Global game evolution

Chapter 393 The Era of Great Disaster—Shen Jun’s Gratitude (Please subscribe)

Chen Anlin looked through the information and was speechless.

I was dealing with the crocodile carcass just now. It took a long time to finish building the house, and then sent it to Shen Jun as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, she was still angry.

But that’s fine, it’s easiest to capture someone’s heart when you’re surprised.

Chen Anlin: "Why don't you accept it?"

Shen Jun replied awkwardly: "I'm a little sorry, I just misunderstood you."

Chen Anlin: "It's okay. After all, I may not be perfect in your mind, but I want to say that I am no worse than Ye Fan. Besides, I have never done any bad things except for my bad words before. Okay, Take it."

Shen Jun: "Well, thank you."

Jun Shen chose a place with his back against a row of big trees to arrange his house.

The reason why she chose this place also had her intention in it.

This kind of house is not very sturdy.

What isolates the outside world is just a wooden board.

If ferocious animals such as wild boars and tigers collide, they can easily break the house.

There is a big tree behind the house, which acts as a good natural barrier.

On the other hand, with big trees providing shelter from wind and rain, if a heavy rainstorm hits, the pressure on the house will not be so great.

In addition, this place faces the sun, so it is not so humid to live here.

It's quite far from the beach, so you don't have to worry about the seawater spreading over when the tide is high.

Based on this, she chose here.

After packing up his things with his mother, Shen Jun moved the system space to the selected open space.

She had never done such an operation before, and she still completed it according to the system space prompts.

"Are you sure?" System Space asked.

This is exactly the same as playing online games.

Jun Shen thought inwardly and nodded in confirmation.


There was a burst of dust, and the house stood motionless in front of a row of big trees.

"Mom, we will have a house in the future."

As Shen Jun spoke, he started crying.

It's really miserable, but in the future, they can at least live a better life.

"Yeah, I saw it. It's the young man Li Chun who is better. Unfortunately, I thought he was lying to us before. It seems we misunderstood him." Zhou Youlan said with emotion.

"Yeah, I just sent him a lot of bad messages."

Shen Jun said a little ashamed.

"You haven't apologized to me yet. Speak properly, and I'll deal with it first."


Shen Jun quickly sent a message to Chen Anlin, "Li Chun, I've finished the house. Thank you. What I said before was too serious. I'm really sorry."

Chen Anlin: "It's okay, I didn't take it seriously. I was actually busy just now, so it was a little late."

Shen Jun: "What's going on?"

Chen Anlin: "When I was building a house for you, I encountered a crocodile. The crocodile was right next to the house. I spent a lot of effort to deal with it."

Shen Jun: "Ah, are you okay?"

After sending the message, Shen Jun felt even more guilty.

People worked hard for her and even encountered a crocodile.

It's better for her to question people indiscriminately.

Chen Anlin: "I'm fine. My arm is just injured."

Later, Chen Anlin took a photo of the other party with blood stains on his arms.

Chen Anlin: "Actually, what saddens me the most is not that I was injured, but that you didn't trust me. It really makes me sad."

Shen Jun: "I'm sorry..."

Chen Anlin: "No, you can make it up to me."

Jun Shen sighed and asked, "Then let me give you some more food. I caught some big snails here recently."

Chen Anlin: "There is no shortage of food here. I don't want it. I want other compensation."

Shen Jun: "Then what do you want?"

Chen Anlin: "I've been having insomnia lately. Why don't you take a selfie for me? I'll fall asleep better by looking at you."

Ah this…………

In an instant, Shen Jun's pretty face turned red.

This guy actually wants my selfie.

What does he want to do?

Could it be that you are looking at my photos and doing shameful things?

How is this possible? It cannot be done.

However, if he refuses, wouldn’t he be too unkind?

For a moment, Shen Jun was very confused.

Even she didn't feel that she didn't hate Chen Anlin that much anymore.

Chen Anlin: "Why don't you speak?"

Shen Jun: "I'm not good-looking, why do you want me to take a selfie?"

Chen Anlin: "Just take a look. After all, I am injured now. No one knows whether I will be infected outside. If I am really infected, will I die? I just want to see you again before I die." .”

Such touching words made Shen Junfang's heart beat fast.

Yes, this was just a humble little wish, but she actually thought about it randomly.

Chen Anlin continued: "It's just a selfie, you can't be so stingy, right?"

Shen Jun: "This is not a stingy thing, it just feels inappropriate."

Chen Anlin played hard to get: "Okay, if you don't want to, forget it. I'm afraid it doesn't matter to you even if I die. Hey, I'm sad. I'm sad."

Shen Jun: “…………”

Although it seemed strange, Jun Shen really felt bad about it.

Shen Jun: "Don't say that."

Chen Anlin: "Isn't this true? You don't even agree with my simple request."

Shen Jun: "Okay then, just take it, but you can't do bad things with my photos."

Chen Anlin didn't know why: "What bad thing are you doing?"

Isn’t that too bad? It's already this time and you're still pretending to be stupid.

Shen Jun curled her lips, but surprisingly, she was not angry.

Then, I faced the sun, adjusted the angle, and took a photo using the camera function that comes with the system chat channel.

After sending it, Chen Anlin took a look at it and said, "There are so many clothes on."

Shen Jun: "..."

Shen Jun: "What else do you want to see? Really."

Chen Anlin: "Haha, just kidding. After seeing your photo, I feel full of strength. Thank you."

Jun Shen smiled.

At this time, Ye Fan was walking towards the treasure hunting location.

As he walked, he sent a message: "Shen Jun, Li Chun hasn't arranged a house for you yet, has he? Don't worry, I will find a way for you."

Shen Jun: "He has already sent the house."


Ye Fan was stunned and stopped in place.

A hint of coolness rose from behind Mark.

That guy really gave the house to Shen Jun.

How is this possible? In this case, Shen Jun will have a deeper affection for him.

Sure enough, Shen Jun responded: "Actually, we misunderstood him."

Ye Fan: "Jun Shen, you are confused. You must be careful about that house. I doubt it will be dangerous."

Shen Jun: "Ye Fan, why do you always think so bad of others? They have no reason to harm me. If they want to harm me, just don't build me a house."

Ye Fan: "You think too well of him, he is just a bastard, a scumbag, a villain!"

Shen Jun: "Let me ask you, why do you miss him so much? Did he do anything bad? He just chased me, and he didn't do anything harmful."

Ye Fan: "...You actually still speak for him. It's in vain that I want to give you pearls."

Shen Jun: "Forget it, I don't care about your things, I don't want them anymore."

Ye Fan: "..."

Ye Fan was stunned and stood there blankly.

Jun Shen really spoke for Li Chun and actually quarreled with him!

"Li Chun, I, Ye Fan, must kill you. Even if I say it, Jesus can't stop you!"



It's going to rain again.

Chen Anlin frowned.

"At this time, Ye Fan should have obtained the treasure hunting system."

After saying that, Chen Anlin rubbed his head with a headache.

The most troublesome part of dealing with Ye Fan is this system.

In the novel, after Ye Fan obtained the system, he found many treasures one after another, which greatly increased his strength.

Not only that, he relied on these treasures to trade many good things, which made him famous.

"Fortunately, the most important skills were not acquired by him."

It was going to rain soon, so Chen Anlin quickly dissected the crocodile carcass.

When you come into contact with a crocodile carcass, the words 'whether it will decompose' appear in front of you.

"break down."

Chen Anlin issued the order.

‘Obtained: ten pieces of crocodile meat. A pair of crocodile leather. There are ten crocodile teeth. ’

‘Note: Grinding crocodile teeth into powder has the effect of increasing energy. ’


After putting the things away, Chen Anlin put them safely into the tool box he made.

Looking at the boxes full of food, Chen Anlin decided to sell some because there was too much and the place was humid.

"Selling fish meat, we sell grade 11 crocodile meat. The system has verified that the crocodile meat can be consumed for a day."

"Level 11 crocodile teeth are for sale. The system has verified that the teeth can be ground into powder to increase strength."

"Materials can be exchanged or purchased with gold coins. A tooth costs five gold coins, so you can be a good person."

No one had gold coins at the beginning.

But as more and more people hunt, gold coins will explode every time they kill a prey. Therefore, Chen Anlin believes that many people should have earned gold coins.

This gold coin has little effect in the early stage, but it can have many effects in the later stage.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a sensation.

Grinding teeth into powder can increase strength. Is this definitely teeth? Not a panacea?

If you eat crocodile meat, you can last for a day. What kind of meat is this?

The most important thing is, level 11 creatures!

"Damn, Li Shen can kill level 11 creatures now?"

"You are indeed my idol. Yesterday I was worrying about dealing with a level 5 wild boar, but Li Shendu has already killed a level 11 monster."

"If I encounter a level 11 monster like this, I should die a heroic death, right?"

"I guess there won't even be any scum left."

While most people are chatting and spanking, smart people are already planning to exchange their teeth.

Very simple.

Eating it will make you stronger.

The strength that grows is strength.

Those who can deal with level 5 beasts now may be able to deal with level 6 beasts after eating their teeth.

This difference of one order of magnitude is a world of difference.

No one would doubt the efficacy of teeth, after all, there are system text prompts behind each item.


Backstage, many people chatted privately with Chen Anlin.

Of course, smart people are often very smart.

Although gold coins are useless nowadays, most people guess that gold coins will be very useful later.

So some people don't want to trade gold coins, but just want to exchange them for other things.

To put it bluntly, I just want to use my hands empty-handed.

"Li Shen, my gold coins are nothing, but I have a lot of fish. I can give them all to you. I just want a tooth, okay?"

"Li Shen, I have wolf legs, give you 4!"

"Li Shen, I have shoes here, do you want them? They are the explosive equipment, the Wind Shoes. I already have shoes, so this is useless."

"Wind shoes?"

It wouldn't be bad if you wear it to increase your speed.

However, Chen Anlin estimated that the effect of these shoes was not very good, otherwise the other party would not sell them.

Therefore, Chen Anlin only wanted to give out one tooth.

After seeing the message sent by Chen Anlin, the other party responded: "It's too little. How about two more pieces of crocodile meat."

Chen Anlin readily agreed, and the two decisively exchanged supplies.

After getting the blast shoes, Chen Anlin vomited blood.

I didn't look at it just now, but the size of these shoes is actually so small, size 37.

What a stupid mistake. No wonder the other party didn't want it.

"Brother, you are not kind. These shoes are too small."

The other party responded: "Li Shen, you didn't ask me. Anyway, the deal is done and I don't want more from you. Just keep your shoes. If you meet a girl you like, you can give them away."

Chen Anlin was helpless and too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party.

At this time, another acquaintance sent a message.

When Chen Anlin saw it, he was immediately happy.

It turned out to be Comrade Gu Li Qingya of the God Clan.

Gu Li Qingya: "I need to make a bow, can you do it?"

Chen Anlin's heart moved.

Bow, of course he can do it.

The last time he got the title of Builder, he got the blueprint for the bow.

It's just that the materials needed to make a bow are complicated and difficult to handle, so it's not made.

Chen Anlin: "I can do it, what's wrong?"

Gu Li Qingya: "Make me a bow."

Chen Anlin: "Of course you can, but you need materials."

Gu Li Qingya: "I've got all the materials, let's take a look."

Chen Anlin looked at the picture sent by the other party and was stunned.

Good tough wood, beef tendons, and silk threads actually exist.

Damn it, how did she know she needed these materials?

Chen Anlin: "So you know how to make a bow. Who told you?"

Gu Li Qingya: "I know people from the dwarf tribe. They are builders just like you."

Chen Anlin: "Since you know the dwarves, why didn't you ask them to help you make it?"

Gu Li Qingya: "Shop around, do you understand? If your offer is cheaper than theirs, of course I will come to you, what do you think?"

This makes sense. Chen Anlin responded: "How many bows do you want to make?"

Gu Li Qingya: "5."

Chen Anlin: "So much, it seems you still have to do it for your companions."

Gu Li Qingya: "Not bad, can you do it?"

Chen Anlin: "Of course you can. My condition is that you give me 10 bow materials."

Gu Li Qingya's expression changed drastically: "You're a bit too loud, kid, the asking price is so high!"

Chen Anlin was unhurried: "First, I am the first to get the title of construction engineer, and my construction level is definitely the first."

"Second, when I build things, I actually build systems. I just need to produce skills."

"For example, I built a house before and it only took less than three hours."

Seeing this, Gu Li Qingya was stunned.

"It only took you three hours to build the house?"

Chen Anlin: "I know it takes a long time..."

Gu Li Qingya: "No, no, no, the time you spent is too short."

At this moment, Gu Li Qingya had some doubts about life.

It would take other builders at least a few days, but it would take him less than three hours? ?

Thanks for the reward from my distant Scorpio brother, thank you dear

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