Chapter 395

“Since Inspector Gao has seen it, then we will not pretend.”

The nurse smiled weird again, and then took out something similar to a remote control from his pocket.

She pressed the remote control.

The surrounding walls began to crack.

The people in the cracked wall were full of heads.

Gao Mu roughly counted, there were as many as 6,70.

At this moment, the door flashed behind Gao Mu slowly opened.

An old man appeared on the stage surrounded by everyone.

“Inspector Gao, I have heard of the name for a long time! It is really helpless to meet in this way!”

The old man’s Tang suit, his short silver hair is neatly combed, and a pair of eyes blooms with strange brilliance.

“You are?”

Gao Mu turned his head and looked at the old man.

The old man smiled slightly and introduced himself: “The old man’s name is Ming Jing, and he is a small person in the Shenjiang organization.”

“God’s surrender organization?”

Gao Mu had heard of this organization.

In the intelligence department of Jidao Martial Arts Center, there is a special intelligence office for them.

But this organization’s actions are very secretive, and Jidao Martial Arts Center tried to do it on them many times, but they were very cleverly avoided.

There is no name of Mingjing in the information about the Shenjiang organization.

“Is there something you brought me here?” Gao Mu looked at Ming Jing.

Going through such a big battle, Gao Mu would never believe it if he said it was all right.

“That’s it.” Ming Jing said with a kind smile and a very calm tone. “Our Divine Landing Organization wants to invite High Inspector Envoy to join us.”

“Do you think it is possible?” Gao Mu looked at Ming Jing with a strange look. “Don’t say anything else, I have destroyed so many gods and human bodies. Do you think those so-called gods will let me go?”

“Hey.” Ming Jing heard Gao Mu’s words, but waved his hand indifferently. “It’s all small things.”

“You have destroyed so many human bodies of gods, you can help them to cast them. Gods do not hold grudges.”

Gao Mu did not speak any more, but looked at Ming Spiegel with a smile.

He always felt that this kind-looking old man was not as simple as he saw it.

“Do you think about it?” Der Jing asked.

“If I said I didn’t think about it, what would you do?” Gao Mu asked Ming Jing tentatively.

Ming Jing smiled slightly and said, “If Inspector Gao doesn’t plan to consider it, then you might be staying here today.”

“Threat me?”

Gao Mu took a step forward, full of momentum.

The monstrous momentum rushed straight to everyone present.

Some warriors with weaker strength have been swayed by Gao Mu’s aura.

“It’s not a threat.” Ming Jing was already as if Tarzan, unmoving. “I’m just stating a fact.”

“Your strength is strong, but our Shenjiang organization is not vegetarian.”

Although Ming Jing was smiling, there was a naked threat in his words.

“Do you know? People who threaten me generally have no good end.” Gao Mu looked at Ming Jing with cold eyes.

Ming Jing was not afraid of Gao Mu’s threat at all.

“Inspector Gao, why don’t you try?” Ming Jing was testing Gao Mu.


The corners of Gao Mu’s mouth rose.

“All words are secret!”

“Secret of the lines!”

When the two secrets were superimposed, Gao Mu’s speed reached the extreme.

In the next second, he came directly to Der Spiegel.

Before the others in the Shenjiang organization had even had time to react, Gao Mu grabbed Ming Jing’s throat.

“How do you feel?” Gao Mu lifted Ming Jing and looked at Ming Jing with a smile.

Seeing this scene, the other people of the Divine Landing Organization drew out their weapons one after another and stood ready.

But even in this case, Der Spiegel can still keep his face unchanged.

He waved his hand and motioned to all his men to put down their weapons.

After hesitating for a while, his subordinates took back the weapon in his hand.

“I have never questioned the strength of the High Inspector.” Ming Jing’s face was flushed, and his speech was a little unsmooth. “That’s why I will personally invite the High Inspector. If it were someone else, I would never come personally.”

If nothing else, this Ming Spiegel should be the high-level of the God descending organization.

A person who can be personally invited by a high-level person is definitely a rare master.

Gao Mu didn’t deny that he was a master at all.

But Gao Mu didn’t have much interest in joining the Shen Jiang organization.

“Do you know?” Gao Mu said with a smile looking at the mirror that he had mentioned. “In addition to being a master, I am very decisive.”

The decisiveness of killing and felling is generally evaluated by others, and few people say that they are determined to kill and felling.

“Slightly heard.” Ming Jing nodded.

“Do you know?” Gao Mu said again with a smile. “Now that you are in my hands, I can kill you at any time.”

“I know too.” Ming Jing nodded again.

“If you know, then go to die.”

With a fierce force from Gao Mu’s hand, Ming Jing’s throat was squeezed.

Before Ming Jing died, his eyes widened.

He was obviously overconfident.

If not, it won’t end up like this.

Seeing Gao Mu killed Ming Jing, all the other people in the Divine Surrender Organization showed an angry expression.

Miss Nurse, who was standing next to her just now, was even more furious.

The reason why Ming Jing was like this was because he had miscalculated Gao Mu’s hatred for the gods.

If not, he would not die so miserably.

“Okay, your boss is dead, so should you do it next?”

Gao Mu looked at the little nurse.

Miss nurse, drew her weapon and shouted, “Kill him!”

The members of the other god descending organization drew out their weapons one after another, roaring towards Gao Mu.

Gao Mu silently pulled out the branches and looked at them.

“The battle has begun!”

Fighting them is simply cutting melons and vegetables.

In front of Gao Mu, this group of people was like paper.

One person died with a light stabbing of the branch.

While Gao Mu killed people, he did not forget to punish his heart: “The strength of the members of your God-destroying organization is not so good.”

The people of the Goddess Organization wanted to refute.

But they found themselves unable to refute.

Because under the attack of Gao Mu, none of them is a united general.

In less than five minutes, the members of the God descending organization at this level were all eliminated by Gao Mu.

“Do you have anything else to say?”

Gao Mu looked at the nurse sister who had brought him up, and asked with a smile.

“The gods will let you go, and the gods will not let you go.” The young lady yelled hysterically.

It looks like a crazy believer.

“If you don’t let it go, let it go, I have offended enough people.”

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