Chapter 193 One Person Destroys One Family

Zhao’s Manor, front hall.

The core members of the Sun family and the Li family all gather at once.

“Why hasn’t Li Fei come back?” one of the members complained. “Isn’t it just asking him to check the warehouse? Why did he go so long?”

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

“Li Rong, take a few people and take a look at the warehouse.”

Li Rong nodded and left the front hall with his fists.

This Li Rong is much smarter than Li Fei.

After he left, he told his friends to keep the conversation with himself.

Soon, Li Rong brought a group of people to the warehouse.

Looking at the corpses out of the warehouse, Li Rong shouted: “Who? Come out for me!”

“What’s the situation?” Li Rong’s friend asked during the call.

Li Rong hurriedly replied: “All the people Li Fei and Li Fei took have been killed, and they have no survivors. Moreover, the guards at the entrance of the warehouse and the warehouse may have died!”

Li Rong’s friend quickly reported the incident to the patriarch of the Li family.

“People of the Li family, go to the warehouse with me!” The chief of the Li family realized the seriousness of the matter.

Members of the Li family came out in full force.

“Patriarch, don’t we go?” a member of the Sun clan asked the patriarch Sun.

The patriarch of the Sun clan smiled coldly and said: “If the Li family can solve that person, then everyone will be happy. If it can’t be solved, we will go there for nothing.”

The patriarch Sun said so, but he didn’t think so in his heart.

Those who dare to sneak into Zhao’s Manor at this time are definitely masters of the masters.

And now he wanted to use the hands of this master to destroy the Li family.

In this case, after the temple enters the city, he can enjoy the grace of the temple alone.

People, once jealous, the heart will turn black.

Patriarch Sun, neglected a very important issue.

If the Li family is really destroyed, their hostages will definitely be rescued.

Once they lose the hostage’s dependence, they will not be far away from destruction.

When he was calm, the patriarch Sun would surely think of this. But now he is full of greed and desire. So, this caused problems in his thinking.

Chief Li brought people to the warehouse.

He was outside the warehouse and saw Gao Mu who was squatting on the ground and counting ants.

“Master of the Gaofen Pavilion, why should you rush to kill us!” Clan Chief Li came to a wicked person to complain first.

Gao Mu got up and looked at the patriarch Li who was not far away.

“If you killed the undercover in the family when I first looked for you, I don’t think things will get to this point.” Gao Mu said.

Clan Chief Li looked at Gao Mu and said seriously: “If you were me, would you kill the undercover in the clan?”

“No.” Gao Mu didn’t even think about it, and shook his head directly. “If I stand in your place, I will never kill those undercover agents.”

After all, the undercover agents in the family are all blood relatives in the family who have broken bones and connected tendons.

No matter how decisive Gao Mu was to kill, he couldn’t kill his blood relatives.

“If that’s the case, why can’t you let me go?” The chief Li asked again.

“I thought about the problem from your perspective, then why can’t you think about the problem from my perspective?” Gao Mu said to Clan Chief Li.

At this point, the patriarch Li also understood Gao Mu’s attitude.

“If that’s the case, don’t hesitate, everyone, hurry up!” Clan Chief Li’s face sank, he drew his weapon and rushed towards Gao Mu.

The patriarch moved, and everyone drew out their weapons.


All of a sudden, there were shouts and killings in the manor.

“What’s the point of shouting so loudly?” Gao Mu buttoned his ears in disgust. “Do you think that if you shout loudly, you will be my opponent?”

“All words are secret!”

Gao Mu’s strength instantly increased tenfold.

“Grass Word Sword Jue!”

The strong grass condensed by aura appears!

Gao Muyao refers to everyone in the Li family.

The strong grass flew out, killing more than a dozen people in an instant.

When the others saw this, their pace was instantly slow.

“To be afraid is to die, not to be afraid is to die!” Clan Li cried. “Our only choice now is to fight to the death!”

Something like chicken soup works sometimes. But sometimes, it doesn’t work.

The members of the Li family did not become brave because of his chicken soup. Those who flinched still flinched quietly.

“Even if you run away, you won’t survive!” Clan Chief Li shouted again.

But those who ran away turned a deaf ear to what he said.

“If you have time to give people chicken soup, it’s not as good as something practical!”

As Gao Mu said, he shot again.

“Stop the chaos!”

Sword Qi was born and hurried away.

Everyone in the Li family lost a dozen more people.

They are very close to Gao Mu now.

But even this very close distance is like a moat, which is difficult to cross.

“Sword Art of the Immortal Tribulation!”

A fairy sword with thunder and lightning on its handle was formed on top of Gao Mu’s head.

Gao Mu remotely pointed.

The fairy sword flew out.

The fairy sword has a total of three, nine and twenty-seven handles, and each handle carries the life of a member of the Li family.

When the chief of the Li clan rushed to Gao Mu, he was left alone in the Li clan.

Gao Mu’s dragon sword, placed on his shoulder, looked at him with a smile: “Repent?”

“No regrets.” Chief Li’s eyes shook his head firmly. “Even if I was asked to choose again, I would still make the same choice!”

“Good guy, there is a character, I like it!” Gao Mu smiled, and pierced the throat of Clan Chief Li with his sword.

So far, the Lee family has become history.

Of the four major families in Shenji Base City, only one remains.

“Isn’t here yet? It’s really slow enough!”

Gao Mu was outside the warehouse, waiting boredly for the arrival of the martial arts people.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Xiaodao and Lu Tianping, covered in blood, came to Gao Mu.

“I said you guys, is it a bit too slow.” Gao Mu couldn’t help but complain.

Jiang Xiaodao just wanted to refute.

But when he saw the corpses, he closed his mouth.

“You killed these people alone?” Jiang Xiaodao was shocked, looking at Gao Mu like a monster.

“Is this great? Isn’t it enough to have a hand?”

When it comes to starting a cup, Gao Mu is a master.

“Pretend, just continue to pretend!”

After Jiang Xiaodao gave Gao Mu a blank look, he directed the people at the Cangqiang Martial Arts Hall to clean the battlefield.

The people in the Jidao martial arts gym are responsible for rescuing the hostages.

“Are you his leader? I want to complain to him.” A hostage shouted at Jiang Xiaodao as soon as he was rescued. “He killed the innocent!”

Jiang Xiaodao glanced at the man and said coldly: “Just as soon as he was rescued, he complained about his lifesaver. You are not worthy to live!”

Jiang Xiaodao’s words made the man look horrified.

Before he could react, a knife pierced his chest.

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