Chapter 248 Huayuan City

“What do you think of?”

The eyes of everyone present were all focused on this person.

The man said triumphantly: “If Gao Mu disagrees, can we use the hidden library directly?”

“Dark library?”

When everyone heard the word “anku”, their eyes lit up.

The hidden library is an unconventional force of the sentinel group.

There will be a hidden library in the sentinel commercial building in every base city.

But because the security level of the dark library is very high, even the local person in charge of the commercial building does not know the existence of the dark library.

“It’s not impossible to use the dark library…”

The dark library is not only the most hidden existence, but also the most powerful existence.

Each dark library has the most cutting-edge technology robots of the Sentry Group.

But once the dark library is activated, if there is a gap, then even the headquarters of the Sentinel Group will have a hard time ending.

“If you start the dark library, then we have to consider a problem. If the dark library does not achieve the effect we expected, then the dark library will definitely appear in the public’s field of vision.”

“Once the time comes, then we will most likely become targets of public criticism.”

There are high-level concerns.

“But if we give Gao Mu what we want, we will also become the target of public criticism.” A senior said.

As the senior executives of the Sentry Group, they know very well what will happen if the information of high-end users is leaked.

“If this is the case, let’s activate the dark library. For the sake of caution, after Gao Mu leaves the base city, we will use the dark library robots to deal with him.”

There is a high-level decision.

The other executives nodded.

This is currently the best solution.

Kunlun Base City, Jidao Martial Arts Center.

Gao Mu, sitting in Su Chilian’s office, was waiting for Liu Tian’s answer.

“You said Liu Tian, ​​will you give you what you want?” Su Chilian asked Gao Mu.

Gao Mu shook his head: “Probably not.”

“Why?” Su Chilian asked curiously.

“I have read the information. The business in the underground world is their important business. Although this business will not bring them too much money, it will bring them a lot of contacts.”

“Once they give me what I need, then those so-called upper-class people will definitely no longer trust them. Even those upper-class people will attack the sentry group in order to protect themselves.”

Gao Mu’s analysis makes sense.

“If nothing happens, they will find a chance to assassinate me. Moreover, they will send a force that cannot be underestimated.” Gao Mu rubbed his chin.

“Then during this period of time, do you want to temporarily live in the Jidao Martial Arts Hall?”

Even the branch of Jidao Martial Arts Center is the safest place in the world.

“I’m a man, if I shrink back when I’m in danger, what do I think about it.”

Gao Mu smiled slightly, got up and left the Jidao martial arts hall.

In fact, for the current Gao Mu, the Sentinel Group is nothing more than mange.

He always believed that his real enemy was the weird humanoid creature on Kunlun Mountain.

After leaving the Jidao martial arts gym, Gao Mu returned directly to his villa.

“Any intrigue is a paper tiger in the face of absolute strength!”

Gao Mu is well versed in this way.

So for him, the most important thing now is not how to face the sentinel group, but how to improve his strength.

In the training room of the villa, Gao Mu took out the water seal fruit he had signed in earlier.

A water-sealed fruit enters his stomach, and the aura is surging against Gao Mu like a river.

This aura seems to be a lot.

If it was the War Spirit period, maybe this water-sealed fruit could help him break through a small realm.

But now his realm is the Emperor of War.

This seemingly aura-filled water-sealed fruit just made his body a little more aura.

One, two, three…

When all the 100 water-sealed fruits were eaten by Gao Mu, the realm of Gao Mu also moved from the early days of the war to the middle of the war.

After sitting cross-legged and consolidating for a while, Gao Mu got up and returned to the bedroom.

“Go to bed first, and go to Huayuan City tomorrow.”

Gao Mu lay on the bed and began to check the intelligence of Huayuan City.

Huayuan City, a gathering place for war spirits and invincible beasts.

In addition to a large number of invincible monsters of war spirits, there are also some monsters of the early and middle war emperors.

It is said that the strongest alien beast in this gathering place can already fight against the alien beasts of the late War Emperor.

At the same time, this city is also full of dangers.

“Let’s check the situation first!”

No words for a night, early the next morning.

After waking up, Gao Mu left Kunlun Base City after getting dressed neatly.

As soon as Gao Mu left his front feet, several robots that were so tiny that they were almost invisible to the naked eye followed out on his back feet.

After leaving the base city, Gao Mu ran all the way.

An hour later, he came to Huayuan City.

After a brief preparation, he entered Huayuan City.

“Sign in!”

“Ding! Sign in successfully, get a reward: 100 years of dragon blood*100!”

“Ding! The new sign-in place has been updated, please go to the east of Huayuan City to sign in 1000 kilometers away!”


Gao Mu frowned slightly when he saw the new sign-in place.

He got the system up to now, this is the first time he has encountered such a strange sign-in place.

“No city name?”

Gao Mu unfolded the map and began to see what was 1000 kilometers east of Huayuan City.

“Nothing at all?”

The map shows that there is nothing 1,000 kilometers east of Huayuan City.

“This is weird.”

Gao Mu muttered to himself, while slowly walking towards Huayuan City.

Gaomu entered from the west of Huayuan City, so the fastest and most convenient way to go to the east of Huayuan City is to cross the entire Huayuan City.

As soon as he entered Huayuan City, Gao Mu was spotted by a strange beast.

“Tissot Sword Technique!”

Gao Mu didn’t seem to waste time on this strange beast.

Tissot takes shape and becomes a sharp edge instantly.

I saw one by one Tissot, directly cutting a strange beast at the peak of the war spirit into pieces of meat.

After taking out the inner core, Gao Mu moved on.

Although the alien beasts in Huayuan City are powerful, they appear to be so weak in front of Gao Mu.

Before Gao Mu’s Xuantian sword was out of its sheath, he had already killed more than a dozen strange beasts.

Probably because he has not yet reached the core area, Gao Mu encountered all the strange beasts with the peak of the war spirit and the invincible war spirit.

After killing dozens of strange beasts, Gao Mu came to the core area of ​​Huayuan City.

After arriving at the core area, Gao Mu also became more cautious.

The tiny robot that followed Gao Mu out of the city was flying into the body of a huge alien animal.

The strange beast was resting, and as the robot entered, the strange beast opened its eyes fiercely.


After waking up, the strange beast let out a roar, and then ran in the direction of Gao Mu.

This scene appeared on the bodies of many strange beasts in the core area of ​​Huayuan City.

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