Chapter 47

Gao Mu knew that the brawny hadn’t finished speaking, and he didn’t even say anything, waiting for the brawny to follow.

“But if you don’t sell it to us, then we will grab it directly.”

The brawny man is very confident of Ming Qiang.

There are a total of five or six people over there.

Assuming that Gao Mu is in the same realm as theirs, they are confident that they will rob Gao Mu.

“Then you come on!”

Gao Mu opened his posture, ready to fight the strong man and others.

The brawny and others were also unambiguous, and one after another they drew out their weapons to prepare for battle.

“Brothers, it’s been a long time since I killed anyone. I must let me do this last cut.”

“It doesn’t matter who comes, the important thing is how to divide this heterogeneous tree?”

“Hey, wait for him to be killed before discussing this issue.”

In the eyes of the strong man and others, Gao Mu was already dead. And that heterogeneous tree is already in their bag.

“All words are secret!”

“King Kong is not bad for magic!”

Gao Mu’s combat effectiveness soared tenfold in an instant.

From the beginning of this battle, it was one-sided.

Gao Mu is so terrifying and extremely powerful.

In just one minute of effort, two strong men were killed.

The brawny man who was still full of confidence before and didn’t take Gao Mu seriously was shocked at this time.

Only then did they really realize that they seemed to have provoke someone who shouldn’t be.

Seeing that the situation was difficult to return, the strong man knelt on the ground very decisively and slammed his head against Gao Mu.

The remaining few people are also people who can afford to let go. Seeing that their boss is like this, they also knelt down one after another.

“We knew it was wrong, and we shouldn’t provoke you.”

“Please, forgive us, we are bastards, we know we were wrong.”

“Your lord has a lot, just let us as a fart.”

The fear of death made them forget their previous arrogance.

Gao Mu didn’t speak, but looked at them with interest.

Their life and death were actually doomed when they started.

Seeing that Gao Mu hadn’t spoken, several people continued to beg for mercy.

After admiring their begging for mercy for a while, Gao Mu swung the Frost Foil Sword.

The sword flashed past, and the strong man and others fell in a pool of blood.

Gao Mu opened their backpacks, searching for his trophy.


But after searching them all, Gao Mu found that they didn’t even have any valuables in their backpacks.

“He, tui!”

Gao Mu picked up the heterogeneous tree, preparing to change to a resting place.

The night was calm and calm.

As soon as it broke the next day, Gao Mu continued to move in the direction of the base city.

When approaching the base city, he found that his mobile phone had a signal, so he immediately contacted Shen Chongxin.

When he knew that Gao Mu had made a heterogeneous tree, the corners of Shen Chongxin’s mouth were almost cracked to the root of his ears.

“I’ll take people to the outer city immediately.” Shen Chongxin said after determining where Gao Mu would enter the city.

After hanging up Gao Mu’s call, Shen Chongxin directly contacted the logistics department.

The logistics department did not ask anything, and drove a super large truck directly to Shen Chongxin’s central office area.

After Shen Chongxin got in the car, he drove to the outer city of Ximen.

As soon as the truck arrived, Gao Mu entered the city.

Looking at the heterogeneous tree on Gao Mu’s shoulders, Shen Chongxin directly asked, “Brother Gao Mu, what’s the price?”

Shen Chongxin is a smart man.

He wouldn’t be naive to think that he could prostitute this heterogeneous tree for nothing.

“Make me a sword, and the rest will be at market price.” Gao Mu was also direct.

Shen Chongxin didn’t even think, so he nodded and said, “No problem!”

Heterogeneous trees are hard to come by.

Although Gao Mu is not the best, it is also a rare good thing.

“You can handle these for me, too.”

Gao Mu also took out the skin and bones of Cangying Wind Wolf.

“how is this possible!”

Shen Chongxin’s eyes widened when he saw Cang Yingfeng wolf skin.

He clearly saw that the Blue Shadow Wind Wolf had five tails.

In other words, this is a diamond five-star monster.

For a while, Shen Chongxin felt a little dry mouth.

After swallowing, he asked Gao Mu with difficulty: “Did you hunt this down?”

Gao Mu didn’t intend to conceal it either. He mysteriously said to Shen Chongxin: “You know it yourself, don’t tell anyone else.”

After Gao Mu admitted, Shen Chongxin felt that his heart was beating wildly.

If the golden warrior is only 18 years old, it makes him feel that Gao Mu is very enchanting. The Gao Mu, who could hunt down the diamond five-star alien beast, made him feel terrified.

He had predicted that Gao Mu’s future achievements would surpass him.

But now it seems that Gao Mu’s achievements will not only surpass him. And a few years later, he might not even be able to see Gao Mu’s back.

“Don’t tell anyone what happened today.” In addition to feeling shocked, Shen Chongxin was a little scared in his heart.

The reason why he was scared was because once this matter spread out, there would be organizations or forces that wanted to strangle Gao Mu in the cradle.

After all, there is a precedent for this kind of thing.

“I’m going back.”

After bidding farewell to Shen Chongxin, Gao Mu returned to the villa.

In the days that followed, Gao Mu didn’t mention how cool it was.

When you are full, you will lie on the bed and play with your mobile phone.

“Brother Gao Mu, do you have time lately? I want to talk to you about something.” Shen Chongxin, who called, was full of embarrassment.

“What’s the matter?” Gao Mu asked curiously.

“That…that…that.” Shen Chongxin has been doing that for a long time, and there is no reason for that.

“It’s all your own, just say it straight.” Gao Mu felt that Shen Chongxin today seemed a little different from the past.

After hesitating for a while, Shen Chongxin took a deep breath and said, “Can your heterogeneous tree be cheaper?”

Gao Mu said generously: “How much do you want?”

Shen Chongxin is pretty good to himself, Gao Mu doesn’t mind cheaper if the price is right.

“One hundred million, what do you think?” When Shen Chongxin said this, he felt that his face was very hot.

Gao Mu hesitated for a moment, and said, “Is this price a bit unsuitable?”

For something worth 500 million, you give 100 million, which is better than the strong guys.

“Shen Shishou, you don’t need to explain so much to this kind of person.” A very arrogant and domineering voice came from Shen Chongxin’s call. “Give him 100 million, that is to give him face.”

“If you don’t want face, then we don’t even have to pay him.”

This voice came into Gao Mu’s ears, making Gao Mu’s face very ugly.

He asked Shen Chongxin: “Who is this person speaking!”

Not only was this person arrogant, but the tone of his speech was also very disgusting.

“Hey.” Shen Chongxin sighed slightly. “Let’s talk about this matter.”

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