Chapter 39-The Battle Between Versailles

Guochun Villa, Gaomu Villa.

Looking at the villa that has been renovated and equipped with furniture and appliances, Gao Mu feels very incredible.

He remembered that when he came last time, it was obviously just rough.

“You did it?” Gao Mu asked Shen Wei, who was standing aside and waiting for credit. “How much did it cost? I’ll give you the money later!”

The decoration style of Dahongdajin gives Gaomu a feeling of crossing.

But both old and old, they like this decoration style.

“It’s all friends, isn’t it a long way to talk about money!” Shen Wei waved his hand greatly, quite aloof as he regards money as dung.

“Good fellow.” Gao Mu didn’t eat it very much, and he waved his hand to Shen Wei. “Brothers still settle accounts, let alone we are not brothers yet.”

“Who said that you are not brothers?” Gao mother’s voice suddenly sounded at this time.

Gao Mu looked in the direction of his mother, and asked with astonishment: “Could it be that…”

“Fuck off!” Gao mother laughed and cursed as if she knew what her son was going to say. “Just now, your dad and I accepted Shen Wei as a godson, so he is now your brother.”

The high shepherd is stupid.

I came here a few minutes late, and unexpectedly had a younger brother.

“You are awesome!” Gao Mu was really helpless to Shen Wei, and he gave Shen Wei a thumbs up. “You are really amazing!”

Shen Wei did not speak, but smiled triumphantly.

Everything in the villa is indeed readily available, but there are no ingredients.

The family can only choose to eat out.

This time Shen Wei learned to be clever and did not follow.

I found a hotel casually, and the whole family feasted on it.

After eating, Gao Mu suggested going shopping.

Gao Mu and Gao’s father had intended to refuse, but seeing Gao’s mother’s face showing anger, they had no choice but to agree.

Shenghua International, the best shopping mall in Langya base city.

“I want this, this, this…”

The way Gao Mu chooses clothes is as if these clothes don’t need money.

“Lao Fu, why are you here?” Gao Mu heard a surprise sound as soon as he finished choosing his clothes.

The three of the Gao family looked in the direction of the sound source, and saw a bloated, rich-looking woman walking towards this side with a contemptuous smile.

“Who is this?” Seeing this woman, Gao Mu instantly entered the mode of watching the excitement. “How do I feel, she and my mother are not right!”

“The fat woman that your dad is talking about.” Father Gao also had an expression ready to watch the excitement, and he whispered to Gao Mu. “She and your mother have known each other for almost 30 years now. But when they know each other, their fight has never stopped.”

Father Gao and Gao Fan, now can’t wait to buy some beer, beverage, mineral water, peanuts, melon seeds and ham.

After all, this kind of century-level battle is absolutely unattainable.

“It’s a move, the fat woman is about to make a move.” Father Gao said a little excitedly from the side. “If I remember correctly, her first move was: how did her son take the exam.”

Gao’s father really “things are like gods”, the fat woman asked Gao’s mother directly: “How is your son’s test for the college entrance examination today?”

“I can tell you that my son did not do well in the exams. The liberal arts scores are only more than 700 points. If it weren’t for Qingbei University to accept him, he wouldn’t necessarily go to a university like Qingbei!”

Regarding the Zhuang Cup and Versailles, this woman is definitely a master-level figure.

“My son can’t do it.” When it comes to Versailles, the high mother will not give too much. “The ones before the college entrance examination were expelled from the school.”

There is a saying that the Versailles of the high mother is slightly better than the Versailles of the fat woman.

What she knows very well is to suppress first and then raise.

“Maybe it’s not easy to go to liberal arts, so he can only choose to go to martial arts.”

“Tsk!” Gao mother smacked regretfully at the end, then said. “It’s a pity, he is not very talented in martial arts.”

“I’m in my 20s, and my realm is only one-star gold!”

Gao Mu, who stood by and listened to the PK of the two, had a dumbfounded look on his face.

He turned his head and said to his father: “How did her old man know that I was one gold star?”

Apart from the fact that Gao Mu had a golden one-star realm, not many people knew about it.

“Lu Tianpingshan said.” Father Gao waved his hand to Gao Mu, and said with an impatient expression. “Don’t talk, you can easily distract me when you talk.”

Gao Mu quickly chose to shut up and continued to watch the show.

“I don’t believe it, you must be bragging.”

Don’t think that this fat woman is an ordinary person, but she still knows the realm of warriors better.

I’m afraid she has also heard of the golden martial artist in her 20s.

She didn’t believe that Gao Mu, who had been’smart’ since she was a child, could become a golden warrior at this age.

“I know you don’t believe it.” Gao Mu, as if expecting what the fat woman would say, took out a golden badge from her pocket and handed it to the fat woman. “You don’t believe you can see the martial artist badge of the Jidao martial arts center.”

“What’s the situation?” Gao Mu was dumbfounded again. “The Jidao martial arts hall still has this stuff.”

As a martial artist, he didn’t know that Jidao Martial Arts Hall had this stuff.

“Your mother asked Lu Tianping to make it specially, and it’s still more real than it really is.” Gao Fuqiang said to Gao Mu with a smile.

“Fake, it’s definitely fake.” The fat woman didn’t believe it.

“Replace it like a fake.” Gao mother handed the medal to the fat woman’s eyes, and then said, pointing to the bottom line. “Have you seen these four words, Ji Dao Wuguan!”

After seeing these four words, the fat woman completely believed.

After all, the things made by Jidao Martial Arts Museum, not everyone dare to forge.

“The second trick is coming.” Father Gao was so excited at this time, he said to Gao Mu. “At this time, the fat woman should make the second move. If I remember correctly, her second move is: a gift from her son!”

When Gao Mu didn’t understand what was going on, the fat woman stretched out her right wrist and shook it in front of Gao’s mother.

Gao Mu couldn’t open her eyes suddenly by this gold watch.

“My son knew that I was working hard. He bought me a watch as soon as he got the scholarship. I don’t know how much this watch is worth. All we know is that his special scholarship seems to be hundreds of thousands!”

Not only did this fat woman show off her watch, she also showed off her son’s high scholarship, and she was superb.

Can Gao mother bear this kind of thing? Of course I can’t bear it anymore.

She glanced around with a puzzled face, and said in a very dissatisfied tone: “It’s not summer yet, why is it so hot!”

After speaking, she put her hand into her bag.

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