Chapter 33-Golden Edelweiss

Kan Yuewei and the people from Jidao Martial Arts Hall broke in.

Lu Tianping and Shen Chongxin led the team personally, so Liu Xu didn’t even have the courage to resist.

“Take everyone in their family away to me.”

Lu Tianping was as cold as snow.

The people at Jidao Martial Arts Center directly captured Liu Xu and his wife without saying a word. Liu Tao, who was recuperating on the second floor, was also found by everyone.

“These people leave it to us to regret Yuewei.” Shen Chongxin said to Lu Tianping.

Unexpectedly, his words attracted Lu Tianping’s ridicule: “If I were you, I should be thinking about how to explain it to Gao Mu now.”

As soon as he said this, Shen Chongxin felt a bit cold on his back spine.

If this matter is not handled well today, it would be easy to chill Gao Mu’s heart.

Although they don’t care about a warrior, if things continue to ferment today, then the matter will be serious.

Shen Chongxin wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said to Lu Tianping: “It is for this reason that you have to give the person to me. I not only want to give Gao Mu an explanation, but I also want to give an explanation to the rest of Yuewei’s people. .”

In the end, Shen Chongxin took away Liu Xu’s family.

After a few marking points have passed, their task has also been completed.

“This time we are going to make a fortune.” Feng Yong was very excited.

This time they hunted a total of five golden monsters. According to the market price, each of them can best obtain an income of more than 1 million.

As long as the attackers in the team, Gao Mu’s income is even higher than them.

“Right.” Before returning to the base city, Gao Mu said to Liu Mo looking at the map. “You go back first, I still have something to deal with.”

Gao Mu came to the field this time, in addition to completing the task of the team, he also had to complete the sign-in for Huanyu City.

Fortunately, Huanyu City is not far from here. Before dark, Gao Mu could not only complete the registration, but also return to the base city smoothly.

“Okay.” Liu Mo did not continue to ask when he arrived, he knew that everyone had a secret.

People like Gao Mu must have secrets in them.

Since Gao Mu didn’t want to say anything, Liu Mo didn’t ask questions very tacitly.

Running all the way, Gao Mu finally rushed to Huanyu City after five hours.

When Huanyu City was the gathering place of golden monsters, Gao Mu quietly touched it after observing the periphery for a while.

“Sign in!”

“Ding! Sign in successfully, get a reward: Thorns Battlegear (Gold)!”

“Ding! The new sign-in place has been updated, please go to Huanyu downtown area to sign-in!”

Looking at the thorny armor in his hand that was like golden silk soft armor, Gao Mu resisted the urge to complain.

“If I knew this reward was armor, I wouldn’t come.”

The gold-class armor is certainly valuable. But for the current Gao Mu, there is not much temptation.

[Thorn Armor] (Gold)

The armor is made of the skin of the thorny bear. The armor is not only light, but it can also rebound attacks.

“Good fellow!” Gao Mu looked at the introduction of the Thorns Armor, and it smelled directly. “Can rebound attacks? King Kong is not bad for magical powers, and it is a match made in heaven when paired with this armor.”

King Kong is not bad for magical powers and can increase defense power. The Thorns Battle Armor can rebound attacks again, and these two add up, it is simply invincible. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

“The new sign-in place is the city center, I’ll withdraw first!”

After all, this is the gathering place of golden monsters, and now Gao Mu’s strength is not enough. At this time, heading to the city center of Huanyu City is no different than looking for death.


Just when Gao Mu was about to turn around and leave, there was a golden light in the corner of his eyes.

He frowned and looked out at the golden light.

“this is?”

Not far away, a rabbit was looking at Gao Mu with blood-red eyes.

The magic is that the rabbit is full of gold glittering all over. In other words, the golden light Gao Mu saw just now came from the rabbit.

The size of this rabbit was similar to the size of rabbits Gao Mu had seen in his previous life.

Except for the golden color, this is an ordinary rabbit.

【Golden Blood Rabbit】

This is a very rare alien beast, it has neither very strong offensive power, nor very strong defensive power. But it has a very keen perception.


The golden blood velvet rabbit is definitely a different kind of different animals.

But it is the human world, the strange animal that humans love the most.

When you are exploring in the wild, if you bring such one, you don’t have to worry about someone attacking it.

“If I remember correctly, this rabbit seems to be very valuable.”

Gao Mu is not greedy for money, but no one will think he has too much money.

The most important thing is that this golden blood rabbit is right in front of his eyes. If you let it go directly, it would not be like spilling money directly into the sea.

The golden velvet rabbit seemed to have noticed something. Its blood-red eyes stared at Gao Mu for a while, and then jumped toward the depths of the world city.

Regardless of its size, it is very fast.

Just a daze, it disappeared from Gao Mu’s vision.

Gao Mu hurried to catch up.

Fortunately, Gao Mu’s speed was not slow, and soon the traces of the golden blood rabbits were found again.

He quickly swung the Frost Foil Sword and slashed over.

But the golden edelweiss was like a prophet who could not predict, and easily escaped the attack of Gao Mu.

The edelweiss ran, Gao Mu chased him, and without knowing it, Gao Mu came to the SZ area of ​​Huanyu City.

Looking at an edelweiss not far away, Gao Mu hesitated in his heart.

On his way, the reason why he has not encountered a strange beast is entirely due to the edelweiss.

If he loses the edelweiss in the SZ district of Huanyu City, then he will not want to leave Huanyu City.

“Hesitation will only defeat!”

Gao Mu gritted his teeth and continued tracking.

He did not forget to sign in on the track.

“Sign in!”

“Ding! Sign in successfully, get reward: piercing hemp. Drunk. Gun (diamond)”

“Ding! The new sign-in place has been updated, please go to the Huanyu City Hall to sign in!”

[Sunder Armor Hemp. drunk. Gun] (Diamond)

The perfect fusion of high-tech and thermal weapons, ignoring any biological defenses, can be anesthetized in a short time. The highest anesthetic, diamond-level strange animal.


Looked at the piercing hemp. drunk. Gao Mu’s eyes widened at the introduction of the gun.

“This is simply a BUG-level weapon!”

The highest anesthetizable diamond-level alien animal is enough to drive Gao Mu crazy.

With this gun, even ordinary people can easily hunt and kill the diamond monster.

At present, the premise is that the eyes of ordinary people must keep up with the speed of the diamond monster.

Gao Mu directly smashed the armor. drunk. The gun was taken out of the system, and aimed at the golden blood rabbit.

An anesthesia bomb went straight to the golden edelweiss.

When the anesthesia bomb hit, the golden edelweiss staggered in both legs, and directly plunged to the ground.

When Gao Mu was about to pick up the golden edelweiss, the earth trembled suddenly, making him stop.

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