Chapter 232

After the equipment is upgraded, Gao Mu’s combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved.

On the way, strange beasts kept falling under his Xuantian sword.

It originally took half an hour, but he finished it in less than ten minutes.

“Sign in!”

“Ding! Sign in successfully, get a reward: Soho Passion Fruit *100!”

“Ding! The new sign-in place has been updated, please go to Kunlun Base City (civilian district) to sign in!”

【Soho Passion Fruit】

Fighting spirit level different fruit, you can get a lot of aura by serving it.


This Soho passion fruit is the same as the introduction of the exotic fruit he got before signing in.

“I hope this strange fruit can allow me to break through to the Battle Emperor Realm!”

As Gao Mu spoke, he threw a Soho Passion Fruit into the end.

As soon as the different fruit entered his throat, Gao Mu felt a powerful aura spreading in his body.

This powerful aura is even greater than before.

“Come again!”

The different fruits were swallowed one by one by Gao Mu as if they didn’t need money.

The aura in his body is constantly accumulating.

After swallowing the thirty-second, his realm broke through to the invincible war spirit.


Sixty-eight pieces remain.

If nothing else, these sixty-eight pieces can help him break through the battle spirit barrier and become a war emperor warrior.

But sometimes in life, it’s not so smooth.

When the last alien fruit entered the throat, Gao Mu’s realm did not break through the battle spirit barrier.


Gao Mu couldn’t help cursing.

An indescribable sense of loss rose in his heart.


At this moment, a strange beast appeared suddenly and yelled at Gao Mu.

Gao Mu was very unhappy at first, and the roar of this strange beast made the unhappy in his heart directly reach the peak.

He now needs to vent his dissatisfaction. And the strange beast in front of him was his best choice.

“Tissot Fairy Shadow Step!”

The next second, he appeared directly in front of the alien beast.

He didn’t even use the word secret, so he directly swung his sword and slashed at the alien beast.

Gao Mu under the rage was terrifyingly powerful.

In less than two rounds, the strange beast was cut off by him.

“MD, let you mess with me!”

After cutting off the hands and feet of the alien beast, Gao Mu stabs the alien beast frantically.

After the alien beast died completely, Gao Mu sliced ​​his head.

After taking out the core of the alien beast, he turned around and prepared to leave Longfeng City.

But as soon as he turned around, a strange beast suddenly rushed towards him.

“Tissot Fairy Shadow Step!”

The sudden attack made Gao Mu subconsciously choose to dodge.

After avoiding, Gao Mu looked at one subconsciously.

I saw an extremely normal weasel, looking at him with blood-red eyes.

“What kind of strange beast is this?”

Gao Mu is waiting for feedback from the glasses.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no feedback from the eyes.

In other words, there is no information about this strange beast in the glasses system.

Generally, the alien beasts that have not been included are either very powerful or very rare.

The weasel in front of him obviously belongs to the latter.

“Since you die like this, I really don’t mind fulfilling you.”

Gao Mu held the Xuantian Sword in his hand and rushed directly to the alien beast.

“Sword Art of the Immortal Tribulation!”

On the way to the rush, he did not forget to activate the skills.

It seemed to be afraid of the thunder light on the Xuantian Sword in Gao Mu’s hand. When he saw Gao Mu rushing towards it, he turned his head and left.

“Good fellow, I know how to escape!”

Gao Mu smiled slightly, and chased after him.

This weasel was very fast, and Gao Mu would not be able to catch up with him if he didn’t need to be secretive.

“Secret of the lines!”

In order not to waste time, Gao Mu must solve it in a short time.

But when Gao Mu was about to catch up with it, it disappeared from Gao Mu’s eyes very strangely.

“what’s the situation?”

Gao Mu was immediately stunned. It was the first time he encountered this situation.

“Fantastic eyes!”

In order to find the weasel, Gao Mu could only use this skill.

But even with his fiery eyes, Gao Mu still failed to detect the weasel.

Although he did not detect the weasel, he found a very strange place.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or some reason, the two collapsing tall buildings met together, just covering that place.

Because it is in ruins from a distance, most people would never go to that place.

If it weren’t for Gao Mu’s sharp eyes, he might not have discovered that place.

With curiosity, Gao Mu walked towards that place.

After blasting a broken wall with his fist, an open space appeared in front of Gao Mu’s eyes.

If Gao Mu is right, this vacant lot should be the green land of a certain community.

In this green land, all the plants have withered, and the pond inside has also withered.

However, to Gao Mu’s surprise, there was a small tree in the center of the green field.

The small tree is probably only as high as one person, but it seems to have an indescribable sense of vitality.

The most important thing is that on this small tree as tall as a person, there is actually a fruit that looks similar to an ordinary orange.

“Different fruit?”

Gao Mu did not smell the aroma.

However, the fruit produced in such a place has a high probability of being a different fruit.

If there is no aroma, it is also possible that this exotic fruit is not yet ripe.

“The foreign fruit in this place must be a high-level foreign fruit!”

Gao Mu walked quickly towards the little tree.

As Gao Mu had expected, this exotic fruit was indeed not mature.

However, Gao Mu predicted that the exotic fruit should not be far from maturity.

“Some trouble!”

Gao Mu scratched his head.

The ripe aroma of different fruits will attract exotic animals with a high probability.

At that time, he must be fighting a group of strange beasts again.

“Fight! Maybe this strange fruit can help me break through!”

As the so-called wealth and wealth are sought in insurance.

While Gao Mu was waiting for the exotic fruit to mature, the team from the Cangqiang Martial Arts Hall had already arrived nearby.

“I feel that there is something in that place!” The team leader pointed to the small hole Gao Mu blasted and said to everyone.

The captain’s metaphysics made the team members not dare to speak indiscriminately.

They know that the best choice now is to listen to the captain.

When they walked into the hole, they realized that the captain was right again.

Because they just came in, they saw Xiaoshu and Gaomu with different fruits.


After seeing Gao Mu, everyone in the team touched their weapons.

Gao Mu also drew out his Profound Sky Sword after seeing everyone in the team appear.

“Dead, or get away!”

Gao Mu recognized at a glance that everyone in this team was from the Cangqiang Martial Arts Hall.

His current relationship with Cangqiong Wuguan is not very good.

“Good fellow, don’t you have a small tone!” The captain looked at Gao Mu, his mouth raised in disdain. “You are alone, so many of us…”

Before the captain finished speaking, he suddenly stopped.

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