Chapter 141: He’s Not a Super Genius

Shenji Base City, Jidao Martial Arts Center.

Seeing Gao Mu who was safe and sound in front of him, Yuan Shi’s heart was murderous.

But with a smile on his face, he asked Gao Mu: “I wonder if the master of the high branch is here today, what is it for you?”

“I want to start the handover procedure!”

As soon as this word came out, Yuanshi was stunned.

But soon he reacted, and he forced a smile and said: “Since the master of the high-score library has already said, let’s start the handover procedure.”

At the same time, he winked at He Yin who was sitting aside.

He Yin understood, and then walked out of Yuanshi’s office.

When he came back again, he was holding a cup of tea in his hand.

“Good guy, do you want to be poisoned? Shouldn’t it be so obvious?” Gao Mu really doubted He Yin and Yuanshi’s IQ.

When Gao Mu doubted the IQ of the two, He Yin handed the tea to Yuanshi.

After taking a sip of the tea, Yuanshi continued: “Since the handover procedure has started, let’s start.”

Gao Mu nodded.

Subsequently, the two entered the formal handover procedure.

Personnel, income, expenditure…

One by one, Yuan Lion handover is very detailed.

Yuanshi’s serious appearance made Gao Mu suspect that Yuanshi was sincerely handing over him.

This handover took place in the evening.

Yuanshi wanted to invite Gao Mu to dinner, but Gao Mu refused.

Going out of the martial arts gym, Gao Mu felt dizzy. He staggered under his feet and almost fell.

He supported the wall and stood still, then frowned: “What’s the situation?”

For a warrior of his level, this shouldn’t happen.

The most important thing is that he did not eat or drink anything provided by He Yin and Yuanshi.

“No.” Gao Mu stood by the wall for a while before the dizziness completely disappeared. He looked at the direction of the martial arts gym and whispered to himself. “Be prepared, I’ll go to refine some detoxification pills.”

Gao Mu thought, and drove to the Medicine Refining Alliance.

“Good fellow, this person is also cautious enough.” As Gao Mu’s car drifted away, He Yin breathed a sigh of relief and said to Yuanshi.

Yuan Shi sneered very disdainfully: “Even if he is no matter how cautious, he will still be tricked if he is different?”

Although these two are not alchemists, they have terrifying poisoning skills.

Gao Mu believes that if you don’t eat or drink, you can avoid these two people from using poison. As everyone knows, in the eyes of these two people, poisoning in food and water is a very low-level method.

Gao Mu, who drove, soon came to the Medicine Refining Alliance.

“Please show your certificate of pharmacist!” Gao Mu was stopped by someone at the door as soon as he was about to enter the door.

Gao Mu was stunned for a moment: “My medicine certificate hasn’t arrived yet, but you can check it out.”

The person at the door shook his head: “If you don’t have a medicine certificate, then you are not a pharmacist. If you are not a pharmacist, you cannot enter the medicine alliance.”

The attitude of the guard at the door is very determined.

Gao Mu reluctantly shook his head and said, “Why don’t you call your leader, I have a talk with him?”

“No need.” At this moment, one person came over here.

He is wearing a standard black suit, and a pair of leather shoes are brightly polished. However, the most noticeable thing is his black to shiny big back.

“My name is Bai Cheng, and I am the person in charge of the Shenji branch. If I have not admitted my mistake, you should be Gao Mu?” Bai Cheng first introduced himself, and then said Gao Mu’s name.

“Do you know me?” Gao Mu was very surprised that Baicheng knew himself.

After all, it should be the first time he and this Baicheng met.

Bai Cheng smiled and nodded, “Of course I know!”

“If this is the case, can I enter?” Gao Mu asked Baicheng.

The dizziness in his mind is still there, so he must seize the time to refine a pill that can detoxify.

Bai Cheng smiled and nodded, and then made a please gesture to Gao Mu: “Please come in!”

Gao Mu nodded and entered.

The first thing he did when he entered the door, he rented an alchemy room at the front desk.

Holding the key at the front desk, after Gao Mu and Bai Cheng greeted them, they plunged into the alchemy room.

“What is he going to do?”

Gao Mu’s actions made Bai Cheng feel very strange.

Seeing Gao Mu walked into the alchemy room, Bai Cheng rushed directly to the monitoring room.

Shenji is a fourth-level base city after all, and the alchemy room here is much more advanced than Langya.

In addition to the alchemy furnace, there is also a self-service material area.

Just enter the materials you need on the screen in the self-service materials area. That machine will send the materials to your alchemy room.

After Gao Mu had read the manual, he began to operate the machine in the self-service material area.

“Is he going to make detoxification pills?” Bai Cheng, who was sitting in the monitoring room, stared at the screen without blinking, for fear of missing something.

“I said the boss.” One of Baicheng’s subordinates couldn’t stand it anymore and said. “What’s so good about a detoxification pill?”

Detoxification Pill is the basic pill in the basic pill of the spiritual refining pharmacist.

As long as he is a spiritual refining pharmacist, he has refined the detoxification pill. Moreover, there is more than one.

“This kid.” Bai Cheng was not angry at the complaints made by his subordinates, he pointed to the screen and said. “This is our Medicine Refining Alliance, a rare super genius in recent years. So even if he refines the detoxification pills, I have to take a closer look.”

Bai Cheng’s diligent and studious attitude made his subordinates helplessly shake their heads.

“This super genius, isn’t it too worthless?” Seeing that Bai Cheng attaches great importance to Gao Mu, his subordinate only dared to whisper.

The high priest in the alchemy room quickly completed the previous preparations.

He opened the lid of the pill furnace and poured the ground medicinal powder into it.

After all the medicinal powder entered, Gao Mu began to control the pill furnace.

“I said, boss, this super genius in your mouth hasn’t practiced the pill a few times.” Seeing that Gao Mu’s movements were very amateurish, he couldn’t help but spit out.

Baicheng did not speak.

Because he also has this idea in his own heart.

“Let’s take a look again, maybe they are really amazing.” Bai Cheng didn’t completely extinguish the hope in his heart.

The subordinate shook his head, saying that no miracle would happen.

Just as Bai Cheng and his men discussed Gao Mu, Gao Mu’s alchemy was gradually coming to an end.

When the flame in the pill furnace was about to extinguish, Gao Mu made a move that shocked Bai Cheng and his men.

I saw that he actually took some medicinal materials from the self-help material area, and then entered the pill furnace without even looking.

“This is a big bogey.” The subordinates really couldn’t help it, and pointed at Gao Mu on the screen and cursed. “I look at people, not a super genius, but a super idiot.”

Bai Cheng didn’t speak, but his eyes flashed with deep disappointment.

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