Chapter 353

Gao Mu just smiled at the woman’s cold eyes.

“Now, can I see your curator?” Gao Mu asked the woman.

The woman said coldly: “Dare to come to our Slaughter Heaven Martial Arts Hall to find something, you are not the first, nor the last.”

“I see people like you a lot. I think I have two brushes, so I dare to challenge them.”

“I’ll tell you the truth, we don’t need our master to take action. Any master in our martial arts center can easily solve you.”

Gao Mu didn’t speak, but looked at the woman coldly.

“Master He, someone is looking for something.” The woman yelled.

Before long, a middle-aged man walked towards Gao Mu.

This man is a burly figure, steady pace, and looks like a master in martial arts.

The woman pointed to Gao Mu and said to Master He: “This person is coming to our martial arts gym to find something.”

Master He nodded, and then looked at Gao Mu and said, “You are so courageous, you dare to come to our Tuantian Martial Arts Hall to find something.”

“While I’m not angry yet, you’d better hurry up and get out. If not…”

Before Master He spoke, there was a shocked expression on his face.

Because Gao Mu, who was still some distance away from him just now, had already come to him in the next second.

Gao Mu strangled his throat with one hand and asked with a smile, “If not, what do you want?”

Master He’s face flushed red, and he couldn’t say a word.

Seeing this scene, the woman also knows that she has encountered hard stubble.

“Masters, someone is looking for something in our martial arts gym, please come out quickly.” The woman yelled.

Not long after the woman yelled, she saw countless warriors pouring out of all directions.

“Fantastic eyes!”

Gao Mu opened his eyes.

He found that some of these masters had red lines behind them.

And behind most of them, there is no.

“I said young man, you really don’t have any measure of what you do.”

“You have killed a lot of my attendants, don’t you still want to kill my believers.”

One of the masters with a red line walked up to Gao Mu and said old-fashioned.

“Old man, you are really lingering too!”

Gao Mu looked at the master in front of him coldly, and said in a very uncomfortable tone: “But today, I will disperse your ghost directly.”

“bring it on!”

With that said, Gao Mu didn’t talk any more nonsense.

Among this group of masters, the one with the highest combat power was only in the late War Emperor’s period.

“All words are secret!”

The cautious Gao Mu still increased his strength tenfold.

Then I saw him fist like a dragon.

It didn’t take long for the masters present to be resolved by Gao Mu.

After getting rid of these masters, Gao Mu looked at the woman.

“The owner of the museum.” The woman took out her mobile phone and dialed the number of the owner of the museum, Chen Taitai.

At this time, Chen Taitai was in the office, enjoying the ‘service’ of his female secretary.

“What’s the matter?” Chen Taitai asked dissatisfiedly.

“Someone came to our martial arts gym to find something.” The woman’s voice was anxious.

But Chen Taitai’s voice was not rushed; “Is it necessary to find something? Just find a few masters, and clean up those who are looking for something.”

“If it doesn’t work, just kill it. Anyway, there is someone behind me.”

“No.” The woman became even more anxious when she heard Chen Taitai’s words. “All our masters were beaten up by people looking for things.”


Chen Taitai heard it and stood up by patting the table.

“MD, don’t give me the face of Chen Taitai, I have to see who has the courage.”

After speaking, he lifted his pants and walked out of his office.

Two minutes later, Gao Mu and Chen Taitai met.

“Inspector Gao?” Chen Weitai recognized Gao Mu the moment he saw Gao Mu.

The youngest inspector in the history of Jidao Martial Arts Center.

As long as it is a warrior, there is no one who does not know Gao Mu.

Of course, even if he hadn’t met Gao Mu himself, he had heard his name more or less, and knew his deeds.

“Master Chen, I’m here this time, just want to…”

Before Gao Mu had finished speaking, his brows frowned.

Because he also saw the red line behind the master Chen.

But the difference is that the red line behind Chen Guanzhu is much thicker than the others.

“I don’t know when Inspector Gao will come this time?” Chen Weitai asked.

It can be seen from his expression that he seems very jealous of Gao Mu.

“A question.” Gao Mu didn’t mean anything, he went straight to the subject. “The human body of the old man in the red robe was cast by your Slaughter Heaven Martial Art Hall, right?”

This question directly confuses Chen Taitai.


Chen Taitai, who was dumbfounded, didn’t know how to answer for a while.

“Okay.” Gao Mu waved his hand. “Since you don’t know how to answer, I will answer for you.”

“The human body of the old man in the red robe was made by us. Besides, two figures were made, right?”

Chen Taitai still did not speak.

At this time, he stared at Gao Mu with a gloomy expression, and an indescribable strange emotion arose in his heart.

“Inspector Gao.” After adjusting his breathing, he said to Gao Mu. “Are you here to ask the guilt?”

“The Jidao martial arts gym is indeed the strongest martial arts gym in the world, but if you think we are a bully, you would be wrong.”

Chen Taitai did not admit that the human body of the old man in Hongpao had something to do with him.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it,” Gao Mu said with a cold smile. “Anyway, the evidence in my hand is enough to destroy the Slaughter Heaven Martial Art Hall.”

Is there evidence in Gao Mu’s hands?

Of course not.

But he just suspected that the Slaughter Heaven Martial Art Hall had something to do with the old man in the red robe.

“If there is evidence, please take it out. If there is not, then I can only regret to see off the guests.”

There is a saying that Chen Taitai was panicked in his heart at this time.

But there was a slightly angry but very innocent expression on his face.

“Chen Guanzhu, to be honest, if you don’t go to the movie, you are really a talent.” Gao Mu smiled and looked at Chen Open-air.

Chen Taitai pretended not to hear the meaning of Gao Mu’s words.

“If there is evidence, take it out and I will admit it to Chen Taitai. But if there is no evidence, then I’m sorry, Chen Taitai will definitely guard our Tuantian martial arts museum with death.”

Chen Kaitai’s words instantly made the people in the Slaughter Martial Arts Hall become enthusiastic.

“Okay, then I’ll show it to you.”

The corners of Gao Mu’s mouth rose.

“Secret of the lines!”

Before Chen Taitai could react, Gao Mu disappeared from his eyes.

When Gao Mu appeared again, he took out many folders in his hand.

Seeing these folders, Chen Taitai was not calm.

Because these folders are very clear and detailed, recording all the things about the casting of the human body. In addition to these, there are also specific places where the human body is located.

“Where did you get these folders?” Chen Open-air glared at Gao Mu.

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