Chapter 453

The dagger crossed Li Wen’s neck, and blood flowed wildly.

When the signs of Li Wen’s life disappeared completely, Gao Mu dialed Lu Yizhou’s phone.

“Brother Lu, there was a godslayer’s stupid chap who wanted to assassinate me, but I solved it. Hurry up and send a few people to collect the dead chap’s body.”

“Okay.” Lu Yizhou’s voice was trembling obviously.

When the phone hung up, Lu Yizhou looked at Lu Yichan.

“What’s the matter?” Lu Yichan asked.

Lu Yizhou shook his head: “Gao Mu killed the people we sent.”

“So fast?”

Lu Yichan expressed his surprise.

She glanced at the time.

It has only been less than half an hour since they sent people.

It takes more than ten minutes to get to the hotel where Gao Mu is located.

In other words, it didn’t take long for Gao Mu to kill the people they sent.

“Isn’t he a godslayer.”

This time, I wanted to test whether Gao Mu and the God Killer were related.

“In fact, I feel that Dad’s suspicion is superfluous.” Lu Yizhou said.

Lu Yichan did not speak, but rubbed his chin and fell into thought.

“It’s not superfluous, Gao Jiutian always gives me a strange feeling.” Lu Yichan said.

From the time she first saw Gao Mu, he felt that Gao Mu was very strange.

But the specifics were strange, and he couldn’t tell.

“Perhaps!” Lu Yizhou said.

He then sighed and said, “I’ll take someone to clean it first.”

To clean up his own body is a very painful thing for Lu Yizhou.

Ten minutes later, Lu Yizhou led people to the room of Gaomu Hotel.

“It’s really bad luck.” Gao Mu said to Lu Yizhou, pointing to the corpse on the ground. “Brother Lu, the security of your Lu family is not very good.”

“Anyone from the godslayer can break in. I really doubt your strength.”

Lu Yizhou’s expression changed abruptly when he heard this.

Lujia’s market development also counts on Gaomu.

If their family makes Gao Mu unhappy, then the market development is probably too mysterious.

“Brother Gao.” Lu Yizhou patted Gao Mu’s shoulder while directing people to clean the battlefield. “We are in the Lu family, don’t worry.”

“Our Lu family’s security capabilities are still good. But even if it is good, there are times when there are a hundred secrets, right?”

Gao Mu glanced at Lu Yizhou, then shook his head.

“Hey.” Lu Yizhou patted Gao Mu on the shoulder again, and said with a smile. “Well, man, to show my sincerity, I will send five girls to your room soon.”

“The quality must be good, and you will pay for it,” Gao Mu said while watching Lu Yizhou.

Lu Yizhou nodded.

For people like Lu Yizhou, things that can be solved with money are nothing.

“Give me another room! This room is dead, he is unlucky.” Gao Mu said to Lu Yizhou.

Lu Yizhou hurriedly asked Gao Mu to change rooms.

For ten minutes, Gao Mu lay in the new room, surrounded by beautiful women and fell asleep.

Early the next morning.

Time walked unconsciously and the game was over.

Haitian lived up to expectations and won the first place.

Liu Hui’s words, like a dark horse, suddenly took the second place.

With Liu Hui’s runner-up, Gao Mu harvested 50 million.

He is very happy, very happy.

Haitian and Liu Hui successfully entered the Lu family and became non-staff members of the Lu family.

The Lu family is divided into non-staff personnel, outer disciples, inner disciples, and core disciples…

With their abilities, it is very easy to get a core disciple.

After resting for about a week, Gao Mu stood at the gate of the city neatly equipped.

This time, he is going to the wild.

The new sign-in place has been hanging in his system for a long time.

But he hasn’t signed in for all these reasons.

During this period of time in Yuntian Base City, his realm has also been stagnant.

Tianhuang City is not far from Tianxuan City.

This time, Lu Yizhou still wanted to send someone to protect Gao Mu, but he was rejected by Gao Mu.

“I have the ability to protect myself, even if I am not someone else’s opponent, can’t I still run?”

This is the original words of Gao Mu.

Since Gao Mu had said so, Lu Yizhou was not so good to say more.

After leaving Yuntian Base City, Gao Mu went straight to Tianhuang City.

He used the speed of disguise to drive, so the speed is not fast.

“Follow me?”

As soon as he left the base city, Gao Mu found himself being followed.

“I’m so courageous, even I dare to follow. Now that you have followed, I will let you know the cost of following me!”

Gao Mu thought, continuing on his way.

Soon, he stopped at the periphery of a strange beast gathering place.

Several stalkers stopped far behind Gao Mu.

“You said, what is he doing?”

“Are you waiting for someone?”

“Is it true that Boss Lu’s suspicion is true? Is he really sent by someone else?”

“It’s hard to say, in fact, I don’t think he really looks like he was sent by other organizations or forces.”

While several people were discussing in low voices, Gao Mu strangely disappeared from their eyes.

After they reacted, they hurried to chase in the direction where Gao Mu was.

But when they stood where Gao Mu disappeared, all of their eyes began to blur.

In fact, Gao Mu did not disappear, he just used Nightmare Prayer to make a blindfold.

And they have now entered the illusion of Nightmare Prayer.

“Beauty, beautiful beauties!”

“That’s a good figure, beautiful lady, would you like to spend a good night with me?”

“Money, so much money, it’s all mine, it’s all mine!”

“Hahaha, this Yuntian base city will be my site from now on.”

This is the dreamland of nightmare prayer.

This illusion should be the most powerful of many illusions.

Other illusions must be arranged by the operator himself.

But this illusion will directly find out the deepest desire in your heart, and then enlarge it.

Seeing these people drowning in the illusion, Gao Mu smiled very happily.

Then he looked in the direction of the place where the alien beasts gathered.

The next second, he disappeared from where he was.

Later, he appeared again.

In addition to him this time, there is also a small alien beast in his hand.

This strange beast is skinny and looks very pitiful.

“Since we are so destined, then these foods will be given to you.”

As Gao Mu said, he threw the little strange beast on the ground.

The little strange beast didn’t dare to move at first.

After Gao Mu disappeared, it began to attack these warriors.

It didn’t take long for them to become food for little strange beasts.

At this time, Gao Mu was getting closer and closer to Tianhuang City.


When it was less than a few hundred kilometers away from Tianhuang City, Gao Mu’s footsteps suddenly stopped.

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