Chapter 18

“Why did you choose the military in the end?”

After knowing the conditions of the parties, Gao’s father was very puzzled about Gao Mu’s behavior in joining the military.

“Make a contribution!”

The two martial arts schools are indeed very good and the conditions are very attractive.

But those so-called attractive conditions are only for others.

For a systematic person like Gao Mu, there is no such thing as the so-called first-person guidance in the world.


Gao Mu’s words made Father Gao sigh slightly.

Ji Dao Wuguan, Lu Tianping’s office.

After knowing that Gao Mu had chosen to join the military, Inspector Qi only sighed to express regret, but his emotions did not fluctuate much.

Although Gao Mu is a genius, he is certainly worthy of their pursuit.

But Gao Mu is now only a five-star silver.

“Although we didn’t pursue the High Shepherd, you did meritorious service this time.” Inspector Qi will not blame Lu Tianping for not getting the High Shepherd. He rubbed his chin and said to Lu Tianping. “I don’t know what the specific reward is.”

“But if you don’t want to be the owner of this branch, I can help you too.”

When Lu Tianping heard this, he was slightly startled, and then quickly thanked: “Thank you, Inspector Qi, and Inspector Qi!”

Some warriors can become warriors, in addition to their own relatively powerful martial arts talents, but also because they themselves have an adventurous heart.

As a warrior, Lu Tianping is no exception.

The base city is the head of the branch library. This looks like a beautiful job for outsiders, but to Lu Tianping, it is a tasteless job.

He likes to take risks, he likes to dance on the tip of a knife, and he likes to wander on the edge of life and death.

In his opinion, that is the life he wants.

The next morning, Gao Mu woke up from his sleep.

The parents did not enjoy the happiness at home because Gao Mu is rich now.

“Gao Mu, if you have time today, come and visit Yuewei!” Gao Mu, who had just gotten up, received a call from Shen Chongxin.

After hanging up, Gao Mu tidied up a bit and walked out of the house.

On the way to Kan Yuewei, he did not forget to sign in at Huasheng Hotel.

There were so many things that happened yesterday, which caused him to forget to sign in.

“Ding! Sign in successfully! Get reward: Flesh Strengthening Mixture Type I*100!”

“Ding! The new sign-in place has been updated, please go to Kanyuewei station to sign in!”

This new sign-in reward makes Gao Mu’s expression a bit exciting.

He knows this mixture.

This is a super mixture developed by Longshan Group, one of the four major groups.

Although this mixture is not as powerful as the different fruit, it can increase the body’s strength.

Because of the limited supply, the price of one piece has already reached 20 million on the black market.

“If one piece is 20 million, if that 100 pieces are used, that would be 2 billion! It just took off!”

Gao Mu was overjoyed.

To be honest, he has no plans to sell.

This thing, that is the best product that can’t be met. Moreover, there are no side effects.

If you use all of these 100 sticks by yourself, and cooperate with the diamond is not bad magic. That Gao Mu’s body will reach a very terrifying level.


The taxi stopped two hundred meters away from the station of Kanyuewei.

“It’s not here yet!” Gao Mu pointed to the resident gate and said to the master.

“I don’t want to die.” The master waved his hand to Gao Mu. “The place in front is where Yuewei regrets, and their group of people are all lunatics!”

Gao Mu did not intend to continue to embarrass the master.

He nodded, and got out of the car after paying the money.

Seeing Gao Mu got off the car, the master drove away as if fleeing.

“This place is so scary!”

Gao Mu complained about it, and walked in the direction of the station.

When it was less than five meters away from the resident gate, a voice sounded from not far away: “The front is the Kan Yuewei resident, please don’t go on!”

Gao Mu looked in the direction of the gate and shouted, “I’m here to report!”

“check in?”

The door slowly opened, and a group of four or five people walked out of the door.

“Are you Gao Mu?” The middle-aged man in the lead, looking up and down Gao Mu, frowned slightly.

Gao Mu nodded.

“Not so much!”

“When did we regret that Yuewei became a shelter?”

“Look at what this kid looks like, maybe he has walked through the back door.”

It is estimated that Shen Chongxin did not tell them Gao Mu’s true cultivation base, otherwise, they would not have this attitude.

“I heard that you are a genius boy?” The middle-aged man continued to look at Gao Mu.

“A genius boy? It’s not a big deal. I can only say that I work harder than others.” Gao Mu was also humble.

“Guang Tao, go and try him.” The middle-aged man took a step back.

A young man who was much older than Gao Mu, laughed and stepped forward and said to the people around him: “I tried him, didn’t I bully him?”

“Bullying me? It doesn’t count.” Since they are going to ask a high priest to disarm, then the high priest certainly can’t admit counsel at this time. “After all, you really are not necessarily my opponent.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone, including the middle-aged, was slightly taken aback.

“Good guy, are all young people so crazy nowadays?”

Gao Mu’s arrogance made the middle-aged people very unhappy.

The others in this group also frowned because of Gao Mu’s arrogance.

“Boy, you successfully angered me.”

Guang Tao said, one step forward, full of momentum.

Gao Mu shook his head slightly, and also took a step forward.

Seeing that Gao Mu had no fear, Guang Tao raised the corners of his mouth, and said with great interest: “Since you are here to report to Yuewei, then I will teach you the first lesson of Yuewei for free!”

“Newcomers must always respect the elderly!” Guang Tao shouted, and went straight to Gao Mu.

“King Kong is not bad for magic!”

Nothing else, Gao Mu, was very cautious.

Seeing that Gao Mu’s body was covered with golden luster, everyone was curious.

At this time, Guang Tao had already rushed to the front of Gao Mu.

Gao Mu didn’t bother to pretend, so he punched it out.


Gao Mu’s fist hit Guang Tao directly.

Not surprisingly, Guang Tao was directly defeated by Gao Mu and flew out.

In the air, he also spouted a mouthful of blood.

After landing, he went into a coma directly.

“That’s it?”

Gao Mu shook his fist, his face full of disdain.

The face of the middle-aged man has become very ugly at this time.

“I will meet him!”

Another person jumped out from behind the middle-aged man and rushed towards Gao Mu.

But his result was similar to Guang Tao.

“It seems that you are really a genius boy.” The middle-aged man asked the people behind him to stay calm, and then said to Gao Mu. “Since you are so strong, then I will meet you.”

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