Global Game: Start Awakening SSS Level Talent

Chapter 248 The Suit Attributes That Drive Dragon Soul Members Crazy

After the Dragon Blood Armor was refined...

see that attribute

Even Ye Changge was taken aback.

Attack +5000 points?

Defense +10000 points?

This is stronger than the diamond suit he used before.

Because the previous diamond suit is +5000 points in both attack and defense!

But this dragon blood armor has an extra 5000 points of defense.

The four-dimensional attribute is also much higher than the 3000 points of the diamond suit.

+5000 points directly!

This is an increase of 500 star power!

However, the main attributes of Dragon Blood Battle Armor are these three.

The diamond suit also has movement speed and attack speed, these two status increase attributes.

But this dragon blood battle armor has three sets of skills.

And they are all very good.

Needless to say, the dragon summons.

Ye Changge tried it, and found that the summoned dragon actually has 50,000 star power!

After experimenting for a while, Ye Changge thoroughly figured out the ability of this giant dragon's summoning.

This is based on the self as a whole.

If its own combat power is less than a thousand stars, then the summoned dragon also has a thousand star combat power.

More than 1000 stars!

Even if it is only 1001 star overall combat power, the dragons summoned by the dragon summoning will all have 2000 star combat power.

Ye Changge's overall combat power is 48530 stars.

Therefore, the dragon he summons is 50,000 stars!

Of course, it's just a giant dragon with 50,000 star combat power, which doesn't help Ye Changge very much.

But for other people, it is an absolute help.

Super killer!

It's a pity that the power of martial arts cannot increase the combat power of the giant dragon, otherwise, the combat power of the summoned giant dragon will be even higher.

The second suit skill, Dragon's Breath, is also extremely powerful.

The power of the dragon's breath erupted by people with a combat power below ten thousand stars is five times that of their own overall combat power!

The battle strength is three times higher than ten thousand stars.

However, the power of this dragon's breath also has an upper limit.

After all, it is only a diamond-level suit, and the upper limit of the strongest power of Dragon Breath is 100,000 stars.

But this is extremely powerful for the current Dragon Soul members.

It's the last set skill, but compared to before, it can only be said to be average.

But in terms of time, it is also absolutely powerful.


That is, the power attribute is doubled by 10 times.

Although it's only 1 minute, but...

Think about it, when the strength attribute was only 100,000 points...

Using the power of this dragon is 1 million points!

This is a powerful force that can only be possessed by 90,100 stars.

Even if it is only for a minute, it can kill a powerful enemy at once.

Even if you have strength skills, or talents...

In the case of a combat power of 1,000 stars, it may be able to reversely kill an opponent with a combat power of seven or eight thousand stars.

Even if the strength-type talent is extremely strong, it is not impossible to kill the opponent of Ten Thousand Stars.

Generally speaking, this dragon blood battle armor is definitely the best among the diamond-level suits!

Even looking at the power of its three suit skills, there is no need to increase the main attribute

This is afraid that it is an ordinary epic suit, but it can't compare.

"It's a pity, if the power of the dragon's blood is stronger, it can completely refine a set of epic dragon blood armor

Ye Changge shook his head slightly.

Although it is also a giant dragon, the giant dragon is probably just an ordinary existence among the dragon clan.

Bloodlines are not strong.

Refining epic equipment

This is simply not possible.

Unless it is to get some better refining materials.

But this giant dragon is already the best refining material that Ye Changge has obtained so far.

Oh, and not the best either.

Although Ye Changge can combine iron blocks more than a dozen times infinitely to obtain more advanced refining materials than giant dragons.

But the properties don't match!

Once it is really refined like this, it will make the dragon material become an auxiliary material instead of a core material.

In this way, it is impossible for the current three suit skills to appear.

The rule of suit refining is that the higher the level of refining materials, the easier it is for suit skills to appear.

The strength and types of suit skills are based on the core refining materials.

Even when refining this set of Dragon Blood Armor, Ye Changge used iron ore, copper ore, etc...

These auxiliary types of materials [are infinitely synthesized to the ninth rank of human rank.

Because once it reaches the ground level, I am afraid it will be affected.

So far it seems that the result is good.

#BA …

Naturally, it began to refine in large quantities.

The body of the giant dragon is huge, and there are quite a lot of refining materials extracted from it.

The same is true for those flying dragons.

In conjunction with a large number of human-level top refining materials.


It took Ye Changge a lot of time to use up all the refining materials extracted from the dragon.

And he has a whole thousand sets of dragon blood battle armor in his hand!

A thousand sets!


not much!

Because if it is infinitely synthesized, it is at most just a set of epic dragon blood armor.

To be honest, Ye Changge was very impulsive and directly synthesized a set of epic dragon blood armor.

But in the end I dismissed the idea.

Although the epic dragon blood battle armor is very strong.

But the epic suit on him is not weak either.

Just a skill with basic combat power + 10,000 stars is absolutely extraordinary.

Just this point, Ye Changge does not intend to change the dragon and fight box.

Unless it is a higher-level Legendary Dragon Blood Armor.

But it's a pity that the dragon blood battle armor is too special, and it takes tens of thousands of sets to synthesize the legendary level from the epic level.

Ye Changge has already figured out the infinite synthesis and the situation of the synthesis set.

The more special the need is, the greater the quantity.

On the contrary, the simpler it is, the fewer the number.

At the same time, the higher the level, the more the quantity needed will be added.

However, in Ye Changge's view.

Even if it's just a thousand sets of diamond-level dragon blood armor, it will definitely bring him enough profit.

(Good Wang Zhao) He didn't immediately hang the Dragon Blood Armor on the trading interface of the Legion Warehouse.

Such a suit, Ye Changge naturally cannot be placed in a small world-class mall

Only for internal sale.

But even so, he didn't make the deal immediately.

Instead, the rental function is set.

One price per minute!

It is equivalent to the price of 10 first-order elixirs.

Or equivalent attribute cards, and fragments.

is it expensive?

very expensive!

After an hour, there are 600 plants!

Although it is only a Tier 1 elixir.

But the price is too scary.

However, when Ye Changge sent such a loan message on the Legion channel... this...

A thousand sets of dragon blood battle armor just hung up on the trading interface of the legion warehouse, and they disappeared immediately!

It's really a second!

Even a large number of members who didn't grab the dragon blood armor were beating their chests and feet on the legion channel.

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