Chapter 21

Luming City, the edge.

The team proceeded cautiously, for fear of disturbing a large number of alien beasts and causing a commotion among the alien beasts.

As a gathering place for silver beasts, in addition to a large number of silver beasts, Luming City also has many golden beasts.

“Over there.” Feng Yong pointed to a lonely silver beast not far away, and said to Liu Mo. “Shall we start with that strange beast first?”

It was a bear-like creature with red hair all over.

“Thorns and Bears!” The glasses quickly fed back information about Gao Mu, the bear-like alien beast. “Most of them are silver monsters, but there is a certain chance to break through gold.”

“Once they break through the gold, the coat color on their bodies will change. Its weakness is in the abdomen.”

This is another good part of the glasses, which can feed back information on the weakness of the alien beast.

“I attracted him over.” Hao Jian took the bow and arrow off his back and said to the people around him. “We need to solve it in the fastest time.”

For a team like them, the Silver Beast is not terrible.

What really worries them is that because the fighting time is too long, other strange beasts are attracted to it.

“Quick battle and quick decision, all take out their own housekeeping skills.” After Liu Mo ordered the other members of the team, he set his sights on Gao Mu’s body, he warned. “The first strange beast, you just need to watch it.”

“However, you must see clearly, the cooperation between us. Your viewing opportunities are not many, so you must cherish it!”

Gao Mu nodded, indicating that he knew it.

“I really don’t know why I brought him to the wild. It also brought such a dangerous gathering place for silver monsters.” Jiang Huai murmured.

Liu Mo heard Jiang Huai’s mutter, but he did not hear it.

“Hao Jian.” He directed Hao Jiandao. “Ready to open a monster!”

After taking a look at Gao Mu with dissatisfaction, Hao Jian took a bow and shot an arrow.


Hao Jian’s arrow hit the Thorns War Bear accurately.

The thorny bear skin was very thick, but Hao Jian’s arrow still pierced his skin.


The painful thorns and the bears let out a roar.

“not good!”

Liu Mo’s face changed drastically.

“Quick fight, leave quickly!”

He was not sure whether the roar of the thorns and the bear would attract other strange beasts.

The rest of the team also clenched their weapons and stood ready.

The thorny war bear soon found the despicable sneak attacker.

It shook its fat body and rushed in the direction of the team.


Liu Mo took the lead.

I saw that he was holding a battle knife and rushed directly to the front of the Thorns War Bear.

He held the sword high and slashed directly on the body of the Thorns War Bear.

Although this knife didn’t kill the Thorns War Bear in seconds, it also caused it to be seriously injured.

After the injury, the thorns and the bear, his eyes were blood red.

Jianghuai and Feng Yong also rushed up at this time.

Jianghuai’s weapon is a long sword, while Feng Yong’s weapon is two short axes.

Although the attack power of the two was not as good as Liu Mo, they also caused a lot of damage to the thorny bear.

In less than three minutes, the three of them, with the assistance of Hao Jian and Liu Xiaoguang, solved the thorny war bear.

“Hurry up and clean the battlefield!”

Commanded by Liu Mo.

Jianghuai and Feng Yong squatted down very tacitly and cut the thorny bear.

Hao Jian and Liu Xiaoguang are in charge of standing guard.

The cutting lasted for three minutes, and Jianghuai took the lead to stand up: “Okay.”

Liu Mo glanced at the corpse of the war bear, nodded and said, “Hurry up, the roar and bloody smell just now will definitely attract other strange beasts!”

Liu Mo’s voice fell, and everyone began to move quickly in one direction.

On this road, many strange beasts were avoided.

In a clearing where there were no alien beasts, the team stopped.

“Captain, I said before that this person is dragging oil bottles.” As soon as he stopped, Hao Jian began to complain. He pointed to Gao Mu, very dissatisfied. “If it weren’t for him, we couldn’t have spent so long.”

“Right.” Hao Jian said this, and Feng Yong said immediately. “This kind of person should live in the base city.”

“This hunting, I don’t think he will get the money.” Jiang Huai is definitely the smartest of the three.

He did not express his dissatisfaction with Gao Mu, but instigated discord from another aspect.

“What do you mean?”

This was the first time Gao Mu had hunted a strange animal with the team, so he didn’t understand what Jiang Huai meant.

Seeing Gao Mu’s dumbfounded expression, Jianghuai explained with a sarcasm: “Whoever contributes the most in hunting foreign animals in the wild will get richer revenge.”

“The thorny war bear just now has a total value of 1 million. For the 1 million li, the captain takes the big head, which is 50%. The remaining 50% is divided equally by the four of us. There is no your share.”

“Why?” Gao Mu was a little unconvinced. “Just because I didn’t contribute?”

“That’s right!” Jiang Huai smiled at Gao Mu and said. “People who don’t contribute, just can’t divide the money!”

“Well, since you said that, I want to join in the next battle of a strange beast.” Gao Mu felt that Jiang Huai was targeting himself.

“You can’t join yet.” What Gao Mu didn’t expect was that Jianghuai would not let Gao Mu join the next battle. “There is no cooperation between you and us. Your joining will not only not help us, but it may even drag us back!”

“Of course, if you want to solve a strange beast yourself, we don’t mind either.”

When Jiang Huai said this, his tone was provocative.

“Since you have said so, if I don’t single out a strange beast, I’m really sorry for you.” The young and energetic Gao Mu was a little bit up.

Seeing Gao Mu had taken the bait, Jiang Huai smiled slightly and said, “Then I have to see how capable you are.”

“Isn’t this a nonsense?” Although Liu Mo knew Gao Mu’s true cultivation level, he didn’t know him. Gao Mu had the ability to fight a silver beast. “This is the wild…”

“Captain.” Before Liu Mo finished speaking, Jiang Huai interrupted him deliberately. “Since he wants to be a hero, let’s fulfill him!”

Liu Mo opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Hao Jian: “Young people nowadays, they are self-righteous. If we don’t teach him a lesson today, he might be what will happen in the future.”

“Anyway, we are by the side, even if he is not the opponent of the alien beast, we might help!”

Liu Mo didn’t finish, but looked at Gao Mu with questioning eyes.

Gao Mu nodded without a trace.

“What you said makes sense.” Liu Mo pretended to be moved by them and said to Gao Mu. “If this is the case, then you can try it!”

Seeing Liu Mo’s consent, the corners of the mouths of Jianghuai, Hao Jian, and Feng Yong were raised, and there was quite a taste of conspiracy.

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