Global game evolution

Chapter 385 Isn’t this considered a takeover? (please ask for monthly tickets)

"Uh... Then you are really conservative."

After a while, Chen Anlin said speechlessly.

Unexpectedly, girls also want to save face.

If she knew that the person standing in front of her was Chen Anlin, she would probably be furious, right?

"Yes, Yutong often says that I am too conservative. Hey, maybe this is why no boys like me."

Chen Anlin said: "Aren't you lonely when you are alone?"

Yang Ronger said embarrassedly: "No..."

"That's not what I meant. What I meant is that a beautiful girl like you usually has children, right?"

"No one has ever touched a boy."


I just watched you pretend...

", do you have a girlfriend?"

Yang Ronger mustered up the courage to ask.

Inviting Chen Anlin over, she just wanted to have more contact with him.

After getting acquainted with the Sweet Home dungeon, Yang Ronger felt that Jigsaw was resourceful and brave, and was not afraid of danger. He had saved them several times and took good care of them.

Aren't the abilities and qualities she has shown exactly what she has always wanted in her partner?

Unfortunately, she was actually a little worried.

The source of worry is Chen Anlin.

When I think about it, I wanted to test Chen Anlin that day, but I didn't expect that he would end up...

She felt like crying.

Fortunately, she met true love.

She swore that Jigsaw would never know about this. This was her secret forever and would remain in her heart.

Even though I'm like Chen Anlin, I'm still a good girl. Doesn't this count as letting Jigsaw take over?

Yes, it is like that.

How did Chen Anlin know that Yang Ronger had such rich psychological activities?

He said calmly: "Not yet."

"Ah, that's it. You are so good, why don't you look for me?" Yang Ronger was curious.

"No time."


Yang Ronger changed the topic and said with a smile: "Jigsaw, come and see these props of mine."

"Well, let's see."

With a flip of her wrist, Yang Ronger took out a string of black beads.

"Curse bead, if you wear this bead, each of your four attributes will increase by about 30 points. This prop is a portable prop and can enter any dungeon world."

Chen Anlin said in surprise: "If this thing can be brought into the dungeon world, it should be quite useful to you, right?"

Yang Ronger said: "I have it."

She flashed her neck, and sure enough, she also had one on her neck.

Chen Anlin nodded and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. By the way, there's also this."

Yang Ronger took out another ring: "Najie, if it's inconvenient to carry things when you go out, you can put a lot of things in it. The disadvantage is that this Najie cannot be entered into any dungeon."


Chen Anlin was very interested when he saw this prop.

I often saw this thing when reading fantasy novels in the past. It would be really convenient to have one.


Chen Anlin is not polite either. After all, he takes care of them a lot in the dungeon, so taking something is not too much, right?

Putting on the Na Ring, a suction force came from the Na Ring.

Faintly, he sensed that there were dozens of square meters of space inside Najie.


Chen Anlin asked: "What kind of things can this thing store?"

Yang Ronger explained: "It can store everything except living things. The advantage is that the things will not expire after being put in."

"Can the robot be stored?"

Yang Ronger nodded and said, "Okay."

"Well, this thing is good."

Hearing Chen Anlin's words, Yang Ronger breathed a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, the Jigsaw boss took a fancy to this prop.

"This time I rewarded you with a skill, which is recovery ability, but recovery is quite slow."

Yang Ronger chatted and said happily: "But it's pretty good. By the way, I also got a copy called the Human Skin Lantern."

"Well, it sounds like a horror dungeon. I also got a copy. I was lucky. It's a plot dungeon."

"It's another plot copy. It's great. What's it called?"

Hearing this, Yang Ronger quickly asked.

My mind is already imagining the next scene of entering the dungeon with Chen Anlin.

“The Era of Global Catastrophe.”

Chen Anlin didn't hide anything and blurted out.

"Ah, this copy!"

"Do you know this copy?"

"Well, this is a rather different copy."

"Tell me."

"This plot dungeon has appeared before, with a total of 10,000 people entering."

"so much."

"Yes, it's a large-scale plot dungeon. The more people enter this dungeon, the more rewards you will get at the end."

"How much is the reward?" Chen Anlin, who had tasted the benefits of plot dungeons, was curious.

"If there are ten thousand people, there should be... about 20 million game currency rewards. Of course, I am talking about an 8-star rating. Other ratings will be less, but they are still much better than other copies."


Chen Anlin was inexplicably excited.

It’s so cool to have so many rewards.

Chen Anlin: "Can you tell me the characteristics of this copy?"

"Okay." The two sat on the floor.

Yang Ronger continued: "This copy is a digitized world. Everyone and every item in it has a data introduction, so some people suspect that this copy is not the real world, but a real game..."

After listening to Yang Ronger's explanation, Chen Anlin understood what she meant.

turn out to be.

After entering this dungeon, 10,000 players will be separated, each randomly placed somewhere in the dungeon.

In that copy a global catastrophe occurred.

The temperature dropped in some places.

In some places lava erupted.

There are floods in some places, and there are droughts in other places.

In short, each has its own difficulties.

Players will be randomly matched to a personal attribute panel. This panel has a communication function, and everyone in the copy can chat on it.

There is also a trading area where you can barter at any time and anywhere.

In addition to these, it is to accumulate experience points.

Experience points can be obtained by killing monsters, beasts, or by killing enemies.

In addition, it can also be obtained by building some things.

When you have more experience points, you can exchange the experience points for some things in the mall.

However, experience points also serve another purpose, and that is leveling up.

Each character starts at level 0, and will be upgraded every time the experience value reaches a certain amount.

Each level you upgrade can increase your personal attribute point strength.

For example, Chen Anlin’s four attributes are:

Strength: 335.


Agility: 300.

Defense: 335.

Then, the attributes after upgrading to level 1 may reach 30 points.

It reaches 50 points at level 2 and increases again at level 3.

Eventually the original attribute points will be reached.

"What's the highest level?" Chen Anlin asked.

"I don't know about this. I also read this dungeon in a history book. It was a long time ago. This plot dungeon has not been released for hundreds of years. I also happened to read the introduction to this dungeon, so I knew about it."

"I see."

Chen Anlin frowned in thought.

According to Yang Ronger's story, he suddenly discovered that he seemed to know this copy.

This is not a synthesized copy of the film and television series, but... a novel world.

He seems to have read this novel.

Chen Anlin was delighted. He didn't notice it at first through the title of the book. Now that he recalled it carefully, it was such a coincidence.

This book did well at first. Many of his classmates had read it when he was in school, so he read it after his classmates introduced it. It was quite good.

The plot of the novel is that the protagonist wakes up and finds himself on a desert island.

Then the unexpected happened.

He awakened the system, which is called the treasure hunting system.

You can search for treasures every day through the radar in your brain.

Thanks to this system, the protagonist has reached the peak of his life and is very happy.


"Jigsaw, when are you going to enter this dungeon?" Yang Ronger asked.

"In the next few days, I have to learn something about living in the wilderness."

"Hmm, can I come with you?" Yang Ronger asked excitedly.


Chen Anlin didn't care about this, but reminded: "I can bring you, but I am not sure about this copy."

"It's okay. There is a wilderness survival master in my family. I can ask him for advice."

"Well, okay, I'll leave first."


When Chen Anlin left, Yang Ronger collapsed on the ground in excitement.

"Ah, so handsome."

After being indulged in Jigsaw's charm for a while, Yang Ronger suddenly sat up: "Damn it, if I really get together with Jigsaw, wouldn't I be disloyal to him? This Chen Anlin is so hateful..."


"Ah sneeze!"

Chen Anlin, who returned to the house, sneezed and muttered: "Who is scolding me behind my back?"

"No matter what, let's check the copy information about the era of global catastrophe."

Shaking his head, he decided to search online.

Unfortunately, there is not very useful information on the Internet.

The reason is that this copy is too far away from now.

Game City has a long history. Many classic dungeons appeared once and then never appeared again. Therefore, the previous dungeons gradually received no attention and there was no news on the Internet. This is normal.

Although he didn't find anything useful, it didn't matter to Chen Anlin.

Because he knows the plot!

Because he has read the novel, Chen Anlin knows the protagonist's abilities, who the supporting characters are, and who the villain is.

Even know roughly where to get the benefits.

Of course, since my memory is a bit old, I can’t remember a lot of the content, so I need to sort it out slowly.

After watching for a while, Chen Anlin began to learn how to survive in the wild.

The first is to drill wood to make fire.

There are many ways to make fire by drilling wood.

Many people think that drilling wood to make fire involves using sharp wood to drill the wood, but this is not the case.

This method is the least efficient and the most tiring.

What is really efficient is to pile a pile of hay on a piece of wood, then find a small stick and rub it back and forth constantly.

Just like using a file, keep rubbing it and then start the fire.

This is the most labor-saving and easiest way to make fire.

Chen Anlin activated skills and simulated learning while watching the video.


Chen Anlin felt like he had entered a closed black space.

In front of him were sticks, wood, dry firewood, and straw that were exactly the same as those seen on TV.

The friction began to generate heat, and wood was drilled to make fire.

Puff puff puff puff...

The friction is getting faster and faster.

Finally, due to rapid friction, sparks appeared and gradually began to smoke.


A faint glow of fire emerged.

Chen Anlin imitated the people on TV to blow fire.

A small flame swayed slightly in front of Chen Anlin, and then the flame grew bigger and bigger, eventually forming a huge fire.

"It's done!"

Chen Anlin was delighted. With the skill of simulation learning, he could learn anything extremely quickly.


Early the next morning.

Chen Anlin got up early and prepared to go out to practice shooting.

In primitive life, without any weapons, archery was particularly important.

Because we need to hunt, we need to hunt wild beasts.

With an ordinary person's physique, dealing with ferocious beasts is like using a mantis' arm as a chariot, but with a bow and arrow, it is much easier.

While eating breakfast, Chen Anlin heard Fang Yutong making a phone call upstairs.

"What, you chatted with Jigsaw later, okay, I really didn't expect that you were so proactive, then did you guys..."

"What?" Yang Ronger was a little strange.

"Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? You dress so nicely, but he is not attracted to you?"

"I'm telling you, Jigsaw is definitely a gentleman." Yang Ronger said seriously.

"Okay, okay, what else did you talk about?"

"Give me the ring and the curse bead."


Fang Yutong was shocked, "I begged you several times for the cursed bead, but you didn't give it to me. You gave it to an outsider. You, you... you made me so angry."

Yang Ronger said: "I gave it to him because he also helped, otherwise we would all be dead, right? Isn't it a waste of 2 resurrection cards? You taste it, you taste it carefully!"


"You're not ungrateful, are you?"

"of course not."

"Well, actually, Jigsaw is not the kind of heartless person. He promised me one thing."

Fang Yutong asked: "What's the matter?"

"He got another plot dungeon card this time. He said he would enter the dungeon in a few days and invited us to join him. Hehehe, how about it!"

Fang Yutong immediately said happily: "That's okay, Ronger, you must take me with you when the time comes."

In any case, the benefits obtained from plot-type copies are obvious.

First of all, there are a lot of game coins, and plot-type dungeons can leave the dungeon temporarily to make better preparations, which makes it easier to pass the level.

"Then you were talking about me just now?" Yang Ronger said with a smile.

"I was wrong, I was wrong~~~"

Yang Ronger was speechless: "Okay, I'm getting goosebumps."

"Hehehe, it's settled then. By the way, what is this copy? What preparations should I make?"

Yang Ronger replied: "This copy is called the Age of Global Catastrophe."

"I haven't heard of it, I guess."

"This dungeon is for survival in the doomsday. What you have to do is..."

Chen Anlin had no intention of continuing to listen, so he walked out.

Hua Zelei came over excitedly: "An Lin, you're awake. Wow, you're handsome again. Have you eaten?"

"Eat, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"Hey, wait a minute..."

Before Hua Zelei could finish speaking, Chen Anlin left here.

After coming out, he found a taxi, went to a nearby weapons store, and bought three bows of different sizes and some arrows.

Arriving at the archery training hall in the shopping mall, Chen Anlin started learning to practice archery.

To be honest, he had never touched this arrow before, it was his first time.

Taking a look at the people practicing archery here, they are basically people who are preparing to enter the dungeon. Bows and arrows may be useful in the dungeon, so they come to practice archery.

"Sir, do you need help?"

The staff saw that Chen Anlin was not practicing archery, but was staring at others, so he came over.

"Ah, I came just in time." Chen Anlin flashed the bow in his hand, "I want to learn archery. Where is the person with the best archery skills here?"

"The best technique?" The staff member smiled: "Of course it's Mr. Moltke here. His archery skills have reached the master level."

"That's the best thing. I want to learn from him." Chen Anlin said.

The staff member frowned and looked Chen Anlin up and down: "Sir, first of all, it is not impossible to ask Mr. Moltke to teach, but the price is very expensive. In addition, Mr. Moltke has a weird temper and is not willing to teach students who are not very talented. .”

"Don't worry about this, I'm notoriously talented." Chen Anlin said casually.

The staff member was speechless. He thought Chen Anlin was bragging.

"What? You don't believe it?"

"It's not that I don't believe it, but sir, I can't believe what you say even if I want to. You said that you are notoriously talented, but looking at the way you hold the bow, it's clear that even the posture of holding the bow is wrong. You can't even use it." If you don’t know how to use a bow, how do you know you have great talent?”

"Good question, but I won't answer why, because I want to prove it with actual actions."

"I'm sorry, if you act like this, I can't recommend you."

"Isn't it just money? I have..."

"Sir, I'm sorry, this is not about money..."

"Hey, this is your fault. It's not like I won't pay you."


"What's wrong?"

Coincidentally, at this time, a group of people came over.

After seeing the embarrassed waiter, the leader came over.

Seeing the person coming, the staff said respectfully: "Mr. Mao."

"Oh, so you are Mr. Moltke."

Chen Anlin looked at Mao Qi.

This person's arms are strong and powerful, and his body is tall and straight. At first glance, he is a strong hand.

"It's me, what's wrong?" Moltke asked.

"This gentleman must come to you and ask you to teach him how to practice archery, but this man doesn't know anything, so I stopped him. Unexpectedly, he refused..."

The waiter finished speaking in one breath, and Mao Qi understood.

He wasn't surprised because there were so many people looking for him to learn how to practice swordsmanship.

"Young man, you should practice archery well. I only teach talented people. If you practice archery well, I will naturally teach you. Otherwise, it is useless for you to kneel down and beg me."

Chen Anlin said: "I'm always a quick learner. Mr. Mao Qi, how about you demonstrate it again and see if I can learn it?"

Mao Qi was in a good mood today, so he nodded and said: "Okay, I will demonstrate it again. If you don't understand it, it means you are not talented enough, so practice more."


Mao Qi casually took the bow and arrow and started shooting.

During his archery process, Chen Anlin initiated simulation learning and simulated his entire archery process.

In the simulation space, Chen Anlin exerted force on his arm, and a bow and arrow shot out.


"It turns out that this is how archery is shot. I understand."

Chen Anlin hummed, looking delighted.

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