Chapter 60

He is holding a long sword, ready to carry out an all-round solution to this pseudo-life body.

When the planing was completed, Gao Mu’s brows wrinkled together again looking at the mechanical debris everywhere.

He searched piece by piece, and finally found a strange mark on the pieces.

This is a circular logo, with a cloud-like pattern engraved in the center of the circular logo.

Gao Mu saw this pattern for the first time.

He took out his phone and took photos of the pattern.

There is no internet in the wild, and he cannot find information related to this pattern.

“It’s time to go back to the base city.”

Gao Mu put the picture with the pattern into his backpack, and then walked towards the base city.

He didn’t know the current situation in the base city, so after getting a signal near the base city, he dialed Lu Tianping’s number.

“Thank God, you are okay!” Lu Tianping was obviously relieved as he watched the safe and sound Gao Mu in the video. “Are you near the base city now? The base city is in chaos, you still don’t want to come back.”

Gao Mu opened his mouth, wanting to ask something.

Lu Tianping seemed to know what Gao Mu wanted to ask, and before he could even speak, he directly replied, “Your parents are in the Jidao Martial Arts Center, don’t worry.”

“Even if Zhanhu is 10,000 courage, he will not dare to forcibly enter our Jidao martial arts hall.”

In this regard, Lu Tianping is quite confident.

Lu Tianping’s words made Gao Mu feel relieved.

“That’s right.” Gao Mu opened his backpack, took the fragments out of the backpack, and asked Lu Tianping. “Do you know what sign this is?”

Lu Tianping looked at the sign, lost in thought.

“What did you get from there?” Lu Tianping’s expression changed drastically after thinking about it for a while.

Gao Mu could see from Lu Tianping’s face that there was definitely a problem with this sign.

“This is a very mysterious and ancient organization.” Lu Tianping sorted out the language and said to Gao Mu. “As far as I know, this organization appeared in the second year since the base city was established.”

“At that time, this organization declared that beasts have served humans for so many years, and now it is humans’ turn to serve the beasts.”

“The opposite of this organization was very anti-social, so there were not many responders. In addition, the situation was chaotic at the time, so no one paid any attention to them.”

“But with the development of time, the number of this organization has increased. If I remember correctly, the number of people at the peak of this organization was about 2 million.”

Compared with the total number of people on the planet, these 2 million people are really not many.

But what is more frightening is that the 2 million people in this organization all have a consensus that ‘humans should serve the beasts’.

“Even at the peak of their numbers, the government and Jidao Wuguan did nothing to them.”

“Until one day, they did something angry and grieving.”

“They attracted strange beasts into a base city, leaving a base city dead and injured in one night.”

“After this incident, the government and Jidao Martial Arts Center were angry. They directly dispatched all the masters and uprooted the organization overnight.”

“From that day on, this organization and its expression disappeared from historical occasions. I didn’t expect it to come out again today. It also appeared near Langya Base City. This is definitely a danger for us. signal of.”

After thinking of this, Lu Tianping said to Gao Mu anxiously: “I’m going to hang up first. I want to report this matter to him.”

After the call was hung up, Gao Mu looked in a trance.

“This may be a dangerous signal!” Gao Mu wrinkled his nose, feeling that the air was filled with danger.

“No,” he secretly said in his heart. “This matter, I absolutely can’t let him happen.”

The life and death of the people in the base city has nothing to do with Gao Mu. However, his parents are in the base city.

Assuming that what Lu Tianping said is true, the purpose of this organization’s re-emergence is definitely not simply to earn rewards.

“It is not a good choice to enter the base city now. It seems that I can only wait outside the base city now.”

Entering the base city at this time, Gao Mu will definitely have a battle with Kan Yuewei.

No matter who wins or loses in this battle, it will reduce the backbone of the base city.

This mysterious organization is hidden in the dark and may launch an attack at any time.

If they repeat the previous introduction of alien beasts into the city, then Langya base city may also be slaughtered.

So the best option now is to wait for the organization to launch an attack.

“Now everyone starts to prepare. Once someone leaves Langya Base City, our people will follow. After the other party’s realm is determined, we will directly send the address and realm.”

A group of people were gathering for a meeting in a remote and dilapidated hall not far from Gao Mu.

Their shapes are exactly the same as those of the black-robed men Gao Mu had encountered before.




Several people in black robes got up and left.

The remaining black-robed man, looking at the holographic tablet computer in his hand, made a strange laugh of “Jie Jie Jie”.

“Humans should serve alien beasts. This is the case in the past, the present is the case, and the future is also the same!”

Time passed by one minute and one second, one day, two days, three days.

Gao Mu was guarding at the gate of the city, his boring eyes lost.

Fortunately, there was a signal nearby, otherwise Gao Mu would definitely be bored to death.

“Gao Mu.” Lu Tianping called again when Gao Mu was so bored that he was waiting. “There is one thing that is not very good, I want to talk to you.”

When Lu Tianping said this, Gao Mu suddenly became nervous.

“Recently, the mortality rate of martial artists is surprisingly high. I am afraid that organization has already begun to prepare for their actions.”

Gao Mu did not speak, and waited for the following on the landing scale.

“Usually, the death rate of warriors is about 10%, but since you discovered the black-robed man, the death rate has increased to a terrifying 50%.”

Although dancers like to lick blood and dance on the tip of a knife, no one likes death.

They generally only choose to hunt the alien beasts at a gathering place similar to the star level of their realm.

Unless it is the kind of master of high-level talents, no one will choose to leapfrog and challenge alien beasts, so the mortality rate is probably maintained between 10%-15%.

This sudden increase in mortality made Lu Tianping realize that something was wrong.

“Have you reported to the headquarters? What did the headquarters say?” Gao Mu asked Lu Tianping.

Lu Tianping nodded and said, “I have notified the headquarters. The headquarters attaches great importance to this matter. People should be there in a week.”

Hearing this, Gao Mu nodded and let go of a lot.

Since the Jidao Martial Arts Center sends people, the safety index of the base city will definitely be very high.

At this moment, Gao Mu’s conversation with Lu Tianping was suddenly interrupted.

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