Chapter 398: Entering the Underground Space

“This light is weird!”

On the way back, Gao Mu said to Song Yawen.

“What’s weird?”

Song Yawen became nervous when she heard something weird.

The light situation is special.

If Gao Mu dared to attack Guangming boldly, I’m afraid he would be an enemy of the entire Zangfeng base city.

“I can’t tell, I’m going to investigate it in the evening.”

Gao Mu said to Song Yawen.

Song Yawen became even more nervous when she said this.

“How are you going to investigate?” Song Yawen was scared!

“Dive into the investigation, how else can I investigate. Am I going to walk in openly and tell them who I am?” Gao Mubai gave Song Yawen a glance.

“I didn’t mean that.” Song Yawen was anxious and said quickly. “Are you sure, can you quietly enter the light under the eyelids of many masters?”


Gao Mu looked at Song Yawen.

“Tongtian Urn!”

“Hidden in heaven and earth!”

Fu Lucheng, aura spread.

Fu Lu is broken, aura is restrained.

Strands of aura submerged into Gao Mu’s body.

In the next second, a surprising scene happened.

Gao Mu, who was still smiling at Song Yawen, disappeared from Song Yawen’s eyes in an instant.

That’s right, it’s an instant.

Song Yawen didn’t even have time to react.

Hidden in heaven and earth, is an advanced version of the hidden amulet.

In this version, in addition to concealing the body, there are also concealment realms, breathing, aura…

“Inspector Gao, are you still in the car?” Song Yawen asked cautiously.

Gao Mu, who was hiding, smiled slightly, and then reached out and touched Song Yawen’s face.

Song Yawen felt that someone touched her face.

But no matter what means she used, she couldn’t find the person who touched her face.

“Inspector Gao, it’s not so good for you to do this.” Song Yawen’s pretty face turned red.


Gao Mu gave a wicked smile, and immediately removed the effect of the concealment.

“This is amazing too!”

As a high-ranking warrior, Song Yawen had been familiar with some things for a long time.

But what happened just now made her feel very surprised.

“There are so many miraculous things.” Gao Mu smiled.

After finishing the cup, it’s time to get to the topic.

“At night I want to sneak into the light, you lead someone to meet me.” Gao Mu said to Song Yawen.

Song Yawen was taken aback for a while, then shook her head: “Even if you have such a magical method, I don’t recommend you to provoke light.”

As I said before, Guangming, your situation is very special.

A little carelessness can cause fire to the upper body.

“It’s okay.” Gao Mu waved his hand disdainfully, then said. “You go to the logistics department and say that I suspect that behind the light is the Goddess Organization.”

“What?” Song Yawen’s eyes widened.

She has also read the information and information about the God-descended organization.

“Are you sure?”

The matter is important, Song Yawen dare not take risks.

“Eight or nine do not leave ten.” Gao Mu was very sure.

Song Yawen still hesitated.

“As far as I know, you shouldn’t be such a hesitant person.” Gao Mu puzzled.

“It’s just because the light has saved my life…” Song Yawen said the reason for her hesitation.

Gao Mu smiled and shook his head and said, “Then you don’t have to produce this matter. You just need to notify the logistics department, and then send me some people. I will take care of the rest.”

Song Yawen was still hesitating: “This is not so good.”

As the owner of the branch library in the base city, if she does this, I am afraid it is not easy to explain.

“It’s okay.” Gao Mu waved his big hand very boldly. “There is nothing wrong with this, it is human nature and understandable.”

Think empathy, if the light saved his life. Then, it’s not easy to take a shot at Shining.

“If that’s the case, I’ll trouble you.” Song Yawen showed what a little girl would have.

Gao Mu has known her for so long, and this is the first time he has seen her like this.

“It’s okay.” Gao Mu said with a smile.

When he returned to his residence, Gao Mu began to rest, preparing to recharge his energy.

At nightfall, Gao Mu left the residence and quietly came outside the Light Organization.

“All words are secret!”

“Tongtian Urn!”

“Hidden in heaven and earth!”

Then Gao Mu’s whole person disappeared and went into hiding.

After confirming that his body was hidden, Gao Mu began to sneak into the light quietly.

The light inside during the day is bright and bright.

Inside the light of the night, it was dark and weird.

For some reason, some decorations that look pretty good during the day look so weird at night.

Gao Mu continued to sneak in.

He wanted to look for the entrance to the underground space.

After searching for a while, his brows furrowed.

Even with the help of Jin Jing, he still did not find the entrance to the underground space.

“Is it in the elevator?”

Gao Mu walked into the elevator.

As soon as he entered the elevator, the elevator alarm sounded radiantly.

The lowest level of Ray, a huge monitoring room.

At this time, the red light here is constantly flickering.

The staff in the monitoring room are looking for the reason for the flashing of the red lamp.

But they searched for a circle, but they didn’t find it.

“It’s weird.” A staff member felt very strange.

He quickly reported to the security department.

The security department hurriedly sent people to check around.

After a round of inspection, they did not find any abnormalities.

“Is it on the first floor?”

The person in charge of the security department hesitated for a moment, and then went to the first floor to have a look.

Following the elevator’s whereabouts, he walked into the elevator.


As soon as he stepped into the elevator with his front foot, his brows frowned.

Because he felt that someone had passed him by just now.

But he was full of energy, and he didn’t find anyone who passed him by.

Going underground, Gao Mu was mentally prepared.

But when he really came, he was still stunned by the scene before him.


This underground space is very large, Gao Mu probably estimated that it is at least one-tenth of the base city of Zangfeng.

In this underground space, he saw many staff in white coats.

Some of these workers are debugging on the machine, and some walking around.

They are of different ages and shapes, but they have one thing in common, that is, they have no expression on their faces.

At first glance, they seem to be puppets manipulated by humans.

They are working mechanically.

Gao Mu initially suspected that they were robots.

But under the fiery eyes, Gao Mu discovered that they were human beings of flesh and blood.

“That’s interesting.”

Gao Mu rubbed his chin and started to walk in the underground space.

“What are these babies?”

Gao Mu stood in a daze before a machine.

At this time, a staff member just walked to the machine.

After some debugging in front of the machine, he walked to where Gao Mu was.

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