Chapter 199 Rushing to Kunlun Base City

“Tissot Sword Technique!”

One by one Tissot formed in the back of Gao Mu’s head.

Gao Muyao pointed out that Tiansuo hurried away toward Ye Liufeng.

“Secret of the lines!”

Later, Gao Mu appeared behind Ye Liuyun.

When Ye Liufeng reacted, Gao Mu’s dragon sword was already resting on his neck.

And the giant sword composed of Tiansuo had also aimed at Ye Liufeng’s throat at this time.

In other words, if this was a battle, not a battle, Ye Liufeng would have died long ago.

“I took it, I took it thoroughly!”

Ye Liufeng was convinced at this time.

Gao Mu smiled slightly, retracted the dragon sword, and dispelled the Tiansuo giant sword.

“Brother Gao Mu, you are a real cow!” Ye Liufeng, who was born aloof, gave Gao Mu a thumbs up. “I have never served anyone in my life, you are definitely one.”

Gao Mu smiled slightly and said, “Brother Ye is serious.”

Ye Liufeng gave himself face, then Gao Mu must give him face too.

“This young lady, would you like to experience it too?” Gao Mu laughed and teased the Red Sister Yu.

Sister Hongyi shook her head frantically: “Neither of them is your opponent, and I am not even your opponent.”

“By the way, stop my little sister, my name is Su Hongxiu. You can call me sister Hongxiu or sister Su!” Su Hongxiu introduced himself with a smile.

China, Kunlun Base City.

Central office area, city guard office.

Yan Jiujiang, the city guard of the base city, was staring at his screen.

On his screen is a satellite map of Kunlun Mountain.

“The city guard, there is a vibration in the west of Kunlun Mountain.” Someone reported.

Shishou quickly looked in the direction of the west, and saw on the computer, a huge alien beast in the west was moving in the direction of the base city.

“Turn on the first level alarm! At the same time notify the two martial arts halls, let them help us stationed at the city gate!” Yan Jiujiang shouted at the secretary.

The secretary nodded, turned around and left.

Soon the two martial arts halls also received news from the city guard’s office.

As the master of the Jidao martial arts center, Su Chilian directly began to gather members of the Jidao martial arts center without saying a word.

Jiang Zhanxun, the branch master of Cangqiang Wuguan, was not so active.

“The branch master, let’s…” one of his men asked Jiang Zhanxun.

But what he didn’t expect was that Jiang Zhanxun was rewarded by Jiang Zhanxun before he finished speaking.

“What do you want? Are you the owner of the branch library, or am I the owner of the branch library?” Jiang Zhanxun yelled at his hand.

The man lowered his head, afraid to speak.

“Remember, as long as I stay in Kunlun Base City for one day, you will listen to me. Also, I hate being pointed at me the most, do you know?” Jiang Zhanxun yelled at his opponent.

The subordinates did not dare to speak, but dared to nod their heads.

“go away!”

Jiang Zhanxun waved his hand.

The subordinate left.

After this subordinate left, Jiang Zhanxun called his secretary.

“Sub-library master.” When the secretary saw Jiang Zhanxun, there was a panic in the depths of his eyes. “Do you have anything to do with me?”

Jiang Zhanxun squinted and waved his hand to the secretary: “You come closer and I will tell you.”

Although the secretary was very scared, he approached slowly.

When the secretary was completely approached, Jiang Zhanxun directly stretched out his hand and took the secretary into his arms.

The secretary wanted to yell, but after thinking of what Jiang Zhanxun had done before, he closed his mouth very sensibly.

After taking advantage of it for a while, Jiang Zhanxun pushed the secretary away and ordered: “Let the masters above the war spirits of our branch gather in the lobby!”

After finishing the clothes, the secretary nodded and left.

Kunlun Base City, North Gate.

A strange beast with a height of one hundred meters is approaching the Kunlun base city.

This huge monster has a head like a lizard, and a body and torso like a great ape.

Every time it takes a step, the entire Kunlun base city will tremble.

“What kind of monster is this? Why is he so big?”

“Could it be that the crack in Kunlun Mountain has grown bigger again?”

“My God, the coercion that this alien beast exudes is terrifying.”

“This strange beast, at least a war emperor-level strange beast!”

The people on the wall looked at the giant beast with fear.

Su Chilian looked gloomy.

“The city guard, with our current strength, we may not be able to kill this strange beast. And I feel that this strange beast may just be a pioneer!” Su Chi practiced.

Yan Jiujiang frowned and did not speak.

“Where is Jiang Zhanxun? Why hasn’t he come yet?” Yan Jiujiang shouted.

“Report!” One of Yan Jiujiang’s men, Hui reported. “The people in the Cangqi Martial Arts Hall, just left the Martial Arts Hall!”

When Yan Jiujiang heard this, his heart ignited with anger.

“Seek help!” Yan Jiujiang sighed helplessly as he looked at the huge alien beast in the distance.

In an instant, news of the Kunlun Base City’s request for help was sent back to the Imperial Capital, Jidao City, and Sky City.

At this time, the three masters who were in Shenji Base City and Gao Mu, who were making Jiuyanhuan, also received relevant news at this time.

After receiving the news, they got up and rushed to the airport.

“Uncle Lu.” Gao Mu followed closely behind. “Shenji base city will be handed over to you, I am going to Kunlun!”

Lu Tianping was stunned.

“The master of the high-level library, is it really good for you to be dereliction of duty like this?” Su Hongxiu said.

“I applied to the above, and the above agreed.” Gao Mu smiled and shrugged.

“When did you apply?” Su Hongxiu didn’t believe it.

“Applied a minute ago.” Gao Mu said with a smile.

“Impossible.” Su Hongxiu shook his head in disbelief. “The efficiency of the logistics department cannot be so high!”

As soon as she finished speaking, Gao Mu’s cell phone rang.

Gao Mu took out his cell phone and handed it to Su Hongxiu.

After taking a look, Su Hongxiu’s eyes widened, unbelievable: “How is this possible!”

Ye Liufeng leaned on the chair and smiled and said: “He has privileges, as long as it is what he applied for. As long as it is not too much, the logistics department will give him a second.”

“Good fellow!” Pangbo sighed when he heard it. “Genius evildoers are different!”

Gao Mu smiled, and then took a deep look at Ye Liufeng.

Ye Liufeng might also feel that Gao Mu is looking at him. He smiled and said to Gao Mu: “Don’t be surprised, after all, Ye Qingcheng is my aunt!”

“Good guy, it turned out to be the second generation of Wu, I said why you are so good.” Gao Mu laughed and teased.

Twenty minutes later, a group of four people boarded the plane.

After another half an hour, the plane landed at the airport in Kunlun Base City.

As soon as the plane landed, Gao Mu heard a very loud roar.

He looked towards the source of the sound when he saw a huge alien beast attacking the high wall of the base city.

“Hurry up and support!”

Gao Mu roared and rushed out first.

The other three followed closely behind.

Half an hour later, a group of four people rushed to the north wall.

Only then did Gao Mu remember the main purpose of coming to Kunlun Base City by himself.

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