Chapter 467

The book clearly records that if you want to kill the treacherous man, you must crush both of his hearts.

Seeing this, Lu Yizhou frowned.

After all, it was the first time he heard that there was such a weird thing.

“Copy this book to ensure that everyone in the Lu family has such a copy.”

Lu Yizhou threw the book to his assistant and said.

After the assistant took the book, he went to work.

Gao Mu in the hospital is being fed fruit by a good-looking lady nurse.

There is one thing to say, this kind of life is really cool.

“When I retire, I must live this kind of life.”

“I think we hire dozens of beautiful young ladies and let them arrange, feed, and feed me fruit.”

While Gao Mu was thinking about it, the door of his ward was pushed open.

Several people like bodyguards walked into the ward and looked around.

Then an old man walked in in all directions.

One of the bodyguards moved a chair and placed it behind the old man.

After the old man sat down, he looked at Gao Mu: “You are Gao Jiutian?”

“You are?”

Gao Mu knew the old man, but he pretended not to.

“My name is Lu Jianzhou and I am Lu Yizhou’s pro-uncle!”

This old man, who looks somewhat similar to Lu Jianxun, is the leader of the current think tank of the Lu family.

Unlike Lu Jianxun’s public appearance, Lu Jianzhou hides behind the scenes and hardly sees others.

It is said that the underground garage is his handwriting.

The Lu family was able to dominate the base city of Yuntian, and he also made great contributions.

“Do you have anything to do with me?”

Gao Mu was lying on the bed and didn’t mean to get up at all.

At this time, he looked like a second-generation dude.


Seeing that Gao Mu didn’t mean to get up, a bodyguard shouted loudly.

“Do you know who he is? How are you polite?”

Gao Mu picked up a plate beside him and slammed it in the direction of the bodyguard.

“What are you, dare to scream in front of Lao Tzu?” Gao Mu looked at the bodyguard with disdain. “It’s just a running dog.”

“The master didn’t speak, and started barking when he was enough. You Lu Family, it’s really okay.”

Gao Mu’s words angered all the bodyguards present.

“Master, he is so arrogant.”

“He dared to be so arrogant in front of you, let us clean up his meal.”

“The most annoying thing about Lao Tzu is this rich second generation.”

“There is a way for you to get up and have a fight with Lao Tzu.”

The bodyguards were clamoring frantically.

However, Lu Jianzhou didn’t seem to hear him, and he still looked at Gao Mu with a serious look.

“Master.” Gao Mu ignored the bodyguards either, but said to Lu Jianzhou. “If you don’t restrain your dog well, then I will teach you a lesson.”

Lu Jianzhou still did not speak.

“Since you don’t speak, I will take it as your acquiescence.”

Gao Mu directly got up and walked in the direction of a bodyguard.

Before the bodyguard could even react, he was knocked to the ground by Gao Mu with three blows.

Seeing this, the other bodyguards rushed forward.

Gao Mu was not afraid at all, and started to output frantically.

After 1 minute, all the bodyguards were put on the ground by Gao Mu.

“Old guy.” After getting rid of all the bodyguards, Gao Mu looked at Lu Jianzhou. “Now, you should be satisfied!”

Lu Jianzhou nodded and said with a smile: “My bodyguards are not elite, but they are considered outstanding. You can solve them in a short time, which is enough to show that you are powerful.”

“I’m here today to ask you a question.”

After Lu Jianzhou said this, he looked at Gao Mu curiously.

“What’s the problem?” Gao Mu nodded and asked.

“Why did you come to Yuntian Base City? Who are you?” Lu Jianzhou asked Gao Mu two questions one after another.

Regarding his two questions, Gao Mu didn’t even want to answer directly: “My name is Gao Mu, I am from Jidao martial arts school. My purpose in coming to Yuntian Base City is to destroy the Lu family and help Jidao. Wuguan won the Yuntian base city.”

The truth from Gao Mu.

But sometimes, the truth is not easy to believe.

“Good fellow, you really dare to say anything.” Lu Jianzhou didn’t believe Gao Mu’s words, even if Gao Mu was telling the truth. “You know, if I pass your words on to the Patriarch intact, what will happen to you?”

“He has a brain.” Gao Mu sat on the bed and continued to eat fruit.

Lu Jianzhou nodded: “I am here to thank you for the Patriarch. Without you, we would never open the market in the Imperial Capital Base City.”

The purpose of Lu Jianzhou’s visit to Gao Mu this time was to thank him in addition to listening to Gao Mu’s fiction.

The market in the capital city is very important to the Lu family.

They keep trying to open.

However, they have been unable to open.

The imperial capital base city has gathered a group of China’s strongest forces and organizations.

Although the Lu Family is very strong, they are almost as good as the forces and organizations in the Imperial Capital Base City.

The appearance of Gao Mu helped them open up the market in the capital city, so Lu Jianxun wanted to thank Gao Mu.

“That’s right.” Lu Jianzhou seemed to have thought of something, and took out something similar to a bank card from his pocket. “This is our Lu Family’s highest-grade golden Yunteng card. With this card, you will be able to pass through Yuntian Base City unimpeded.”

After Gao Mu took the card, he threw it on the bed.

“I help you Lu Family for myself. You don’t really think that I help you because I like you.”

This card has little effect on Gao Mu.

Lu Yizhou will take him wherever this card can go. Lu Yizhou won’t take him to this place where he can’t go.

So this card is more or less tasteless to the current Gao Mu.

“All right.” Lu Jianzhou didn’t say anything any more, got up and walked outside the door. “Then I will leave first.”

Lu Jianzhou left.

Gao Mu put the card on the table casually, and then continued to enjoy the beauty of the food.

After Lu Jianzhou left Gao Mu’s ward, he went straight to the top of the hospital.

At this time, at the top of the hospital, in front of a computer, Lu Jianxun didn’t know what he was looking at.

Lu Yizhou and Lu Yichan stood behind him with their hands down.

“Do you believe what he just said?”

Lu Jianxun was referring to the fact that Gao Mu said that he was a member of the Jidao Martial Arts Center.

“It’s unlikely.” Lu Yizhou shook his head. “Although there are many members in Jidao Martial Arts Hall, I checked it out specially. Apart from Gao Mu, there are no other members with the surname Gao in Jidao Martial Arts Hall.”

When talking about Gao Mu, Lu Yichan gritted his teeth.

“Then, is it possible that Gao Mu used disguise?” Lu Jianxun asked again.

Lu Yizhou also thought about this issue.

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