Chapter 14

The golden fist collided with the tiger’s claws, and the tiger staggered back several steps.

“That’s it?”

After the punch, Gao Mu had already understood the strength of the tiger.

He stepped forward, rushed to the tiger’s body, and hit the tiger’s head with a fist.

The tiger was in pain and kept backing away.

Gao Mu took advantage of the victory and pursued, fists to the flesh.

After more than a dozen punches, the tiger had fallen on the ground and vented more and less air.

Seeing that the tiger was not dead, Gao Mu directly rode on the tiger and hammered its head.

After the tiger was completely dead, Gao Mu turned over and jumped from the tiger’s body.

“how is this possible!”

Lu Tianping, who was the first to arrive, was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

The others also looked at Gao Mu with the same look of monsters.

“Brother Gao Mu, join our Cangqi Martial Arts Hall! As long as you join our Cangqi Martial Arts Hall, no matter what you ask, we will promise you!”

Niu Meng was the first person to react, and he was also the first to throw an olive branch against Gao Mu.

“Brother Gao Mu.” Although Lu Tianping took a slower shot, he also spoke. “As long as you join our Jidao Martial Arts Center, we will definitely train you with all our strength.”

“Brother Gao Mu.” Shen Chongxin’s reaction was also very quick. He didn’t even think about it, and said directly. “As long as you join us, Shan Yuewei, you can immediately become the leader of Langya Base City.”

Before Gao Mu’s breath was fully gasped, he was confused by their olive branches.

Liu Xu, who was standing behind the crowd, did not speak.

He knew very well the strength of this strange beast, so he also knew very well what Gao Mu could kill this strange beast.

Although he is mad and hostile, it does not mean that he has no brains.

If he dared to talk nonsense at this time, the people present would definitely not mind killing him together.

“That’s what.” Gao Mu sat on the ground, looking at everyone with a dumbfounded expression. “Can you give me a break?”

“Of course it can.” Lu Tianping took the lead and said to Gao Mu. “Go to our Jidao martial arts center to rest, after all, you often go there.”

“Let’s go to our Cangqiang Martial Arts Hall!” Niu Meng followed closely. “Our Cangqiang Martial Arts Center has the most comfortable lounge.”

“Let’s go to my office! I recently bought a new massage chair, which is very comfortable.” Shen Chongxin also said.

These three big bosses spoke, and the others didn’t even have the courage to throw an olive branch.

After all, there is no comparability between his own small family and other giants.

“Let’s join our Jidao Martial Arts Center.” At this time, a light voice sounded. The inspector Qi drifted over and said to Gao Mu. “As long as you join our Jidao Martial Arts Center, the future is absolutely limitless!”

“And I assure you that at every stage, I will hire the best teacher for you to teach you.”

The world’s top martial arts gyms are different. Not only do they have money, they also have people.

“What’s the matter?” In order to snatch talents, Niu Meng no longer cares about the identity of Qi inspector. He held his head high and said in a very firm tone. “As long as you join our Cangqiang Martial Arts Center, you will not only have the best teachers, but also the best resources.”

“We will prepare the resources for each stage in advance. Once you reach a new stage, the resources will be delivered directly to you.”

“Not only that, we will also provide you with the best practice environment. If you want your family to practice as well, we will also provide your family with the best practice resources.”

These conditions given by Niu Meng are really very attractive.

Talented warriors, the resources needed for cultivation are already very huge. And people without talent want to cultivate, and the resources they need may even be ten times or more than those with talent.

In order to obtain the super genius of Gao Mu, Cangqiang Martial Arts Hall also gave up.

It stands to reason that at Niumeng’s level, such resources cannot be provided.

But how smart he is.

When he saw the tiger, he contacted the headquarters immediately and explained the situation.

“Ask.” Inspection Qi made the light and fluttering voice sound again. “How many silver stars is your current cultivation base?”

Although Gao Mu didn’t know the identity of Inspector Qi, but from the attitude of other people towards him, he could feel that this person’s identity should be extraordinary.

He got up and said with a very correct attitude: “Silver Five Stars!”

These people have more or less guesses about Gao Mu’s cultivation.

But when he heard his confession, he couldn’t help but breathe in a cold breath.

“Silver five-star, 18 years old, horrible!”

“Genius, no, super genius, no, peerless evildoer! Only the title of peerless evildoer is worthy of him!”

“I thought that I was already very good at breaking through the bronze three-star at the age of 18. But compared to him, I am simply a scum.”

Everyone looked at Gao Mu with shocked eyes.

Even Inspector Qi, who was calm, couldn’t help but twitch twice when he heard the words “Silver Five Stars”.

“Join our Jidao Martial Arts Center.” After calming down, Qi inspected the envoy. “I will personally guide you! There will be supervisors every week, and the deputy director will guide you every month. Every year, the director will personally guide you for a few days.”

The master of the Jidao Martial Arts Center is the first person on earth today.

Being able to be personally guided by such a character is something that many people don’t even dare to dream of.

But Gao Mu did not speak, but fell into thinking.

After thinking for a while, he said, “I need to think about it and discuss it with my family at the same time.”

Gao Mu’s “rejection” surpassed everyone’s expectations.

“Okay.” Inspector Qi didn’t show too much surprise for Gao Mu’s’declined refusal’.

After all, able to have such a peerless evildoer at this age must have a calmer brain.

Inspector Qi still valued Gao Mu too much.

The reason why Gao Mu’declined’ is that his brain is now in chaos.

He really didn’t know which side to join the Jidao Martial Arts Hall, Cangqiang Martial Arts Hall, Kan Yuewei.

In terms of conditions, it must be the most attractive of Jidao martial arts.

But the unconditional support of the relatives of Cangqiong Wuguan also made him very excited.

Shan Yuewei’s conditions were not good, but Gao Mu, who had dreamed of being a soldier since he was a child, was the one who wanted to join the most.

“I still have to emphasize one thing.” Inspector Qi looked around the crowd with a serious expression. “No matter which side he joins in the end, he is all of China’s talents. I don’t want such a talent to have any accidents.”

It is emphasized, but more is warning.

He is warning those who are deliberately unpredictable.

“Sign in!”

One minute before leaving Qixia Town, Gao Mu remembered that he had not signed in.

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