Chapter 167

The drone flew in front of the sign and began to scan the sign.

Lu Tianping took out a tablet and waited for feedback from the drone.

As a semi-artificial intelligence drone, it not only works very efficiently, but also makes some simple self-adjustments on its own.

After scanning it, a complete map of Wanjiang City appeared on Lu Tianping’s tablet.

After a brief glance, Lu Tianping handed the tablet to Gao Mu.

After Gao Mu’s result, he began to look at it carefully.

“What is this green number?” Gao Mu asked Lu Tianping.

On this map, each area has a green number. Some places have high numbers and some places have low numbers.

“The green numbers represent the aura content of this area.” Lu Tianping explained.

“Aura content?” Gao Mu had heard of this term for the first time.

Lu Tianping pondered for a moment, and then explained to Gao Mu: “The higher the spiritual energy content, the higher the probability of treasures, foreign fruits, and other trees in that place. On the contrary, the lower. But…”

“But what?” Gao Mu continued to ask.

“The higher the aura, the higher the level of the alien beast that occupies that place, and the stronger the alien beast.” At this time Jiang Xiaodao came over and began to explain.

“You have to know that not only we humans need spiritual qi cultivation, but strange beasts also need spiritual qi cultivation.”

Gao Mu nodded, indicating that he knew it.

“So, where are we going next?” Gao Mu decided to give Jiang Xiaodao the right to choose this question.

Jiang Xiaodao looked at the map and pointed to a place and said, “If it were me, I would choose here.”

Gao Mu looked at where Jiang Xiaodao pointed.

The place he was referring to was a place where the aura index was only in the middle.

“Would you like to be so modest?” Gao Mu laughed and teased Jiang Xiaodao.

Faced with Gao Mu’s ridicule, Jiang Xiaodao smiled and shrugged: “It’s not that I am the mean, but be careful. If I were alone, I would definitely choose the highest place.”

As the owner of the branch library, Jiang Xiaodao’s first consideration was how to bring back many of the people he brought out.

“Okay, let’s take a look at this place first.” Gao Mu realized at this time that his own way of thinking about problems was simple.

The place where the aura index is moderate is a university in Wanjiang City.

Before crossing, Gao Mu had never attended college. However, he has seen many of the world’s top universities on the Internet.

But those top universities in the world, compared with the university in front of them, feel almost meaningless.

“Good guys, are you sure this is a university?”

Looking at the 100-meter-high gate, Gao Mu asked the person next to him.

Others were very surprised when they saw the gate of this university.

Entering the gate of the school is a large square.

Behind the square, there should be the main teaching building of this university.

On the huge square, the seemingly luxurious fountain has collapsed, and the golden-looking very luxurious floor tiles are also in tatters.

The once prosperous is no longer, all that is left is desolation.

“Be careful, I feel that there will be a powerful alien beast in this place.” Jiang Xiaodao’s expression was very serious and serious.

Everyone nodded, and then all showed an expression of waiting.

After that, the group of people began to walk through the square cautiously.


Halfway through, Gao Mu’s brows frowned fiercely.

An indescribable strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

He looked around.

The surroundings are quiet as usual.

“What’s the matter?” Lu Tianping noticed Gao Mu’s strangeness and hurriedly asked.

Gao Mu looked around and shook his head: “I don’t know, but I just feel a sense of restlessness.”

“What’s over there?” Just as Gao Mu was talking to Lu Tianping, a warrior suddenly looked in one direction.

Everyone looked in the direction he was pointing, and they all showed surprise.

In the direction he pointed, there was a golden glow rising continuously.

“There are treasures over there?”

Excited expressions flashed in the eyes of the successor.

“go there.”

Commanded by Jiang Xiaodao.

Although everyone was pleasantly surprised, they did not let go of their guards.


When the golden glow was less than ten meters away, Jiang Xiaodao made a fist with his right hand and raised it.

Although everyone was eager to see what was in the golden glow, they still stopped.

Greed has appeared in the eyes of some people.

Some people began to swallow wildly.

But even so, they still haven’t left the team.

“Good guys, do these people have something?”

Gao Mu sighed.

You know, apart from the identity of a cultivator, everyone is an ordinary person who eats whole grains and has seven emotions and six desires.

Greed is not only the hardest to control, but also the hardest to fill.

In this case, people can still restrain the greed in their hearts, how can this not surprise Gao Mu.

“Slowly, come closer!”

Jiang Xiaodao observed everyone not far away for a while.

Everyone nodded and began to slowly approach the golden glow.

“I’ll go and see.”

When the golden glow was less than three meters away, Gao Mu asked Ying.

“Good.” Jiang Xiaodao nodded.

The others also nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

It was because Gao Mu had saved their lives, otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to trust Gao Mu.

Seeing that everyone had no opinion, Gao Mu began to approach the golden glow.

“All words are secret!”

“King Kong is not bad for magic!”

Gao Mu is confident, but absolutely not arrogant.

With the strongest defensive skills close to him, Gao Mu’s speed increased a bit.

Soon, he came near the golden glow.

“What the hell is this?”

After approaching, Gao Mu discovered that there was a stone in the golden glow.

At this time, he suddenly raised his hands to express his innocence.

Then he shouted in the direction of Jiang Xiaodao: “I didn’t move, you saw it. There is no danger here, come and see for yourself.”

Since Gao Mu said that there is no danger, Jiang Xiaodao led people to walk quickly.

When people saw things in the golden glow, they all showed the same expression as before Gao Mu.

“Something’s wrong!”

At this time, Gao Mu’s face suddenly changed.

“The stuff in it must have been dropped by someone.”

At this time, a warrior stood up and shouted.

This is everyone’s gaze, all focused on that martial artist.

The warrior’s eyes were blood red, and he hysterically pointed to Gao Mu’s direction and shouted: “The person who dropped the bag must be Gao Mu!”

As soon as these words came out, all the eyes of everyone present were on Gao Mu’s face.

Gao Mu found that blood red appeared in the eyes of these people.

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