Chapter 501

The arrival of Lu Yizhou and Gao Mu was very warmly received by the Kong family.

After all, to the Kong family, Lu Yizhou was a father-level existence.

If they don’t treat them well, Lu Yizhou may find a reason to’beaten up’.

After being entertained, Lu Yizhou walked with his hands behind his back, and began to wander around the Kongjia Manor.

Although the area of ​​Kongjia Manor is not as good as Lujia Manor, the area is not small.

“Good fellow, you guys have a good rockery and flowing water.”

Standing in front of a rockery and flowing water, Gao Mu felt the rockery admiringly.

Kong Xiaotian saw this scene, and the cold sweat behind him almost came off.

Because of the location of Gaomu Station, it happened to be the entrance to one of their secret rooms.

The key button at the entrance of the secret room was very close to Gao Mu’s hand.

As long as Gao Mu’s movements are slightly larger, he can touch the button of the secret room door.

Gao Mu only stroked for a minute, but for Kong Xiaotian this minute was longer than a year.

Because there are many things in this secret room.

If the Lu family knew some of these things, the Kong family would probably be destroyed.

Seeing the nervousness on Kong Xiaotian’s face, Gao Mu couldn’t help laughing wildly in his heart.

He saw the button at the entrance of the secret room, not only saw it, but he also touched it.

In addition to rockery and flowing water, the lake pavilion of the Kong family is also very distinctive.

In the center of the lake pavilion, there is a stone table and four stone chairs.

Gao Mu directly sat on a stone chair and began to study the Go game on the stone table.

The cold sweat behind Kong Xiaotian at this time came down again.

Because this Go endgame is the key to another secret room.

What’s hidden in this secret room is contraband.

This contraband is certainly not contraband in the traditional sense.

All of the contraband in it are prohibited by Lu Jia’s order.

In other words, once this secret room is opened. The Kong family will be destroyed directly by the Lu family.

But Gao Mu studied for a long time, and did not move the chess piece.

Whether it was the secret room or the key to open and close the secret room, Gao Mu had already felt it clearly.

“There are a lot of secret rooms in the Kong family.”

The added value of the things in these secret rooms is really not low.

If there is a chance, Gao Mu really wants to remove all the contraband of the Kong family directly.

Behind the lake center pavilion is an ancient building with an old appearance but full of history.

I don’t know when the ancient building was built.

Its appearance and style make it very strange.

“Zhangjia Ancient Building?”

No one could recognize it, but Gao Mu recognized the ancient building at a glance.

Zhangjia Gulou does not refer to a kind of architecture, it refers to a style of architecture.

The architectural style of Zhangjia Gulou has very obvious characteristics.

As long as you know a little bit, you can tell at a glance.

“Mr. Gao, you are so knowledgeable.” Kong Xiaotian wiped his sweat while complimenting Gao Mu. “Even Mr. Gao knows such a mysterious building as the Zhangjia Ancient Building.”

“Understand a little, only a little.” Gao Mu waved his hand modestly, but in fact he was pretending to be a cup.

“What is this ancient building?” Lu Yizhou heard this name for the first time.

After a brief thought, Gao Mu replied: “A very magical style building.”

“Don’t look at this kind of building, it gives people a very fragile feeling. But in fact, it is indestructible.”

“This is a very common blockhouse in ancient times. As long as one person is stationed in it, one person can really be the gate, and you can’t open it.”

This speaker is ‘unintentional’, but he listens intentionally.

“In other words, this ancient building is very powerful?”

Lu Yizhou was obviously using Gao Mu’s words.

Gao Mu also knew that Lu Yizhou was playing his own words.

But he intends to continue speaking.

“Yes.” Gao Mu nodded and continued to explain to Lu Yizhou. “This ancient building is indeed very powerful.”

After being affirmed by Gao Mu, Lu Yizhou set his sights on Kong Xiaotian.

“Building drawings, our Confucian family has already contributed.”

Lu Yizhou’s eyes made Kong Xiaotian’s mouth feel bitter.

Kong Xiaotian’s words made Lu Yizhou obviously stunned.

Then he looked at the assistant.

The assistant obviously didn’t remember.

He took out the tablet he was carrying with him and began to inquire.

“In the treasure house of the Lu family, there are indeed relevant drawings.” After the inquiry, the assistant said to Lu Yizhou.

“Sorry.” Lu Yizhou looked at Kong Xiaotian and said apologetically. “It’s my brain that doesn’t work well.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay!” Kong Xiaotian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, smiled and waved his hand, indicating that he didn’t mind.

Does he really not mind? Of course not, he minds. Mind that, I can’t wait to kill Lu Yizhou directly.

But the strength does not allow it, so this idea can only be hidden in the bottom of my heart.

“Okay, let’s go and rest.”

The tour that scared Kong Xiaotian was finally over.

In the front hall of the Kong family, a group of people were sitting there drinking tea and chatting.

The atmosphere is still harmonious.

“Master Kong.” With a cup of tea in his throat, Lu Yizhou started the topic today. “Recently, our family intelligence department received some special information. I don’t know if this information has anything to do with your Kong family.”

Kong Xiaotian subconsciously wanted to deny it.

It can be imagined that Lu Yizhou has not said that it is intelligence.

If you deny it directly at this time, it will seem a bit guilty.

So he asked cautiously: “I don’t know Master Lu, what’s the situation?”

He was calm on the surface, but he was flustered inside.

His reaction was also in Lu Yizhou’s expectation.

Lu Yizhou sorted out his thoughts, and slowly said: “Information shows that one of the four major families may be the remnant of the Hai Family. I come to investigate on the order of the Patriarch!”

“You wouldn’t suspect that it was our Kong family?” Kong Xiaotian was still calm on the surface, but panicked in his heart. “Our Confucian family is loyal to the Lu family, but one of them is loyal.”

“Our loyalty is a lesson from heaven and earth!”

When Kong Xiaotian was loyal, Gao Mu was leisurely playing with his mobile phone.

“Brother Gao, what do you think of this matter?” Lu Yizhou suddenly threw this question to Gao Mu at this time.

Gao Mu raised his head blankly, as if he didn’t know what was going on.

Lu Yizhou’s assistant was also great, and directly told Gao Mu what had happened just now.

After hearing this, Gao Mu waved his hand and said: “Your Lu family is the emperor of Yuntian Base City. If you say he is guilty, he is guilty. If you say he is innocent, he is innocent.”

When these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Because of this remark, something is beyond everyone’s cognition.

Lu Yizhou stared at Gao Mu blankly. He didn’t expect that Gao Mu would say such stupid things at this time.

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