Chapter 116 Pill Refining Needs Proof

Jidao City, Law Enforcement Department.

“The deputy director of the Langya branch library has lost contact?” Li Zijiang frowned when listening to the report.

“Yes.” Li Zijiang’s subordinates were serious and nodded. “It has been out of contact for more than 24 hours.”

“Have you contacted their branch owner?” Li Zijiang asked his subordinates.

“Not yet.” There was an embarrassment under his hand.


Li Zijiang patted the table and stood up.

He pointed at his hand and yelled: “What do you eat? It has been 24 hours, and I haven’t contacted the owner of the local museum to inquire about the situation.”

“That…that…that…” the man lowered his head and said in a solemn way. “The owner of the Langya branch is Gao Mu.”

“Even if it is the king of heaven, you have to…” Li Zijiang was stunned before he finished speaking.

“Who do you think?” Li Zijiang asked again.

“Gao Mu, that’s the Gao Mu who walked very close to Minister Ye.” The subordinates also had a headache.

“Then it will be troublesome.”

Li Zijiang squeezed his forehead and muttered to himself.

Is Ye Qingxian scary?

In Li Zijiang’s view, Ye Qingxian was indeed terrifying.

But what was even more terrifying was the one behind Ye Qingxian.

“In this way, you notify the two deputy ministers and ask them to investigate in Langya Base City.”

Apart from Li Zijiang and his confidant, no one in the law enforcement department knew about the relationship between Gao Mu and Ye Qingxian.

“You can do this.” The confidant smiled.

“Anyone who is dead is not a poor Dao!” Li Zijiang smiled sinisterly.

He, a minister who looks very beautiful on the surface, actually walks on thin ice every step he takes.

His two deputy ministers are also eyeing his position.

They expected Li Zijiang to make mistakes, and Li Zijiang also expected them to make mistakes.

Since there is a chance for them to make mistakes, Li Zijiang certainly won’t let it go.

When his confidant left, Li Zijiang took a cup of tea to the window and whispered to himself: “I hope you two can investigate this matter clearly.”

Gao Mu was in the market of the base city at this time, looking for materials for refining Heart Monkey Pill.

After all, the Heart Ape Pill is an elixir to help the master martial artist to break through, so it is really not an easy task to find the corresponding materials.

He searched the market for a day, but only found three or four materials.

“Right.” After stepping out of the market, Gao Mu thought of Tuo Tianyun.

After all, this buddy is a spiritual refining pharmacist.

In his hands, there should be a lot of materials for refining pills.

Maybe, he also has the materials needed by Gao Mu.

“Do you want heart monkey grass? What do you want this thing for?”

The materials for refining pills are not different fruits, and ordinary warriors don’t need it at all.

“I want to refine the pill.” Gao Mu did not conceal Tuo Tianyun.

When Tuo Tianyun heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he burst into laughter. He laughed, and did not forget to mock Gao Mu: “Are you kidding me? Are you a pharmacist? Do you have a certificate of refining medicine? If you don’t have a certificate of refining medicine, you dare to refining pill. Is it troublesome for you?”

When Gao Mu heard this, he was stunned.

It was the first time he heard that the refining pill requires a certificate of refining medicine.

“And, are you sure you have the talent for refining pills? Can you understand the formula?”

Tuo Tianyun’s soul asked twice, and immediately stopped Gao Mu’s question again.

After a while, Gao Mu asked, “Where should I go to test the certificate of the alchemist?”

“As long as it is the Medicine Refining Alliance, it can be tested.” Tuo Tianyun replied.

After hanging up, Gao Mu didn’t care about the materials anymore, but went straight to the Langya branch of the Medicine Refining Alliance.

“Why are you here again?” The old man said impatiently when he saw Gao Mu coming again. “There is nothing left in this place.”

“I came to test the pharmacist to prove it.” Gao Mu directly explained his intention.

The old man was stunned when he heard that, he obviously didn’t expect that someone would come here to test the certificate of refining medicine.

“You need to pay 1 million for the verification and bring your own materials.” After a daze, the old man said to Gao Mu.

Gao Mu nodded and said to the old man: “Money is not a problem, and materials are not a problem.”

Hearing what Gao Mu said, he took out his mobile phone directly from his pocket, then opened a payment software and said, “Sweep me to pay!”

Gao Mu took out his mobile phone and scanned the payment.

After paying the payment, the old man said to Gao Mu: “Follow me!”

“Didn’t it mean that you bring your own materials?” Gao Muben wanted to buy some materials.

The old man glanced at Gao Mu and said lightly: “It’s been a long time since no one has been here. Take it as a relief for me today. I have the materials you need for your research today, and my old man came out.”

Since the old man said so, Gao Mu would definitely not refuse.

After all, the materials needed for alchemy are not cheap.

When the old man finished speaking, he turned his head and walked in one direction.

Gao Mu followed closely behind.

He found that the deeper he goes, the better the environment and the better the smell.

Outside of Alchemy No. 1, the old man stopped.

“This is Alchemy Room No. 1, which contains the materials needed for a first-grade pill. At the same time, there are also some basic pill formulas.”

“You only have one hour. If you can refine a Tier 1 pill in an hour. Even if the level of the pill is ordinary, you can get the certificate of refining medicine and become a Tier 1 pharmacist. .”

Gao Mu nodded, then opened the door and walked into Alchemy Room No. 1.

After Gao Mu entered, the old man walked in the other direction.

He opened the door of a hidden room, and there were many TVs in the room.

One of the pictures on the TV is the picture of Alchemy Room No. 1.

After entering the alchemy room No. 1, Gao Mu began to observe the environment inside.

The area of ​​this alchemy room is about 200 square meters.

In the center, there is a huge pill furnace as high as two people. In the corners, there are a lot of materials needed for alchemy.

Next to the materials, there is a cabinet. There are some books on the cabinet.

Gao Mu took the lead to walk to the cabinet.

From the cabinet, he found the instructions for the alchemy furnace and the main steps of alchemy.

“You have to look even at these basic things. Will he do alchemy?” The old man sitting on the sofa and staring at Gao Mu frowned deeply.

Gao Mu reads the books very fast, reading both books in just five minutes.

After reading it, he began to look for the formula of the pill.

Qiyuan Pill is the most basic and common formula of pill.

General pharmacists start with Qiyuan Pill as their breakthrough point.

Gao Mu didn’t hesitate, and directly took out an enlightened tea tree fruit from his backpack and threw it into his mouth.

“Ding! Get a new skill [Qiyuandan recipe] (Dacheng)”

He didn’t check the specific introduction of Qiyuan Pill formula, so he threw another tea tree fruit of enlightenment into his mouth.

“Ding! The skill [Qiyuandan formula] breaks through the Great Realm and enters the Consummation Realm!”

When everything was ready, Gao Mu began to select materials.

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