Chapter 195


The popping cone fell to the ground with a loud noise.

The top ten masters reacted quickly, and escaped the bursting cone’s attack.

Seeing that the city has been opened, the hall master shouted: “Give me a siege!”

The Templars and Pikemen rushed forward.

“Good fellow, there are so many people here.”

At the gate of the city, a strong man looked at the people in the temple with a relaxed expression.

“The worst is the mid-term of the Great Master. It seems that we are right to come.”

A graceful elder sister in a red patent leather outfit looked at everyone in the temple and laughed.

“This time, let’s let them come and go!”

A young man with handsome looks, happy temperament and fluttering white clothes.

“Do it!”

Following the order from the strong man, the three moved.

The black shadow, the red outfit, and the white robe moved all together.

When the temple attacked the base city, Gao Mu had already led a team to the outskirts of Fengjia City.

“Everyone must be careful, this city is the site of the temple. I’m not sure, whether there will be any traps here!”

As Gao Mu said, he took the lead and walked slowly into Fengjia City.

Others followed closely behind.

The city of Fengjia is very quiet.

“Why don’t you even have a strange beast.”

That’s right, at this time, there are no strange beasts in Fengjia City.

Gao Mu shook his head solemnly.

In the basement of a collapsed building in Fengjia City, Aquarius is monitoring the actions of the three major forces.

“Dare to come to my temple base, and I don’t know who gave you the courage.” Aquarius said, pressing a mechanism.

Just hearing a sound of mechanical friction, a huge downward slope appeared on the ground not far from the three major forces.




Accompanied by a few roars, the downhill rushed out of the strange beast several times.

“Good guys, they are all Grandmaster Invincible Monsters.” Gao Mu saw the realm of these strange beasts at a glance.

“Go on, make a quick decision!” Gao Mu waved his hand.

All three forces are masters.

Within a few minutes, these strange beasts were solved by the masters.

“keep going!”

Gao Mu waved his hand.

Aquarius saw that everyone had dealt with the strange beast so easily, a strange expression appeared on his face.

“Baby, come out to pick up the guests!”

He gave a weird smile, then pressed two more buttons.

The sound of mechanical friction sounded again.

Gao Mu waved his hand, motioning everyone to stop advancing.

The ground in front of him collapsed again, and a strange beast climbed up from the ground.

“What is this? Why is it so weird?” When everyone saw this strange beast, their faces were shocked.

The size of this strange beast is not very big, probably equivalent to two or three adults.

It was on all fours, covered in black barbs that looked like hedgehog thorns. The strangest thing is that it has a face very similar to a human being.

“What is this?” Gao Mu asked Know-How.

Know-how shook his head with furrowed brows: “I don’t know, I haven’t seen it before. This strange beast has never appeared before!”

“The alien beasts from the early days of the Great Master, the people from the early days of the Great Master will go together!” Gao Mu said.

The great masters in the team, including Jiang Xiaodao and Lu Tianping, all stepped out of the team and rushed towards the alien beast.

Although this strange beast looks weird, its combat effectiveness is very dazzling.

In less than five minutes, he was killed by the three major forces.

“My baby is dead, my baby is dead.” The treasure bottle of the underground forces was a little crazy. He stared at the three major forces on the screen and roared in a low voice. “Dare to kill my baby, I want you not to leave this city of Jia!”

Falling into a mad bottle, he madly presses the button on the console.

In the quiet Fengjia City, the sound of mechanical friction one after another.

In the early days of the great master, strange-looking beasts appeared.

“There are about thirteen,” Jiang Xiaodao said to Gao Mu after observing.

Even though there are so many alien beasts, none of the people in the team showed a panic.

“If you can kill, kill, if you can’t kill, protect yourself as much as possible!”

Gao Mu said, drew out the dragon sword and prepared for a battle.

“All words are secret!”

“Grass Word Sword Jue!”

The strong grass took shape and flew towards the weird beast.

Every sturdy grass is like a general sharp sword, killing the weird beast in an instant.

“Big Brother, your strength is a bit outrageous!” Jiang Xiaodao, who was already ready for a bloody battle, said helplessly.

“Is it strong?” Gao Mu said softly after retracting the dragon pattern sword into the scabbard, posing a very cupped look. “For this kind of thing, don’t you just have a hand!”

“I was wrong.” Jiang Xiaodao was speechless.

The weird beasts were all beheaded, which made Aquarius even more crazy.

“You must die, you must die.”

Speaking, he started pressing the button frantically again.

“You take a break, and I will leave the rest to me.”

The dragon sword is out of its sheath again.

“Tissot Sword Technique!”

One by one Tissot formed in the back of Gao Mu’s head.

Gao Mu remotely pointed.

Tissot flew to the strange beasts like an arrow from the string.

Although these strange beasts are powerful, their fate is still being killed by Gao Mu.

“If there are any other animals, let them go quickly. My time is precious.” Gao Mu shouted.

Because of the aura added to this call, his voice spread throughout Fengjia City.

Aquarius was so angry that so many babies were killed.

Gao Mu’s provocation made the last trace of his sanity disappear without a trace.

“You must die today, I said!”

Aquarius wanted to press the button again, but at this moment one of the hands held him.

“Calm down.” Pisces grabbed Aquarius’s hand and said to him with a serious expression. “If you really release all our strange beasts, even if you kill them, you won’t be able to explain to the palace master!”

After hearing Pisces’ words, the crazy Aquarius gradually lost his anger.

It’s not that Pisces’ words are more useful, but the Lord’s words in Pisces’ words are useful.

“This group of people is just a group of Grandmaster Invincible and the early warriors of the Grandmaster. We can completely solve them with the armored spearmen.” Pisces continued.

“it is good.”

Aquarius nodded, and left the basement with Pisces.

Leaving the basement, Aquarius and Pisces released a message to gather the pikemen in Fengjia City.

One minute later, the riflemen completed the assembly.

“There is an enemy coming, what shall we do?” Aquarius standing in front of the team shouted.




Three shouts of killing resounded across the sky.

“Okay! Let’s go!”

Under the leadership of Aquarius and Pisces, the holy armor pikemen began to move in the direction of Gao Mu and others.

If nothing else, they will soon meet Gao Mu and others.

Seeing Gao Mu killed a powerful alien beast in seconds, Jiang Xiaodao finally couldn’t help it: “I just want to ask, you are so good, why are you taking us here?”

This question has been held in his heart for a long time.

“Want to hear the truth?” Gao Mu looked at Jiang Xiaodao with a smile.

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