Chapter 169

Gao Mu had seen the situation in this teaching building with his delusional eyes.

So the group of people came to the underground part of the teaching building without any difficulty.

But as soon as they got to the underground part, they ran into a problem.

“Come on, a few people, push this door open for me.” Jiang Xiaodao commanded particularly prestigiously.

A few people came out of the Cangqiang Martial Arts Hall and walked to the big iron gate.

I saw a few people exerting force at the same time, and they couldn’t shake the big iron gate at all.

“Did you not eat?” Jiang Xiaodao felt very embarrassed.

He walked directly to the big iron gate and pushed hard.

But something embarrassing happened.

No matter how hard Jiang Xiaodao used, he still couldn’t shake the big iron gate.

“This door seems to be made of iron, but it is actually made of wood.” Gao Mu said at this moment.

If someone else said that, Jiang Xiaodao designated to jump and scold his mother. After all, there is a suspicion of taunting him in this sentence.

“I’ll try it!” Gao Mu told a few people to step back, and then walked to the door.

He put his hands on the door, and then slammed into force.

The embarrassing thing happened again.

Gao Mu’s push still didn’t shake the wooden door.

“Ha ha ha.” Gao Mu turned his head in embarrassment. “I’m careless!”

“All words are secret!”

Gao Mu’s combat power and strength instantly increased tenfold.

He tried again.

The wooden door opened, and everyone was happy.

After the wooden door opened, Gao Mu looked over.

Inside, it is a large space. Gao Mu didn’t know how big this space was.

“Inside, there is a huge space!”

Gao Mu shouted.

After hearing the words, everyone looked towards the wooden door together.

Maybe they can’t see anything at any time because of the long distance.

“Should I go in first?” Gao Mu asked back.

Jiang Xiaodao hesitated a little, then nodded and said, “Be careful!”

Gao Mu nodded and walked into the wooden door.

Not long after walking, he shouted: “You guys come in too!”

After hearing Gao Mu’s roar, everyone who could not wait for a long time. Under the command of Jiang Xiaodao, walked into the gate.

“It’s really big inside!”

“Why is this underground building so bright?”

“Is there any lighting in this underground building?”

Facing this huge space that was as bright as daylight, everyone’s eyes were full of curiosity.

“Then it should be Poyun Gold?” Gao Mu pointed to a piece of gold in the distance and said to Jiang Xiaodao.

Jiang Xiaodao looked in the direction pointed out by Gao Mu.

I saw a golden object about the size of an adult’s head in a corner of this huge space.

It looks like it should be Poyun Gold.

“So small? Are you sure there is a ton?” Jiang Xiaodao began to doubt Gao Mu’s judgment.

“Go and try to get it.” Faced with Jiang Xiaodao’s questioning, Gao Mu smiled slightly and made a please gesture.

Jiang Xiaodao walked to the Poyun Gold and reached out to grab it.

But an embarrassing scene happened.

This seems to have only non-heavy Poyun gold, but it is actually very heavy.

Jiang Xiaodao had no choice but to pick it up with both hands.

After putting it in the backpack, Jiang Xiaodao began to look at this huge space.

“In such a big place and such a heavy door, just put a piece of Poyun Gold?” Jiang Xiaodao wanted to scold his mother.

“Okay.” Gao Mu said to Jiang Xiaodao. “Since this teaching building has gained something, should we go now?”

Jiang Xiaodao nodded, and he wanted to leave.


But at this moment, a roar came from a corner of this huge space.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound, and saw that there was a fence in a corner of this huge space.

“Not good.” Gao Mu seemed to have realized something at this time and hurriedly shouted. “Hurry up, there is a problem with this place!”

After Jiang Xiaodao was taken aback for a while, he wanted to greet people to retreat.


But at this moment, a rumbling sound rang out.

Gao Mu hurriedly turned around.

I saw that the big wooden door that they had difficulty pushing open when they came was actually closed.

Gao Mu rushed to the wooden door and tried his best to open the wooden door.

But no matter how hard he tried, the wooden door wouldn’t move at all.


Just when Gao Mu wanted to scold someone, there was another rumbling sound.

The fence deep in the huge space is slowly opening at this time.

A fierce-looking, strange tiger-like monster walked out of the fence.

Although this tiger-like beast is on all fours, it is about three meters tall.

A black and white fur makes people feel its majesty.

The most uncomfortable thing is that there are two teeth like rhino horns near his nose.

“Extremely fierce and fierce tiger!” Knowing all the exclamation sound came.

Gao Mu is a little strange to this name.

“This strange beast has the powerful offensive power of a tiger, and at the same time has the defense power of a rhino. This kind of strange beast is synonymous with perfect evolution. The most strange thing is that it seems to be very fast!” Bestton continued to explain.

“This is a little troublesome.” Gao Mu touched his chin and muttered to himself softly.

Is the attack power terrible? Not scary.

Is the defense strong and terrible? It’s not scary.

But if the defensive power and offensive power are both strong, it would be more or less scary.

After the extremely fierce tiger appeared, he did not rashly attacked Gao Mu and his party.

Its evil eyes lingered on Gao Mu’s body.

The dripping saliva from the corner of his mouth shows that it wants to eat Gao Mu’s group of people.

“How do you say?” Jiang Xiaodao put his hand on the weapon, ready to respond to the attack of the fierce tiger at any time.

“What else can I do? Of course, it’s better to start first.”

Gao Mujie is not the one who likes to hesitate.

He directly drew out his dragon sword and rushed in the direction of the fierce tiger.

Extremely fierce tiger probably did not expect that Gao Mu would be like this.


It roared in a low voice, and then rushed towards Gao Mu.

“Get ready for the battle!” Jiang Xiaodao knew that this battle could not rely on Gao Mu alone.

Everyone drew out their weapons and stood in battle.

The effect of Ji Zi Mi still exists, so Gao Mu did not use Ji Zi Mi again.

“Sword Art of the Immortal Tribulation!”

Gao Mu used his skills when he was less than five meters away from the fierce tiger.

The lightning snake began to linger on the dragon sword.

In the next second, Gao Mu collided with the extremely fierce tiger.

The dragon sword directly slashed towards the extremely fierce tiger.

The Immortal Tribulation Sword Jue is powerful, and as soon as the Dragon Mark Sword collided with the Extreme Rhinoceros Tiger, a splendid spark burst out.

“Tissot Sword Technique!”

Gao Mu growled.

Tissot, composed of aura, began to take shape behind Gao Mu.

Gao Muyao pointed to the extremely fierce tiger.

Tissot formed a giant sword in the air, stabbing the extremely fierce tiger directly.


The giant sword pierced the extremely fierce tiger’s body, making a sour sound.

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