Chapter 186

The gathering of Jidao, Cangqiang, and Kanyue forces in the square spread like wind throughout the entire base city.

Ordinary people don’t feel very strange about the assembly of these three forces.

After all, the previous two martial arts gymnasiums used to go out together on expeditions.

But for the four major families, this is a big deal.

If it were at other times, they might not be so nervous. But at this point in time, they still feel a little guilty in their hearts.

The Zhao family, dark room in the backyard.

The patriarch is talking with the patriarchs of the other three families.

“Everyone, what do you mean by them?” Clan Chief Zhao frowned, his eyes flashing with worry.

“I don’t know, but at this point, it’s definitely not a good thing.” Clan Chief Qian said.

“Everyone, no matter who they are going to deal with, we must help each other out,” the Sun family said.

“Of course, as long as we can help the temple win this base city, our four big families will each get a district.” The Li family chief expressed a little excitement.

Shenji Base City has a total of 36 districts.

Each district can bring a lot of income to the base city.

Compared to their current business, the income of a district is really tempting.

While the patriarchs of the four major families were discussing, Gao Mu had already led the team to the outside of the Zhao family manor.

“Who are you? When did the Zhao family come to me?” People in the Zhao family are still arrogant.

Gao Mu did not speak, but glanced at Liu Mo next to him.

Liu Mo understood his mind and stepped forward and slapped the roadblocker: “Ji Dao, Cangqiang, and Hui Yue come to visit, let your Patriarch come out!”

The roadblocker who was slapped in the face wanted to yell at the manpower.

After hearing what Liu Mo said, he silently closed his mouth.

He said to Liu Mo: “You are waiting here…”

Before he finished speaking, Liu Mo slapped him again.

“Waiting for you!” Liu Mo didn’t look like a city guard at all at this time, and now he is more like a gangster. “You let the Laozi wait here, you are a chicken!”

After the fight was not enough, Liu Mo gave him another kick.

Asking no one to stand in the way, Gao Mu walked directly into the Zhao family manor.

Gao Mu’s side is aggressive and crowded. No one in the Zhao family dared to step forward to stop it.

Go through the square in front of the manor, and behind it is the hall of the manor.

Gao Mu entered to inquire, and sat down on the main seat of the hall without saying a word.

People in the Zhao family were very angry at Gao Mu’s behavior. But they were afraid of Gao Mu’s strength and influence, and only dared to curse in their hearts.

“Let your patriarch come to see me!”

Gao Mu shouted.

In fact, the people of the Zhao family have long gone to find their patriarch.

But after searching for a circle, I didn’t find it.

If it is not the confidant of the patriarch, knowing where the patriarch is now, I am afraid that they will not be able to find their patriarch today.

“What are you talking about?” The patriarch of the Zhao clan in the secret room is still looking forward to the future with other clan patriarchs. His eyes widened when he heard the words of a close friend. “Gao Mu brought people from Jidao, Cangqiang, and Jianyue to our family?”

Patriarch Zhao was obviously panicked.

“Everyone.” After looking at the other three patriarchs, he clasped his fists. “I hope you three, remember what I said before.”

After speaking, he hung up the phone and hurriedly left the secret room.

After leaving the secret room, he went straight to the hall.

“I don’t know if the three big drivers are here, the villain has lost a long way to welcome, and hope for forgiveness!” The patriarch of the Zhao clan bowed his knees and lowered his posture to the lowest level.

“I don’t know when the three of them came to my Zhao family together, when?” Gong Ying finished, just asking.

“Sanctuary undercover, what do you plan to do?” Gao Mu did not turn around or obscure, and directly explained his intention.

“Sanctuary undercover? Master of the high-level museum, the old man doesn’t know what you are talking about.” The patriarch of the Zhao clan pretended to be dumbfounded.

“Do you think that by pretending to be stupid and stunned, you can get through today?” Gao Mu looked at the patriarch of the Zhao clan with cold eyes.

“You misunderstood.” Patriarch Zhao quickly waved his hand to explain. “We have done an internal investigation, and there is no one in our family that you call a temple undercover!”

The Zhao family really wanted to get through.

“Good.” Gao Mu nodded.

The Zhao family was unsure for a while, what did Gao Mu’s goodness mean?

“Since you are not willing to clean up, I don’t mind helping you clean up.” Gao Mu said coldly to the patriarch Zhao.

“The master of the high-score library, did you do this a bit too deceitful?” Patriarch Zhao suddenly straightened his back, and his attitude suddenly became very tough.

“Master of the High Score Library, you can’t let us kill your family members just because of your speculation.”

“You and Ji Dao Wuguan are indeed powerful, but you can’t be so overbearing.”

“What is the difference between your behavior and the bandit?”

The people in the Zhao family are very angry.

They stared at Gao Mu with blood red eyes, as if Gao Mu was their enemy.

“Do you know what the temple has done?” Gao Mu didn’t turn back angrily, he asked back.

“What the temple has done, I know better than you.”

“Yes, the temple is the best organization in the world.”

“Your three major organizations have long been rotten, and we would rather support the temple than support you.”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the three major forces changed suddenly.

Gao Mu clearly felt that everyone’s breathing had begun to rush.

As for Patriarch Zhao, cold sweat appeared on his forehead. His back was also soaked in cold sweat at this time.

“Master of the Gaofen Pavilion, they are not…” The patriarch Zhao still wanted to explain, but all he received was Gao Mu’s indifferent look.

“Different ways, don’t seek each other. Since you think the temple is right, then I have nothing to say.” Gao Mu shrugged.

Gao Mu’s words made everyone in the Zhao family obviously relieved.

But Patriarch Zhao felt that things were not that simple.

Now, he really hates those inferior children in their family.

At the same time, he hates himself a bit, and shouldn’t brainwash them so early.

Gao Mu did not speak at this time, but looked at Liu Mo and Jiang Xiaodao.

The patriarch of the Zhao clan also followed Gao Mu’s gaze and looked at the two of them.

The two nodded very tacitly.

Seeing the two nodding their heads, the head of the Zhao clan felt cold.

I saw him pick up a cup and slam it on the ground.

“Throw the cup as a sign?” Gao Mu couldn’t help showing a mocking look at the behavior of the patriarch of the Zhao clan. “Then your swordsman, shouldn’t he also show up?”

Before Gao Mu’s words fell, a group of people appeared at the door of the hall.

This group of people was dressed in armor, armed with weapons, and their faces were serious.

“You wanted to do it to me first.” Gao Mu smiled and looked at the Zhao clan chief. “If that’s the case, don’t blame me.”

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