Global Game: Start Awakening SSS Level Talent

Chapter 301 Great Improvement Of Legion Skills

This time the dragon soul was promoted to 8 stars, but the army skills did not increase.

It is still the previous seven legion skills.

Among them, what surprised Ye Changge the most was the city recall technique.

Originally, the city return technique only had a few fixed-point teleportation times, which could directly return to Dragon Soul City.

Or from other branches of Dragon Soul.

But after this upgrade, the fixed-point teleportation ability has not only doubled.

There's even a special feature.

That is the setting of the legion transfer point.

This so-called legion teleportation point can be used by official members of the Dragon Soul after it is set.

For example, Ye Changge now goes to Kong City to set up a legion teleport.

Then those official members of Dragon Soul, even if they have never been to Kongcheng, let alone left a teleportation point there.

That can also clear the legion teleportation point set by Ye Changge and teleport directly to Kongcheng.

"Four One Three" "This is the strongest ability of the Legion to attack the city!"

Ye Changge's eyes flashed.

At this moment, he thought of even more.

Because if someone finds other warrior cities, then set the next legion teleportation point, and Ye Changge can go there at any time.

Even other full members can go over at any time.

This way, there is no need to run back and forth.


Ye Changge is very satisfied with this.

Then, he looked at other legion skills, and the changes were not small.

[Legion Skill: Legion Light (Special)]

【Level: 8 stars】

[Attributes: explosion rate +80%, evolution value +500%, success rate +50%!]

This Legion's drop rate has been increased by 10%!

And the growth rate of evolution value directly increased by 200%!

The success rate has also increased by 20%!

This situation is already very good.

And Ye Changge is most looking forward to the career light, this increase in growth rate makes Ye Changge very satisfied.

Unexpectedly satisfied!

【Legion Skill: Occupational Light】

【Level: 8 stars】

[Attribute: Auxiliary occupation training speed +2000%!]


Good guy!

This directly increased from 1200% to 2000%, a full increase of 800%!

"Great, with so much improvement, it will make me improve my proficiency in the endless trials of God's Sirius Summoning, and it will be even faster.

Ye Changge rejoiced in his heart.

Originally, 1000 layers were brushed down, but only 18000 proficiency points were added.

But now it is 25,000 points.


"This support has increased a lot, but I don't know how much it can increase this time in terms of combat power.

As Ye Changge said, he turned his gaze to the army god of legion skills.

[Legion Skill: Military God]

【Level: 8 stars】

[Attribute: After using it, you can get a buff state of all attributes +150%! The time is 100 minutes, and the cooling time is one hour!】


The increase in the status of the military god has finally increased!

Ye Changge was excited.

Don't underestimate this 50% increase, which can play a key role in many cases.

And he was wrong before.

The 1000-star basic combat power raised by Legion Blessing is not 2000-star combat power after the military god state is activated.

But 2500 Star Wars Power!

Even Dragon Soul has the lowest combat power right now, and without any equipment and skill blessings, its combat power can actually reach 3750 star combat power.

Turn the basic combat power to 500 stars, and add Legion Blessing to 1000 stars, which is the basic combat power of 1500 stars.

Isn't it 3750 stars to turn on the God of War status?

"Very good, now that the military division's growth status has been improved, it may also be improved when it is promoted to 9 stars next time.

Ye Changge was excited.

However, the requirements for upgrading a 9-star army are not low.

Don't think too much about it just yet.

[Legion Skill: Holy Light Recovery]

【Level: 8 stars】

[Attribute: After use, all consumption can be instantly restored, and it can be used 30 times a day! At the same time, the self-recovery ability of the legion is increased by 13 times! 】

Well, the improvement of the legion's skills, although not very exaggerated.

But in fact, it is also very exaggerated.

Instant recovery at least 30 times can make Ye Changge explode 10 times in Endless Trial 2!

This is the second level for him to pass the customs, but he has great confidence.

And the same is true for Holy Light Healing.

[Legion Skill: Holy Light Healing]

【Level: 8 stars】

[Attributes: After use, it can instantly recover certain injuries, quickly recover some serious injuries, and the strongest healing effect can reach the regeneration of severed limbs, repair internal organs, and restore minor soul injuries! It can be used 10 times a day! 】

From only being able to use Holy Light Healing 3 times a day, to now being able to use 10 times...

This improvement is huge.

And as for the effect, it has also improved.

Instantly heals most injuries.

Severe fatal injuries can also be restored, although only quickly, not instantly.

But in Ye Changge's view, the quick meeting is also extremely exaggerated.

The most important thing is that the current Holy Light Healing can actually restore the wounded soul, which is not easy.

Even among the heavens and myriad worlds, skills that can recover the dragon soul's injuries are extremely rare.

Those elixirs that can heal soul trauma are absolutely sky-high prices among elixirs of the same rank!

"Isn't it possible that after reaching the back, this Holy Light Healing Synergy can have the Easter calendar?"

Seeing the changes in the healing of the 8-star Holy Light, Ye Changge couldn't help but have such an idea in his heart.

Uh, maybe he was thinking too much.

But this is not completely impossible.


There is nothing wrong with thinking about it!

As for the next legion skill, which Ye Changge is looking forward to, Ye Changge is also quite satisfied.

[Legion Skill: Wings of Light and Darkness]

【Level: 8 stars】

[Attributes: After use, you can get a pair of light and dark wings, with the ability to fly, speed +2000%! Time 10 minutes, cooldown time 3 hours! 】

Wings of Light and Darkness!


It is also increased by 800%!

This is an exaggeration of 2.5.

Increase your own speed by 20 times. If you are not physically strong enough, your body will not be able to withstand such a speed.

Perhaps because of the addition, it caused the body to shatter like injuries.

Of course, this did not cause any discomfort to Ye Changge.

After all, his physique is extremely strong.

At the same time, the current cooling time of Holy Light Healing has also changed from the original 6 hours to 3 hours.

That is to say, the Wings of Light and Darkness can be used up to 8 times in one day.

This can have it!

After seeing the improvement of the skills of the seven legions, Ye Changge breathed a sigh of relief.

dramatic change!

And the power brought about by the changes is also enormous.

Even just this kind of change has already given Ye Changge the second level of confidence in passing the endless trial. .

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