Global game evolution

Chapter 382 Asking for help

Looking at the glittering gold card on the table, Chen Anlin didn't hesitate and took it directly.

I was still thinking in my heart that I had only shown part of my strength in front of Lord Jin. What on earth did he want from him?

In terms of power, the other party is stronger, and in terms of financial resources, the other party is stronger.

Seeing Chen Anlin accept the card, Jin Ye rubbed his hands in embarrassment and said, "Mr. Chen, I'm really sorry for what happened last time."

Chen Anlin: "There is no need to mention the past."

Mr. Jin: "Mr. Chen still has a lot. Alas, it's a pity. I'm an old man and I probably won't live long. Otherwise, I will definitely become brothers with you, Mr. Chen. I don't want to be born in the same year, the same day and the same month, but... ………”

Chen Anlin: "Stop it, stop it, you are a lot older and you still want to die on the same year, day and month as me?"

Mr. Jin quickly shook his head: "Of course not. Look at me, I'm stupid. Hey, it's mainly because I've been troubled by something on my mind recently. I feel uncomfortable!"

Come on, come on, first give benefits, and then cause difficulties for yourself.

This Mr. Jin is really shrewd. He must have thought that I would ask him what happened later.

Hahaha, do you think I don’t know about this routine?

Then I won't ask.

Chen Anlin seemed not to have heard what he said. He started drinking tea and said to himself: "Drink tea. This tea is quite good. It tastes similar to the tea in the game space, but it lacks some charm."

The corner of Jin Ye's mouth twitched. He was very shrewd and knew that Chen Anlin deliberately ignored his words.

He had no choice but to say it himself: "Mr. Chen, actually I came to you this time to apologize, and to ask for something."

"Oh? I wonder what it is?"

Lord Jin asked his men to go out, and after only two people were left in the room, he said, "I just told you that the group of people I offended at the bar last time were members of the Holy Light Sect."

The Holy Light Sect is also considered a prestigious sect here.

This is a cultivation sect, and most of its members enter fantasy dungeons and are very powerful.

It can even be said that when people from the Protoss meet them, they should be polite.

Therefore, although Mr. Jin is somewhat famous, when he meets people from the Holy Light Sect, he is a bit unworthy.

When Chen Anlin heard this, he understood and said, "It's useless for you to pay for it?"

Mr. Jin shook his head and sighed: "It's no use. The trouble was caused by the son of Elder Zhou Zetong, Zhou Xiangdong. Zhou Xiangdong drank too much at the time and fell in love with my little lady. I also drank too much at the time. In a fit of anger,...just... ………”

"What's wrong?"

"I slapped him a few times. Although Zhou Xiangdong left at that time, I thought it was okay. Unexpectedly, someone came later and sent a letter."

"What did you say?" Chen Anlin asked.

Mr. Jin: "It's a thug on the road named Bai Wuyun. He wants to challenge me to a life-or-death battle! The time is set for today."

Chen Anlin: "So it seems that Bai Wuyun was sent by Zhou Xiangdong? But why didn't he take action himself?"

Mr. Jin: "Mr. Chen, you don't know something. This Holy Light Sect has strict rules. The disciples below are strictly prohibited from fighting without reason, otherwise they will be severely punished by the sect."

Chen Anlin understood and said, "So Zhou Xiangdong arranged for Bai Wuyun to come over."

Jin Ye: "Yes, Bai Wuyun and Zhou Xiangdong have a good personal relationship, but Bai Wuyun is stronger. He is a strong man who has received 10 8-star evaluations. I can beat Zhou Xiangdong, but I am no match for Bai Wuyun."

Chen Anlin: "You have strong financial resources, why don't you hire experts?"

Mr. Jin: "Hey, when those experts heard the names of these two people, they all backed down. I really have no choice."

Chen Anlin: "But what do you want from me?"

Chen Anlin thought it was a bit funny. Did he let him take action for no reason? He was not willing to do such offending work.

Mr. Jin solemnly said: "Last time we said goodbye to the Black Factory, I was fortunate to know that Mr. Chen, you are acquainted with people from the Holy Light Sect."

Chen Anlin, who was about to drink tea, paused and remembered.

After Lord Jin left that time, he met Qin Tianji, the elder of the Holy Light Sect, but he didn't expect to be seen by Lord Jin.

"Mr. Chen, I didn't mean to peek. I have vision skills and can see far away. I happened to see senior Qin Tianji talking to you that day, so I hope you can help me talk to Qin Tianji and help mediate. Regarding the conflict between me and Zhou Xiangdong, if Mr. Chen is willing to help, I am willing to provide a management fee of 50 million."

Chen Anlin shook his head: "I'm afraid I can't help you with this."

"Mr. Chen, do you think fifty million is too little?"

Chen Anlin: "Of course not. If you are just a lobbyist, this amount is really not small. But the problem is that Qin Tianji and I are not familiar with each other."

Lord Jin: "Then why did you..."

"He just came to say hello to me that day. Qin Tianji and I had never met before."

"Ah this..."

Mr. Jin was confused.

He knew that Chen Anlin would not lie because there was no need to lie.

"Hey, it seems we can only ask Bai Wei to help."

"Did you ask anyone else for help?"

Mr. Jin nodded: "Yes, Bai Wei is Bai Wuyun's second uncle. They are relatives. I want him to talk in the middle."

Just as he was talking, a phone call came in.

Jin Ye picked up the phone and answered the call.

Listening to what he said, the person on the other end of the phone was Bai Wei.

It turned out that he was ready to meet Bai Wuyun and Zhou Xiangdong later.

"Okay, I'll come right away."

After hanging up the phone, Mr. Jin sighed: "We can only ask Bai Wei for help. This guy is so open-minded. He actually wants 1% of my crystal mining rights in Lion Mountain."

Chen Anlin was a little surprised: "I didn't expect you still have mines."

"Well, I only have 10% of the mining rights in cooperation with others. I didn't expect to give out even one share, but I can't help it."

Although Mr. Jin said this, he actually looked away. At such an old age, money is just an external possession. Things that can be solved with money are no big deal.

After getting up, Mr. Jin was about to leave. He hesitated and asked, "Mr. Chen, I am going to meet Bai Wuyun and Zhou Xiangdong now. I wonder if you would like to go together?"

In Lord Jin's view, although Chen Anlin has no help in terms of connections, the opponent's strength is still good.

At least he couldn't beat it.

If that happens, we can still provide some help, and at least build up our momentum.

Chen Anlin wanted to refuse, but he didn't expect Jin Ye to stretch out his finger: "Let's go together, I will give Mr. Chen another 5 million."

Just get 5 million for nothing like in the past, where is such a good thing?

Of course I agreed.

So, Jin Ye took out his mobile phone, and the fire-breathing dragon quickly flew down, and several people headed to the Holy Light Sect area.

This is Chen Anlin’s first time riding a fire-breathing dragon.

Looking at the huge flying dragon under the seat, Chen Anlin sighed in his heart, isn't this the Pokémon Charizard?

And it's an evolved fire dragon.

Sitting on top of the fire dragon is a middle-aged man. According to Jin Ye's introduction, he is a Pokémon trainer and has many Pokémon on his hands.

On weekdays, he spends a lot of money to feed these Pokémon.

In order to maintain expenses, he started a rental business.

Flying has a fire-breathing dragon.

There is a big carp beast on the water.

We also opened a Pokémon theme park, which houses many strange and bizarre Pokémon with a rich variety of species.

I heard that the business is very good, so for this reason, many Pokémon trainers have been recruited to specialize in business.

After arriving at the southeastern border area of ​​the Holy Light Sect area, Feilong stopped at a leisure farm.

"Mr. Chen, this is my property. Come and play anytime in the future without charging you any fees."

After getting off the fire-breathing dragon, Mr. Jin introduced him politely.

This place looks really high-end.

The farm has a chess and card room, swimming pool, body massage, karaoke, and everything else.

But at this time, there was no one here.

"I got into trouble recently, so I didn't entertain the guests. Even the waiters were sent home by me."

Lord Jin explained and led Chen Anlin to the gate.

A jeep was already waiting at the door.

Jin Ye greeted him, and a bald man got out of the car. This man was the one who came to help this time, Bai Wei.

"Mr. Bai."

Jin Ye greeted him with a complimentary attitude.

In fact, in the past, Jin Ye's status was definitely stronger than Bai Wei's.

But now I have no choice but to be humble when asking for help.

Bai Wei was much stronger than Mr. Jin. As soon as he got out of the car, he nodded: "Master Jin, you're too polite. Don't worry. I told my nephew on the way here. I'll tell you about this matter when the time comes." .”

"Seriously!" Mr. Jin looked happy.

Bai Wei smiled and said: "How could I talk nonsense about such a thing? After all, I am Bai Wuyun's uncle. He has to give me face no matter what. As for Zhou Xiangdong, he also knows me, so don't worry."

"That's good, that's good."

Bai Wei said: "But Mr. Jin, I'm not talking about you. You did beat Zhou Xiangdong very badly that time. He drank too much and had no ability to fight back. He couldn't even speak. What do you think you did to beat him like that?" ?”

Mr. Jin said helplessly: "It's not that I don't know his identity..."

"Well, fortunately, I told you. People said that you don't have to pursue it, but..."

"What do you need me to do?"

"Haha, let's talk about this later."

Bai Wei smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

Mr. Jin is an old man. He narrowed his eyes, and he had a bad premonition.

Chen Anlin saw all this in his eyes and secretly thought that although Mr. Jin was smart, it was a pity that he was ill and had to seek medical treatment this time.

These days, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Although Bai Wei is Bai Wuyun's uncle, there is no telling whether Bai Wuyun will show off his face.

And looking at Bai Wei's attitude, it's obvious that this matter is not simple.

I'm afraid that Mr. Jin will have to shed a lot of blood if he wants to settle this matter.

this moment.

Chen Anlin's mind also became active.

According to the super-intelligent Queen's explanation before, although he controlled the black factory, it has now begun to operate on its own.

In time, he will have a powerful mechanical army.

But the key point is that whether it is the operation of a factory or the control of a robot, crystals are needed.

The number of crystals in the factory seems huge at present, but they will be used up quickly, so a large number of crystals are needed.

Chen Anlin became interested in Jinye's crystal mine.

But Chen Anlin didn't say anything. He planned to ask Lord Jin how to mine after the matter was finished.

When there are mines, there will be a steady stream of mechanical soldiers.

Jin Ye and Bai Wei walked out and went to an archery area in the farm.

This place is very quiet, obviously Jin Ye has arranged everything before coming.

When everyone sat down, Bai Wei suddenly looked at Chen Anlin and frowned slightly.

Just now he thought Chen Anlin was just Lord Jin's bodyguard, but now Chen Anlin is actually on an equal footing with them.

"This is..." Bai Wei looked at Chen Anlin and asked.

Jin Ye responded: "A good friend of mine named Chen Anlin knew that I was in trouble and came here to help."

Although he didn't say much, Bai Wei understood.

I bet this Jin Ye also called someone else besides him.

Bai Wei asked: "Oh, I wonder which family this friend is from?"

Chen Anlin said calmly: "I am just alone, there is no sect."

"A lone ranger." Bai Wei chuckled inwardly, secretly thinking that Mr. Jin was really ill and had to go to the hospital to seek help from such a young boy.

As his thoughts raced, Bai Wei was actually thinking about the benefits he had gained from his trip.

He did tell his nephew what Master Jin had asked him to do.

It's a pity that the attitude over there is very firm and they must punish Mr. Jin.

He was like a mirror in his mind. Although he was Uncle Bai Wuyun, the relationship was not actually very close.

Even when Bai Wuyun saw him, he wouldn't even call him uncle, but would just call him Bai Wei.

Therefore, his role as a lobbyist this time had no effect at all.

However, he later gave the other party an idea, which was Lord Jin's property.

Their plan is very simple. Doesn’t Lord Jin want to spend money and eliminate disasters?

Then let him lose money first, and then continue to fix things later.

If Mr. Jin knew what Bai Wei was thinking, he would definitely kill him on the spot.

Unfortunately, now he just wants to get rid of trouble.

"Why not yet?"

Mr. Jin looked at his phone.

Through Bai Wei, he and Zhou Xiangdong agreed to meet here today.

But it's been half an hour, and the other party hasn't shown up yet.

Isn't this a clear sign of authority for him?

After working for most of his life, Jin Ye felt so aggrieved for the first time.

Chen Anlin sipped tea, seemingly quiet, but in fact his eavesdropping skills had already been radiated.

Soon, he heard two men flying with swords chatting in the sky.

These two people were Zhou Xiangdong and Bai Wuyun who were going to meet on this trip.

"It's coming soon, Da Jinya. If I don't cheat you hard today, my surname is not Zhou."

Zhou Xiangdong touched his face viciously, feeling a sense of frustration welling up in his heart.

So angry.

He was drunk at that time and had no resistance, so he was whipped several times. It was a shame and humiliation, and he had to make him look good.

A young man with a fair face next to him comforted him: "Xiangdong, don't be anxious. Let's give him a break this time. Once we get his crystal mine, we can slowly play with him."

Zhou Xiangdong nodded coldly: "You are right, but is your uncle reliable? This crystal mine is priceless, how can we make Da Jinya willingly hand it over?"

Bai Wuyun smiled lightly and said: "Xiangdong, your Holy Light Sect has strict rules and it's hard for you to do things. Just watch me do it later."


The two people discussed, and Chen Anlin listened to these words.

He suddenly understood that Bai Wei really wanted to trick Master Jin.

While the two were chatting and laughing, Yujian Fei gradually fell.

"Big Jinya, we meet again. The day you beat me like that, I, Zhou Xiangdong, said that I would come back to you again." Zhou Xiangdong shouted arrogantly as soon as he put away his flying sword.

Lord Jin took a deep breath. Although being called a nickname made him angry, he still forced a smile and suppressed the anger in his heart: "Mr. Zhou, what happened that day was a misunderstanding. How about we sit down and talk slowly?"

"Hahaha, let's talk slowly. I think you are getting more and more confused as you live. You still want to talk slowly?"

Zhou Xiangdong said bluntly.

Mr. Jin frowned and said, "I told you, it was a misunderstanding."

"It goes without saying. If you want to talk slowly, use your head to talk slowly."

Bai Wuyun stepped out with a long sword in hand and said with an indifferent expression.

Master Jin's expression changed drastically, and he looked at Bai Wei for help.

Bai Wei knew it was time to speak for himself, so he walked out with a smile: "Good nephew, Mr. Zhou."

Bai Wuyun pretended to be surprised: "Oh, uncle, you are here too."

"Hehehe, yes, I know everything about you." Bai Wei said.

Zhou Xiangdong said: "It's good to know. I, Zhou Xiangdong, have been around for so long and I have never been beaten like this. I won't just let it go."

Bai Wei sighed: "I know you have been wronged, but Lord Jin is my good friend, and you are my juniors. Seeing you having conflicts makes me, an elder, feel bad."

"Uncle, Zhou Xiangdong is my good friend. He has suffered a loss. This matter cannot be let go like this." Bai Wuyun said.

Zhou Xiangdong nodded: "Yes, how can we let this matter go?"

Bai Wei said: "How about this, how about we give me some face and discuss a solution? Lord Jin, please express your stance."

Lord Jin didn't know that these three people had actually joined together.

He nodded and said: "I am willing to compensate."

Zhou Xiangdong said disdainfully: "I'm not short of money."

Lord Jin: "Then what do you want?"

Bai Wei helped: "Master Jin, Mr. Zhou is a member of the Holy Light Sect. He is indeed not short of money. However, he needs crystals for his cultivation. How about giving away part of your crystal mine..."

"What?" Jin Ye looked in disbelief. His most valuable asset was the crystal mine. How could this be possible? He immediately said: "This is impossible."

"Master Jin, you are not sincere." Bai Wuyun said lightly: "In this case, I can only challenge you."

"Don't bully others too much!"

Bai Wei helped in time: "Master Jin, calm down, calm down. My nephew has received 10 8-star reviews. I believe you have heard of his name. He is one of the best among the young generation in the Holy Light area..."

"But the crystal mine is my life, Bai Wei, and I will give you one percent of the mining rights."

"I know, what I mean is, these are all foreign possessions. Just give them your remaining mining rights, and this matter will be over."

Mr. Jin's eyes widened: "If I come here to find you, you will say this?"


Just as Bai Wei was about to speak, Chen Anlin laughed: "Hahaha, Mr. Jin, the person you hired is really good at acting. I'm sorry, I just can't help it. It's so funny."

Everyone looked over with puzzled eyes.

In such a serious situation, this guy actually laughed. What was going on?

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

Lord Jin asked.

Chen Anlin said calmly: "Master Jin, haven't you noticed that these three people are actually in the same group? They all want your crystal mine. They will wait for you to give them something, and then they will slowly deal with you, you know?"


Lord Jin was stunned and looked towards Bai Wei.

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