Chapter 139 Sun Fan’s Ambush

Seeing this scene, Gao Mu’s pupils contracted slightly.

If nothing happens, this strange creature should be the leader of this group of strange beasts.

It passed through the group of alien animals and looked at Gao Mu with that kind of human eyes.

Although it didn’t speak, Gao Mu could read a lot from the look in its eyes.

Rage, disgust, and intolerance alternately appeared in its eyes.

It snarled at Gao Mu, as if saying: Why are you here to disturb my silence.

Gao Mu ignored it, but clenched the Tiansuo sword in his hand.

At this time, he was shocked to find that this strange creature actually had a weapon in his hand.

This is a short dagger with a style very similar to the Tissot sword.

Because just now Gao Mu’s attention was all on this strange creature. Therefore, he did not notice the existence of the short dagger.

“Is this really a strange beast?” Gao Mu began to doubt.

The strange creature roared again in a low voice, and at the same time waved his right hand.

With the dagger waving from his right hand, Gao Mu saw it more clearly.

Seeing that Gao Mu still didn’t respond, the creature began to feel a little irritable.

It actually rushed towards Gao Mu without any warning.

Its speed was extremely fast, and it rushed to Gao Mu’s front in an instant.

It swung the dagger in its hand and took Gao Mu’s throat straight.

If it weren’t for Gao Mu’s quicker response, its blow would most likely directly kill Gao Mu’s life.

After evading a blow from the strange creature, Gao Mu began to fight back.

This strange creature was powerful, but under the attack of Gao Mu, it was retreating steadily.

In just a few rounds, Gao Mu left many wounds on this strange creature.

The blood flowed down the wound, dyeing its colorful hair into a very strange color.


The pain makes the strange creature roar.

After the other strange beasts heard this roar, they rushed towards Gao Mu one after another.

Gao Mu didn’t hesitate, and directly brandished his Tissot sword to fight.

The extremely powerful animals fell under Gao Mu’s Tiansuo sword in this way.

When the strange creature saw this scene, there was a look of fear in its eyes.

But it only felt fear at this time, obviously it was too late.

Gao Mu, who had dealt with other strange beasts, had already rushed to the front of this strange creature.

“Tiandi Fist!”

This time Gao Mu didn’t use swordsmanship anymore, instead he was going to use his fists to solve this strange creature.

Under Gao Mu’s powerful fist attack, the strange creature’s body kept making the sound of bone breaking.

In the end, this strange creature had collapsed on the ground like a puddle of mud.

Gao Mu didn’t show the slightest pity, and when he stepped forward, he exploded its head.

“Sure enough, it’s a strange beast.”

Gao Mu found the inner core of the alien beast in his head.

It can be seen from the size and luster of the inner core that this strange beast should be a strange beast in the early or middle period of the Great Master.

“Sign in!”

“Ding! Sign in successfully, get reward: Immortal Jie Jian Jue (Dacheng)”

“Ding! The new sign-in place has been updated, please go to the Sun Family Manor to sign in!”

【Xianjie Jian Jue】

One of the three great swords in the perfect world, but also a very powerful sword.


The new sign-in reward did not make Gao Mu make any waves.

After all, some of the previous sign-in rewards were not inferior to this Immortal Tribulation Sword Art.

But the most interesting thing is this new sign-in place.

“The Zhao family and the Qian family have both been in contact, and it is time for the Sun family to be in contact.”

As Gao Mu said, he opened and cleaned the battlefield, preparing to return to the base city.

But when he picked up the dagger in the hand of the strange creature, a strange scene happened.

I saw that dagger flew directly into the air, and then directly attached to Gao Mu’s Tiansuo sword.

In the next second, a golden light exploded suddenly.

This golden light was very dazzling, even Gao Mu closed his eyes by the golden light.

The golden light lasted for about half an hour before it gradually dissipated.

After the golden light disappeared, Gao Mu looked in the direction of the Tiansuo sword for the first time.

“Is this still my Tiansuo sword?” Gao Mu looked at the Tiansuo sword in a daze.

The Tiansuo sword at this time was not so much a sword as it was a huge key.

He took out the small Tissot sword from his backpack for comparison. He discovered that the Tiansuo sword and the Tiansuo small sword at this time could not be said to be exactly the same, but could only be said to be exactly the same.

Gao Mu’s called helplessness.

This Tiansuo sword is his only weapon now.

If it weren’t for signing in some time ago and getting the Tiandi Fist, Gao Mu’s current standing would definitely be greatly damaged.

“Forget it, buy one after returning to the base city.”

Gao Mu thought, and threw the Tiansuo sword directly into his backpack.

“Master of Gaofen Pavilion, where are you going?” Just when Gao Mu was about to leave Vientiane City, a group of five people blocked his way.

The leader of these five people was Sun Fan, who had gone out of the city with Gao Mu before.

In fact, Sun Fan was already there when Gao Mu and the alien beasts were fighting.

The reason why he hasn’t appeared is because he wants to wait for Gao Mu and the strange creatures to lose out, and then take advantage of the fisherman’s profit by himself.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly powerful strange creature was not Gao Mu’s opponent at all.

In desperation, he can only appear.

“Sun Fan?” Gao Mu recognized Sun Fan at a glance.

Sun Fan counts as the first person in the younger generation of the Sun family.

Not only does he have a very outstanding talent for cultivation, he is also a leader in the same realm in physical terms.

It was precisely because he was famous that Gao Mu could recognize him at first sight.

“The owner of the Gaofen Pavilion, when we meet for the first time, please take care of me!” Sun Fan gave Gao Mu his hand indifferently.

There is one thing to say, this kind of smile is really unpleasant.

“So, you brought so many people here, did you come to ambush me?” Gao Mu is not like talking nonsense with Sun Fan.

Sun Fan was also straightforward.

He nodded and said bluntly: “The appearance of the master of the high score library has destroyed the interests of Shenji. Therefore, you must disappear.”

“Let me disappear, I am afraid that the people you brought are not enough.”

Sun Fan and the people he brought are invincible.

In the eyes of outsiders, this combination is indeed powerful.

But in Gao Mu’s eyes, this combination is really not enough.

Although he has no weapons to use now, even if he only has Heavenly Fist, the group of people he can hit can’t find North.

“Master Sun, hurry up and do it, our time is very precious.” A thin and tall man in Sun Fan’s team looked impatiently and complained to Gao Mu. “This kind of person doesn’t need so many people at all. As long as you speak, I can solve him by myself.”

In the eyes of a tall and thin person, only one person is enough to kill Gao Mu.

With the realm of invincible master, he should indeed have such self-confidence.

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