Ronger: "The third possibility is that he has ulterior motives and deliberately avoids touching you to make you think he is a gentleman, and then approaches you."

Fang Yutong: "What's the purpose of getting close to me?"

Yang Ronger: "I don't know about this. After all, what I said is just a guess."

After thinking for a moment, Yang Ronger said: "I thought of a way to test it."

Fang Yutong: "What can I do?"

Yang Ronger: "Sex/seduction."

Fang Yutong: "...ah?"

Yang Ronger lay on the bed and turned sideways, finding a comfortable posture, and continued: "If you are still not tempted, it means that he must have ulterior motives. If you are tempted, it means that he has not touched you before, and he is really not interested in you. "

Fang Yutong's eyes were complicated: "It seems that this arduous task can only be left to you."

Yang Ronger nodded: "Well, don't worry. If he is seduced, it means he is safe. If he is not seduced, hahaha, there must be something wrong. His identity is most likely Jigsaw."

inside the room.

Chen Anlin was stunned.

This Yang Ronger's analytical ability is too strong, and she can analyze him in a few words.

It seems absurd, but I have to say that it makes sense.

Because theoretically, he did approach Fang Yutong with some purpose.

However, these two people were wrong about why he didn't touch Fang Yutong.

Fang Yutong was seriously injured and fell into a coma that day. He didn't touch her not for other reasons, but simply because he was a nice person.

"You actually guessed me like this, this is really..."

Chen Anlin shook his head and sighed.

I looked at the time, it was after five o'clock, and it was just getting dark outside.

Afterwards, Yang Ronger and Fang Yutong discussed for a while and decided to come over for a test.

Yang Ronger: "I saw in a movie that morning is when a man is most active. If I try to seduce him at this time, I will succeed nine times out of ten."

Fang Yutong's face was solemn: "I leave this arduous test task to you."

Yang Ronger was speechless: "You act like I'm on the execution ground."

Fang Yutong: "I was thinking, what if you really succeed in seducing him and he touches you?"

Yang Ronger said: "I'm not a fool, so what are you afraid of? Then it will prove that he is really not interested in you if he doesn't touch you. That will be great. It means that he is quite safe."

Fang Yutong: "But it still feels weird."

Yang Ronger: "Okay, I'm going over there. If he doesn't touch me, it means he has other plans, so I have to drive him away quickly."

After the discussion, Yang Ronger pulled up her silk pajamas.

The whole person was like water, twisting his waist and going out.


"Made, if I don't touch you, you'll think I have another agenda."

Chen Anlin touched his chin and felt deeply weak.

"I just want to be a quiet, good person who does my duty, but the reality is that I have no choice but to do the wrong thing." Chen Anlin said helplessly: "If this is the case, then I can only do this."

After a while.

"Dong dong dong."

Yang Ronger knocked on the door, and Chen Anlin went to open the door.

"It's you." Chen Anlin pretended to be surprised.

Yang Ronger timidly lowered her head and said, "You're awake."

This acting is really good, she wants to resist but wants to welcome her, and her face is shy, which is very arousing people's imagination.

Chen Anlin nodded: "I just woke up, is something wrong?"

Yang Ronger said: "Yutong hasn't woken up yet, the quilt is a bit cold there."


Yang Ronger sneered, I've said so, if you haven't been seduced by me, then there must be something wrong, and then it's time to make you look good.

Chen Anlin also sneered in his heart. If I don't touch you again, you will definitely think there is something wrong with me, so I have to use my touch and act shamelessly, so as to eliminate doubts about me.

"It's cold, why don't you come into my house?"

Yang Ronger raised her eyebrows, took the bait?

Yang Ronger: "Okay."

After entering the house, Yang Ronger looked around the room.

Haha, a few tissues in the paper bucket caught her attention.

"Chen Anlin."

Looking back, the suspender pajamas on Yang Ronger's shoulders had slipped less than half, and her shoulders were suddenly exposed.

It would be a pity not to carry cement on such fragrant shoulders.

Chen Anlin thought to himself, thinking that Yang Ronger's acting talent was quite good, especially her temperament, which was both lustful and pure.

Yang Ronger sat beside the bed and asked, "Why don't you sit down?"

Chen Anlin asked: "Did you come to my room because you wanted to..."

"It's now, and you still don't understand."

"I understand."

After Chen Anlin finished speaking, Yang Ronger felt dizzy.

"Hey, I seem...a little dizzy."

"Yeah, then go to sleep."

Yang Ronger never dreamed that this time the temptation would actually test her.

Just now, Chen Anlin had secretly used Shixiang Ruanjin Powder.

I still got this thing from the copy of "Eternal Dragon Sword". I used some before, but the quantity of this thing is not much anymore.

In fact, this thing may not have much effect in actual combat now.

With Yang Ronger's strength and mental power, these incense can be washed away instantly.

But now she was defenseless, and Toh Hsiang Ruanjin Powder could easily catch her.


In Fang Yutong's room on the second floor, after Yang Ronger entered the room, she had been quietly observing.

The two of them had agreed that if Chen Anlin really made a move, she would suddenly enter the house, pretend to scold Chen Anlin, and then return to the house as if nothing had happened.

But now after waiting for so long, why is there no sound?

"Just wait and see."

Fang Yutong thought secretly.

She didn't expect that at this moment Yang Ronger had...



Yang Ronger seemed to have had a dream, a beautiful dream.

In the dream, she and Chen Anlin had sex for a while, and then fell weakly on the bed.

"so tired."

Yang Ronger murmured and couldn't help but open her eyes?


Yang Ronger's eyes narrowed, this quilt and this room did not belong to Fang Yutong.

After recalling it, Yang Ronger's expression changed drastically. Her last memory was that she entered the house to seduce Chen Anlin, and then...

"you're awake."

Chen Anlin glanced at Yang Ronger and sighed that Yang Ronger tasted really good.

Juicy and tender.

Seeing Chen Anlin wearing only these pants, Yang Ronger's face turned green: "You...what did you do to me?"

Chen Anlin said: "You came to my room to find me, have you forgotten?"

At this moment, Yang Ronger completely remembered that she was indeed the one who came here to lure Chen Anlin.

But, that's just an act.

Chen Anlin continued: "I can't help it, you are too beautiful, so I didn't accept the temptation for a while, you know."

The reason why she dared to do this was because Yang Ronger asked for it, so now she is mute and cannot speak out about her suffering.

"I understand your sister, let me ask you, why did I faint?"

Chen Anlin said: "How can you curse? Really, you were so gentle just now. I even recorded it for us."


Chen Anlin nodded, took out his mobile phone with a smile, and played the video.

From the moment Yang Ronger entered the house to the moment she went to bed, everything was recorded.

Then, Yang Ronger took the initiative...

In fact, Yang Ronger fainted at that time.

But he knows how to drive away corpses.

So he controlled Yang Ronger's body and completed the video.

The video was left behind not because I wanted to watch it later, but simply because I wanted to leave evidence.

When the time comes, it's okay if Yang Ronger doesn't fall out. If she does, then let everyone judge who is right and who is wrong.

After watching the video, Yang Ronger was stunned: "Impossible, how could I do this!"

Yang Ronger glared at Chen Anlin. She was not an idiot and knew that she must have been under some kind of sorcery and was being controlled.

I have to say that this woman's IQ is still online and her analytical skills are very strong.

Unfortunately, the video was now in Chen Anlin's hands. She wanted to turn against him immediately, but considering the video, she could only swallow her anger.

Seeing her like this, Chen Anlin smiled even more. Sure enough, leaving evidence was a wise choice.

Otherwise, Yang Ronger might have been beaten long ago.

Chen Anlin looked innocent: "Why can't you do this? As soon as you came in, you started flirting with me, did you forget? Oh oh oh, I understand, you don't want to do the fairy dance, right?"

"You're an immortal, Chen Anlin. What kind of conspiracy did you use?"

Naturally, Chen Anlin would not admit it and said, "Okay, let this matter be judged. Let's go find Fang Yutong and show her the video to find out whose fault it is."

"Wait a minute." This time, Yang Ronger became anxious.

How can you show those embarrassing videos to others?

She was so wild in the video that she couldn't even watch it.

"What, didn't you say you wanted to figure things out?"

"But these privacy..."

"I do not mind."

"I have something to do." Yang Ronger clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

Even a fool can see that her sudden coma must be related to Chen Anlin, but there is no evidence.

And, most importantly, the video.

If these videos are spread, how will she behave in the future?

"Still angry?" Chen Anlin smiled and sat back calmly, "Actually, you don't have to be angry. Don't you think you were very happy just now?"

After recalling it, Yang Ronger realized that it was not a dream, but something that really happened.

Not to mention, I am very happy.

but! How can this be admitted? How embarrassing.

So Yang Ronger continued to remain aloof and looked at Chen Anlin with a cold face: "I'm not happy."

"Okay, fine, forget it if you don't admit it." Chen Anlin shrugged indifferently.

Yang Ronger stretched out her hand: "Give me the video."

Chen Anlin nodded: "Okay, it's really good for you to look back and appreciate this kind of thing. I'll send it to you."

The corner of Yang Ronger's mouth twitched, and she cursed in her heart: Only ghosts can appreciate it. When I get the video, I will make it look good for you.

The video was finally obtained. Yang Ronger left as if she was a different person, glaring at Chen Anlin: "Now tell me, how do you control me?"

"Changes so quickly."

"Stop talking nonsense and speak quickly."

Chen Anlin said: "You are unreasonable. In this case, I can only ask others to comment. I will post the video online to make everyone happy... Oh no, I want everyone to comment."

Yang Ronger's face darkened: "Do you still have the video?"

"Of course, you don't think I only prepare one copy, do you?"

Yang Ronger was completely in despair, her vision went dark and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Chen Anlin smiled and said: "Don't be too happy, you can come to me often in the future."


"Dong dong dong!"

Before Yang Ronger finished speaking, Fang Yutong came and knocked on the door.

"Ahem, Ronger, it's been a long time."

Yang Ronger glared at Chen Anlin: "Don't talk nonsense."

Chen Anlin held his mouth and said, "Don't worry, I'm the best at keeping secrets."

Yang Ronger knew that she would definitely suffer the loss.

With mixed feelings, she opened the door: "Well, I just chatted with Chen Anlin for a while."

Fang Yutong was surprised: "Have we been chatting for so long?"

"It's okay, let's talk about it when we get out."

When Yang Ronger pushed Fang Yutong out and went upstairs, she felt sticky and uncomfortable, so she felt even more uncomfortable.

"How's it going?" As soon as Fang Yutong entered the room, he asked eagerly: "I've been here for a long time, but I haven't heard you shout. How was the test?"

Yang Ronger said: "I'm going to take a bath first."

"I didn't remember that you had the habit of taking a shower in the morning."

After Yang Ronger finally finished taking a bath, Fang Yutong frowned: "Why do you feel that you went to Chen Anlin's room and your whole body became weird? Did something happen to you? Or did he bully you? But it should be No, I didn’t even see you calling.”

Yang Ronger looked embarrassed. Although she and Fang Yutong had a good relationship and were best friends, how could she talk about such private things?

"Uh...there's really nothing wrong with him."

Yang Ronger gritted her teeth and said.

"Oh, did he touch you?"

Yang Ronger nodded vigorously.

Fang Yutong breathed a sigh of relief, "Let me tell you, how could he be Jigsaw? Sure enough, he didn't touch me before because I wasn't charming enough. Hey... Ronger, you are still charming."

Yang Ronger opened her mouth, but she didn't know whether she should cry or laugh.

The most important thing is that my first time is just gone?

Just thinking about it makes me want to kill Chen Anlin to vent my hatred!

"But then again, if he treated you like this, why did you stay in there for so long?"

Yang Ronger quickly turned her head to cover up her embarrassment: "Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's enter the dungeon."

Isn't it too abrupt to change the topic?

But Fang Yutong was one of those people who forgot what he said right after he said it, so he agreed: "Oh, that's fine too, how about a copy of Dragon Ball?"

Yang Ronger: "I haven't prepared the copy of Dragon Ball yet. I'll use the refresh card later."

Fang Yutong: "Okay, let's go then."

The two met and entered the game space.


Chen Anlin washed his face and felt happy. Yang Ronger had finally accepted this loss.

And the most important thing is that if she disobeys her in the future, he can use this video to threaten her.

Just think about it and it’s beautiful.

Anyway, nothing happened, Chen Anlin also entered the game space.

Taking out the plot copy card "Sweet Home", Chen Anlin's mind moved.

He can enter this copy multiple times. This is not the most critical point. The key is that he knows the plot.

As long as you don't die when the virus first starts, you can find a way to survive.

He has an impression of the villains and protagonists in it, and he can definitely choose the right path.

Of course, according to the prompt on this card, this copy is a suppressed copy.

In other words, skills cannot be used, and only the power brought by attribute points can be used inside.

In addition, the attributes brought by your own game title can also be used. With so many good things, it is more than enough to break through this dungeon.

As before, before entering this dungeon, Chen Anlin checked the information about this dungeon online.

Surprisingly, a large number of copies of Sweet Home were found.

But this Sweet Home tells the story of parents who have shortcomings and is not the Korean version at all.

"It seems that this copy has just come out, and no one outside knows about it."

Entering the space again, Chen Anlin shouted: "Use the plot copy of "Sweet Home"."

In a flash of white light, Chen Anlin was already standing in the white space.

According to the guidelines of the game space, this copy is a multiplayer copy, and a total of dozens of people can enter.

Knowing that Chen Anlin was a little dumbfounded, there were so many people entering the plot dungeon.

The more people there are, the more difficult this copy is.

As soon as he appeared, three men immediately entered the venue.

"Is this copy yours?"

The tallest man asked Chen Anlin.

Chen Anlin: "There are only four people here. If it doesn't belong to you, of course it belongs to me."

The man realized that his question was too retarded, his eyes narrowed, and then he said: "Since you chose to enter this plot dungeon, you must have clues about this dungeon, right? Can you reveal it? Don't worry, as long as you are willing to reveal it, I can cover it up you."

Please vote for me, heroes.

Thanks to Moonlight Little Wolf for the reward of 6000, I am now an elder.

Thanks to Hua Qiliang for the tip

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