Chapter 150

On the first day of the junior high school, Gao Mu found that the text on the plaque was somewhat similar to the text on the hilt of Tissot.

After careful comparison, Gao Mu found that they were not similar, but identical.

In other words, this ancient relic in front of you may be related to the Tiansuo Sword.

After watching for a while, Gao Mu stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of this ancient building.

Before entering the door, Gao Mu chose to sign in first.

“Sign in!”

“Ding! Sign in successfully, get reward: Xian Yuan Guo*100!”

“Ding! The new sign-in place has been updated, please go to the “Tissot Ruins” to sign in!”

【Xianyuan Fruit】

Grandmaster-level different fruit, can get a lot of spiritual energy improvement by taking it. If you are lucky, you may also be promoted in a small realm.


The introduction of Xian Yuan Guo didn’t make Gao Mu feel anything.

But the new sign-in place made Gao Mu frown slightly.

“Tissot Ruins? Is this ancient building in front of you the so-called Tissot Ruins?”

The door was pushed open by Gao Mu, and he simply walked in.

“Sign in!”

After entering the door, Gao Mu chose to sign in.

“Ding! The sign-in location is wrong, the sign-in failed!”

The sound of the system prompt tells Gao Mu that this ancient building is not a so-called Tissot relic.

“If this is not the Tissot ruins, the Tiansuo ruins…”

Gao Mu muttered to himself, while looking into the depths of the ancient building.

This ancient building is a very common deep building.

On the walls on both sides of the building, some murals are carved.

The content of the mural is very interesting.

Some people in animal skins depicted above are sitting cross-legged in a clearing.

On top of their heads, is a round sphere similar to the moon.

On the round sphere, there are continuous silk threads hanging down into the bodies of these people sitting cross-legged.

“Could it be that the ancestors on this planet already began to practice in ancient times?” Gao Mu whispered to himself.

While talking to himself, he walked slowly into the depths of the building.

One by one, the murals flashed before his eyes.

Most of the content of these murals is the content of ancient ancestors’ cultivation. And a small part of the content is what they hunted.

Among the creatures they hunted, there are some creatures that are very similar to today’s alien beasts.

Looking at the murals one by one, Gao Mu soon came to the deepest part of this ancient building.

“There is another door!”

Yes, there is a door in the depths of this ancient building.

But unlike the previous door, this door is actually a door carved out of stone.

The gate is divided into two, each with a strange beast head carved.

The beast’s head opened its mouth, Sen Ran shocked.

However, Gao Mu discovered that there was a hole in the mouth of the beast’s head.

“Could it be…”

Gao Mu thought, took out the Tiansuo sword directly from his backpack, and then inserted it into the hole.

What he didn’t expect was that the Tiansuo sword actually fit the hole very well.

“It seems that the Tissot Sword is the key to open this Tissot ruins!”

Gao Mu continued to search for other holes.

After all, besides this Tiansuo sword, he still has several Tiansuo small swords.

Soon, he found a small hole in the door.

On each hole, there was a pattern exactly the same as that on the hilt of the Tiansuo small sword.

Following the same pattern, Gao Mu inserted the corresponding Tiansuo small sword into it.

When the last Tiansuo small sword entered, a crisp sound rang.


Subsequently, this seemingly heavy stone gate slowly opened.

The sound of the opening of the stone gate was so loud that even people outside the ancient building could hear it clearly.

“What’s the matter?” The women’s gangster looked at the old man and the burly man.

The burly man widened his eyes and shook his head, “Did Gao Mu opened the stone gate?”

“Impossible.” The old man was also full of horror. “We have been studying for so many years, but there is no progress. How could he open the stone gate as soon as he entered?”

“Does he have the key in his hand?” The women’s lady’s thinking is still relatively quick.

As soon as the female lady’s voice fell, regardless of the reactions and thoughts of the other two, he rushed straight into the ancient building.

As he entered, other people also rushed in.

When they rushed to Shimen, they were stunned by the scene before them.

The original stone gate disappeared, and replaced by a stone monument as high as one person.

On the stone tablet, the words are clearly engraved.

“Those who are over 50 years old are forbidden to enter. Anyone who violates it will be killed!”

The text on the stone tablet is written in red pen. So it seems to give people an indescribable sense of weirdness.

“This must have been written by Gao Mu.” The women’s lady yelled to everyone, pointing to the stele. “He did this because he didn’t want us to enter this ruin.”

The other two did not speak, but stared at the stele quietly.

In addition to being synonymous with opportunity and danger, ancient relics also have another pronoun, which is weird.

There were some people who did not believe the words on the stone tablets outside the ancient ruins, and rushed into the ancient ruins.

When they came out, they not only brought a lot of good things, but also laughed at the stele.

But not long after they came out, they were entangled in a very strange substance.

During the day, they are no different from normal people. But once it’s night, they will become a kind of monsters that are neither human nor ghost.

This state will last for a whole year. When they only have a handful of bones left, they will not be far from death.

“Since you think it was written by Gao Mu, why don’t you go in and check it yourself?” the old man said to the women’s clothing boss.

The women’s lady did not speak.

In fact, when he treats others as a fool, why don’t others regard him as a fool.

“How many of us are under 50!” the burly man asked the people in his team.

Someone in the team raised their hands.

A rough estimate is that there are about 10 people.

“Ten of you, go in!” The burly man said to the ten.

Ten people nodded happily.

Then they headed towards the stele in the enviable eyes of others.

The first person suddenly disappeared after stepping on the stele. The same is true for the second person, and so is the third person.

But just when the fourth person was about to step on the stele, he suddenly yelled.

Then the people present clearly saw that this fourth person was actually dissolving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

First it was clothes, then hair, finally skin and flesh, and finally bones.

In just a few seconds, a big living person was dissolved into yellow water on the ground.

“This is written by Gao Mu. Is this fake?” The burly man looked at the lady’s elder with mocking eyes.

The women’s clothing boss simply didn’t look at him, but looked at his team and said loudly: “You see, people over 50 enter, and that’s how they end up. You’d better learn to be smart and don’t falsely report your age!”

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