Chapter 27: Gao Mu Wants to Buy a House

“Sorry? I feel okay.”

Gao Mu really didn’t feel any regrets.

“Who is that kid? Why do you chat so happily with Xia Yu?”

Not far away, two people were chatting with red wine glasses.

One of them looked somewhat similar to Xia Yu. The other person is in suit and leather shoes, with a proud face.

Xia Xia looked at Gao Mu and frowned slightly: “I don’t know him, it should be Xia Yu’s friend.”

“I said Brother Xia Xia!” The young man shook the glass in his hand and said to Xia Xia. “Xia Yu is destined to be my wife. Isn’t it bad for her to do this?”

“It’s definitely not good.” Xia Xia seemed to be very jealous of this young man. He nodded and put down the wine glass, and walked in the direction of Gao Mu and Xia Yu.

“Xiaoyu.” Xia Yu walked up to the two with a smile, and said to Xia Yu with a smile. “Is this your friend?”

“This is my classmate.” Xia Yu said to Xia Yu.

The sudden appearance of summer caused Gao Mu’s brows to frown slightly.

He felt that Xia Tian was hostile to himself.

“Classmate, did you come to our winery to buy wine? Looking at your classmate’s appearance, the family shouldn’t be very rich? If you have a favorite wine, just tell me and I will give you free.”

Summer seems to be generous, but runs on Gao Mu everywhere.

“No need.” Gao Mu waved his hand, rejecting Xia’s kindness. “The wine here is really not cheap, but I think I should be able to afford it.”

“Brother…” Xia Yu may be aware of Xia’s unfriendliness and said to his brother. “Gao Mu and I are just classmates.”

“It’s best to be like this.” After Xia Yu gave Xia Yu a glance, Xia Yu said in a slightly warning tone. “Your identities are very different, it’s good to be classmates.”

“Identity disparity?” Gao Mu mocked after taking a look at Xia Xia. “What’s the matter, your family is a relative of the emperor? There is still a huge disparity in status. What age is this, and you still use your status to make matters.”

Gao Mu’s words made Xia Yu very dissatisfied.

He frowned and said to Gao Mu: “I will talk to my sister again, I hope you don’t interrupt.”

“And I told you clearly today that my sister is going to marry the son of the number one in Langya Base City. If you dare to use her brains, you will die miserably.”

Xia Xia’s “warning” caused flames to gradually rise in Gao Mu’s heart.

“Brother.” Xia Yu stared at his brother with an ugly expression. “I didn’t seem to say, I want to marry Shen Wei.”

“There are some things that you can’t decide.” Xia Yu sternly scolded Xia Yu.

Xia Yu lowered her head, tears in her eyes.

This may be the sorrow of the rich.

Play as you like. But marriage must be decided by the parents.

As Xia Yu said before, the two of them are just classmates, not even friends.

Although Gao Mu was very sympathetic to Xia Yu’s future, he was only sympathetic.

The reason why the two met today was completely coincidental.

Gao Mu didn’t plan to get too entangled with the Xia family on this matter.

After greeted Xia Yu, he left the winery.

“Follow him, let him know, offend my fate.” Xia Xia ordered the bodyguard.

Being confronted by Gao Mu made Xia feel very shameless.

He must teach Gao Mu a good lesson.

“Sign in!”

“Ding! Sign in successfully, get a reward: Xueluo*100!”

“Ding! The new sign-in place has been updated, please go to Guochun Bieyuan to sign in.”

Looking at the new sign-in reward in his backpack, Gao Mu had an urge to curse.

This sherlock fruit is a silver-grade exotic fruit.

As a golden warrior, the power gained by devouring the silver fruit will be minimal.

So this sherlock fruit is simply tasteless to Gao Mu at this stage.

“Why don’t you sell it.”

If you eat it to no effect, Gao Mu will simply sell it.

Adhering to the principle of being careful and not making big mistakes, Gao Mu directly approached Lu Tianping.

For Gao Mu’s arrival, Lu Tianping was very surprised. He smiled and watched Gao Mu ridicule and said, “What’s the matter? Have you decided to join our Jidao Martial Arts Center?”

“Stop making trouble.” Gao Mu waved his hand and looked at Lu Tianping. “I recently bought some good things, and I plan to let you sell them for me.”

“Good stuff?” Lu Tianping was interested.

In front of Lu Tianping, Gao Mu didn’t reserve anything at all.

He took off the backpack directly behind him and opened it in front of Lu Tianping.

Lu Tianping, who was still looking relaxed, stared blankly when he saw what was in his backpack.

“This…this…these are all different fruits.” Lu Tianping carefully took out one, and asked Gao Mu like a thief. “You got so much from there?”

Lu Tianping, who claims to have seen the world, is really a little confused now.

The different silver fruit, not to mention that it can be encountered or not, but it can be regarded as a relatively rare thing.

This has to be placed in the outside world, one will make people lose their heads.

But now there are so many in Gao Mu’s backpack, how can this not let Lu Tianping get confused.

“Why don’t you sell it to Shen Chongxin?” Lu Tianping was not dazzled by liking.

Gao Mu’s reason is very simple. He looked out the window and said, “I don’t believe him.”

His answer made Lu Tianping unexpected.

“Behind him is the entire China, and for the interests of the country as a whole, personal interests are insignificant.”

Gao Mu didn’t say it explicitly, but the meaning was very obvious.

“I understand.” Lu Tianping obviously didn’t want to continue this question, he nodded after a little thought. “These things, according to the market price, I will calculate 100 million for you. This is money, you take it.”

Lu Tianping remained the same as last time, first giving Gao Mu money, and then helping Gao Mu sell things.


As a result, when Lu Tianping handed out the card, Gao Mu waved his hand.

After leaving the Jidao Wuguan, Gao Mu went straight to the sales center of Guochun Bieyuan.

The new sign-in place was actually Guochun Bieyuan, and Gao Mu had plans to buy a house for his parents. Taking advantage of the way, Gao Mu simply finished it all in one go.

“Brother, where is he going?” Not far behind Gao Mu, a group of people were following him at a distance.

The leader brother didn’t care where Gao Mu went.

He said to his little brother: “No matter where he goes, our task today must be completed.”

The boys nodded excitedly.

The sales office of Guochun Bieyuan.

“Sir, are you here to buy a house?” As soon as Gao Mu entered the sales office, a nice sales lady greeted him.

Huaxia people have a deep-rooted concept of having a house and a home.

Even if it is the glorious era of global Gaowu, real estate is still one of the most profitable projects.

“Buy a house!” Gao Mu nodded.

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