Chapter 172 City Government Area

After a child, everyone returned to the ground.

After walking through the school area again, everyone left the school area.

“Now everyone’s realm has risen to a higher level. Can we consider going to those areas with higher aura index?” Jiang Xiaodao asked Gao Mu.

Gao Mu pointed to the municipal government area and said, “Then let’s go here.”

The municipal government area is the place with the highest aura index in the entire Wanjiang City.

“it is good.”

Jiang Xiaodao nodded.

Then everyone began to march towards the municipal government area.

On the way, many strange beasts were encountered.

The realm of these alien beasts, most of them are invincible by the master.

So even if Gao Mu didn’t make a move, others could easily solve the alien beast.

This way, it can be regarded as a smooth wind.

However, when approaching the municipal government area, everyone’s emotions began to become serious.

After all, starting from the periphery of the municipal government area, the combat effectiveness of the alien beasts has been significantly strengthened.

For example, the invincible monster they encountered just now.

The previous grandmaster invincible monsters, five or six masters invincible warriors, can solve it.

But the Grandmaster Invincible Monsters outside the city government needed a dozen or so masters and invincible warriors to solve it.

Even in a peripheral area, everyone encountered a strange beast from the early days of Great Master.

However, this Great Master’s invincible animal still didn’t use Gao Mu to make a move.

Jiang Xiaodao and Lu Tianping, along with several other great masters of the early stage, finally managed to solve this strange beast without any risk.

But as they got deeper and deeper, these people also encountered strange beasts in the early days of Great Master that they couldn’t solve.

If it weren’t for Gao Mu to take action at a critical moment, they are likely to be attenuated.

“Everyone must have the spirit of twelve points. The alien beasts in this area are much stronger than the alien beasts in other areas.” Jiang Xiaodao instructed everyone.

Jiang Xiaodao ordered because they were going to walk through the square in the municipal government area next.

This square looks very safe on the surface.

Because in this square, no strange animal was seen.

But as a warrior who wanders in the wild all year round, everyone knows that the safer the place in the wild, the more dangerous it is.

Gao Mu took the lead, and Jiang Xiaodao led everyone behind. Lu Tianping and the remaining eight great masters of the early stage battled at the back of the team.

The first section of this square walked fairly smoothly.

But when I walked to the center of the square, something happened suddenly.


A warrior in the team let out a scream.

Afterwards, everyone was horrified to find that there were many holes in his clothes in an instant.

And at those holes, you can clearly see the very deep wounds.

“How did it happen?” Gao Mu asked quickly.

But before the injured warrior had time to speak, he closed his eyes and fell down.

Fortunately, the people behind him responded quickly and held him back the moment he fell.

“It’s okay.” The people behind him sniffed, then said. “I just passed out!”

Gao Mu hurried over and checked him.

He found that the wound on this warrior’s body was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This was a good thing at first, but Gao Mu’s brows were tightly frowned.

“not good.”

He found that the healing area on this warrior’s body was gradually turning dark purple.

“The things that attacked him are very poisonous!”

Gao Mu shouted.

When everyone heard it, their complexion changed drastically.

“Just now, did you see what attacked him?”

Gao Mu asked the people behind this warrior.

The person behind him shook his head and said, “No!”

“Broken eyes!”

At the center of Gao Mu’s eyebrows, golden vertical eyes gradually formed.

He quickly scanned the surroundings.

On a stone slab, he found an anomaly.

It was a very ordinary-looking slate.

But under the eyes of Po Mishen, there were many red dots on the stone slab.

In other words, the slate is likely to be a life-only creature.

“Will this creature be invisible?”

As far as Gao Mu knew, it seemed that no strange beast that could be invisible had been discovered in this world.

Some so-called alien beasts with invisibility capabilities are just evolved chameleon abilities that can blend with the surrounding environment.

“Grass Word Sword Jue!”

Gao Mu pulled out his dragon sword.

The strong grasses condensed from auras began to take shape behind Gao Mu.

He pointed in the direction of the slate.

Like the arrow, the strong grass went straight to the slate.




All the strong grass pierced the slate accurately.

The next second, a strange scene happened.

The slate, blood began to emerge unexpectedly.

“what’s the situation?”

This scene stunned everyone.

“Stop the chaos!”

One after another sword energy, it took shape in an instant.

The Gaomu Longwen sword moved again.

Jian Qi flew straight towards the slate.

The ‘slate’ doesn’t seem to move.

Let Gao Mu’s sword qi pierce it.

After this round of attacks, the ‘Slate’ was completely dead.

Not long after its death, its true face also began to emerge in front of everyone.

This is a strange animal that looks like a cockroach.

This strange beast is no more than an adult slap, but behind it has a pair of wings like cicada wings.

Everyone did not speak at this time, but looked at the know-how.

What everyone didn’t expect was that the Best Master also shook his head: “This is the first time I have seen this strange beast, so I don’t know it.”

“We have to go through this area quickly, or he will be in danger.”

The injured warrior just now looked pale and his forehead was full of sweat. His expression also looked very painful.

“Generally, there are exotic weeds that can detoxify poisonous animals.” Known things said.

Gao Mu hurriedly searched.

Sure enough, not far from the corpse of this strange animal, I saw a purple strange grass.

He walked to the strange grass, harvested it, and then returned to the warrior’s side.

Gao Mu didn’t wait for the people around him to speak, he directly crushed the strange grass into powder with his hands, and then poured it into the mouth of the warrior.

The warrior’s face began to become ruddy after the entrance of the strange grass powder.

“Two people are carrying him, let’s quickly pass through this area!”

After Gao Mu finished speaking, he took the lead.

The two warriors lifted up the injured warrior, followed by a quick step forward.

After half an hour, everyone passed through the square area without any risk.

As soon as they walked out of the square area with their front foot, the injured warrior on the back foot woke up from his drowsiness.

After his condition was almost restored, the group continued on.

The city’s former municipal government is within easy reach.

Everyone was already excited at this time.

After all, they all discovered the exotic fruit tree in the middle school.

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