Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 1356: The big one is coming

 Chapter 1356 The big one is coming

 Waiting for about two hours.

Just when everyone was getting impatient, Ashley's figure finally returned to the hub through the space rift.

 “You’re finally back!” Seeing Ashley return intact, Speaker Lemo’s brows widened. He then asked: "What did you find?"

Ashley didn't answer immediately.

She first stretched out her hand to erase the cracks in space behind her.

As she stretched out her hand, a lavender soft light quickly covered and wrapped the entire space crack. The originally dark space crack melted quickly like ice and snow, cracked and quickly disappeared in the purple soft light.

 She has returned to the hub, so this space rift is of no use anymore and needs to be dealt with first.

Then Ashley looked around, and finally connected her mental power to the private chat network of the stars.

"I found a big problem." She said very seriously in the private chat network: "I will send you a memory. You will understand after reading it."

Ashley said as she uploaded a small memory bubble in the private chat network. The content in the memory bubble was what she had just seen and heard.

Hearing Ashley's solemn tone, everyone's hearts sank and they quickly explored the contents of the memory bubble.

There is not much content in the memory bubble. It only took a minute or two for the stars to read it all.

 After watching the memory bubble, no one’s expressions changed at all, but their hearts were already in turmoil.

 This is something big is coming!

  …  Things should start from the fight between Ashley and Lailin just now.

Ashley didn't stop Lailin from leaving just now, but just tore off his wings.

On the one hand, by doing this, Ashley knew that she could not stop Lailin; on the other hand, this made it easier to track Lailin's traces.

 After tearing off Lailin's wings, Ashley attached a [Future Mark] to the wound at the base of the wings.

 【Future Mark】is Ashley's unique method. It can ignore a certain time paradox. If you act now, you can mark Lailin a few years in the future.

 Because this kind of mark only takes effect several years later, it is impossible for Lailin to know that he has been marked, nor will he have any feelings, let alone remove it.

The current Lailin doesn’t even know that he has been marked, let alone that he will be marked in a few years.

As for Ashley, she can ignore a certain time paradox and track the location of the mark now!

Therefore, her [Future Mark] can be said to be the top tracking spell. There is no way to avoid it. It is the only one in the galaxy!

With the help of [Future Mark], she left the tenth star field alone and went to other star fields to track Lailin.

 Guided by the coordinates, Ashley used the teleportation service of Shengtong Company to arrive at the seventh star field about two hours later.

As soon as she arrived, she immediately clearly sensed the location of the rebel organization! Because the distance is too close!

 The place she arrived at was the sub-hub of the seventh star field, which is the planet "Lorente VI".

 She sensed that on another planet in the same star system as the planet, a large number of rebel fleets were gathering!

“I have sensed at least four stellar auras, not including Lailin.” Ashley solemnly said in the private chat network.

"More than 4 shares?" Speaker Lemo frowned again: "It seems that the rebel organization is preparing to attack Fege Hub, just like Lunya next door."

"Not only that..." Ashley said seriously: "In it, I also sensed some breath of silicon-based life!"

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