Chapter 69

Everyone looked in the direction of the city wall together.

The towering city walls actually began to collapse.

The people on and under the city wall were severely injured by the rocks.

Then I saw a huge pangolin-like creature, burrowing out of the ground.

【Strong Claw Pangolin】

The alien beast evolved from the pangolin, the claws of the alien beast are as sharp as a knife, and can easily break through bricks and stones.

Because it inherits all the characteristics of a pangolin, it can also burrow into the ground.


The feedback in the glasses surprised Gao Mu.

Before, he just thought that the Phantom Spider was a weapon of siege, and completely forgot that the fierce claw pangolin was also a weapon.

The wall collapsed, and strange beasts poured into the city like a tide.

When there is a city wall as a barrier, the warriors are relatively easy to deal with these strange beasts.

Without this barrier now, the alien beasts slaughtered like wolves into the flock.

A mouse as big as an adult, a hyena that is taller than a horse…

In just a few minutes, the warriors in the outer city were seriously injured.

“Withdraw, withdraw to the inner city!” Niu Meng roared.

The slightly injured or uninjured warriors began to withdraw towards the inner city.

But at this moment, a city gate between the outer city and the inner city also collapsed.

Another fierce claw pangolin came out from the ground.

It stared at the martial artist with blood red eyes, as if looking at food.

“It turns out… It turns out… It turns out…”

Niu Meng suddenly realized at this moment.

The reason why the strange beasts’ previous attacks were not hurried and methodical was that they were laying the groundwork for these two fierce claw pangolins.

There was a tide of strange beasts in front, and fierce claw pangolins in the back.

Niu Meng’s face was gloomy and terrible, and at the same time he felt very regretful.

If it weren’t for being too arrogant, this would not happen.

The people at Jidao Martial Arts Hall have never made a move.

They all stood behind Gao Mu, waiting for Gao Mu’s instructions.

Now they are already looking forward to the head of the Gao Wrangler.

“Why are you still watching, why haven’t you taken a shot?” Niu Meng yelled to Gao Mu when he saw that his side had suffered heavy losses.

Gao Mu looked at him coldly, and said coldly: “If you are not so arrogant, you won’t have such a scene.”

Niu Meng also knew that such a scene would happen because of himself.

“But you can’t die without saving!” Niu Meng continued to shout at Gao Mu as if he hadn’t figured out the situation. “Don’t you have the heart to watch, so many warriors are killed?”

“If the gate of our Cangqiang Martial Arts Center is broken, the people in the city will suffer too. You know, your parents are still in the city.”

“If you still want to live, you’d better shut up for Lao Tzu.” Gao Mu continued to say coldly.

The reason why he has not shot is not to retaliate against Niu Meng. He did not take action because he had been observing the situation.

According to previous experience, as long as you find the black-robed man in this group of alien beasts, then the problem can be solved.

“Ah! No, no! I’m still young, I don’t want to die!”

“I haven’t married the girl I love, I want to live.”

“My parents are still waiting for me to come home for dinner.”

The screams of the warriors came one after another.

Gao Mu’s heart was also very uncomfortable.

But he hasn’t found a trace of the black-robed man now, so he can’t take it rashly.

“MD.” Niu Meng cursed in a low voice, seeing Gao Mu still unmoved. “Just know that you are a fool.”

“People from the Cangqiang Martial Arts Center, follow me!”

Niu Meng held a war bow and charged forward.

The bow, which was originally a long-range weapon, became a melee weapon in Niu Meng’s hands at this time.

Both the bowstring and the bow body can cause a lot of damage to the alien beast.

“Seven o’clock.” Gao Mu shouted to the warriors in Jidao Martial Arts Hall. “There was a man in black robes over there, all rushed to kill him for me.”


The impatient fighters of the Jidao martial arts hall who had been waiting for a long time screamed and rushed in the direction of seven o’clock.

The black-robed man also discovered the movements of the fighters in the Jidao martial arts hall, and directed the alien beasts to block their way.

This group of people were also smart, and did not choose to confront the alien beast head-on.

They chose to avoid alien beasts as much as possible.

Soon, they formed an encirclement to the black robe people.

This group of people is also the decisive master who has gone through life and death. Close to the black-robed people, they used their strongest attack method.

Just for a moment, the black robe man was ruthlessly strangled by this group of warriors.

The death of the black-robed man caused the strange beasts in the city to riot.

The warriors of Jidao Martial Arts Hall already have corresponding experience.

They withdrew from the tide of strange beasts at the fastest speed.

“Owner of the Niu Branch, you’d better take your people out now.” Gao Mu shouted at Niu Meng.

Niu Meng looked back at Gao Mu and shook his head disdainfully, “Why should I listen to you.”

“Whatever.” Gao Mu didn’t bother to explain to Niu Meng, and he waved his hand and stood aside.

The warriors of the Jidao martial arts hall that had withdrawn were lining up and standing on top of Gao Mu.

“A good word is hard to persuade the damn ghost!”

Gao Mu sighed.

The riots of the alien beasts have begun.

Their eyes are blood red, and they don’t distinguish between enemy and us.

In just less than five minutes, the alien beasts suffered heavy casualties. Compared with the strange beasts, the people in the Cangqiang Martial Arts Hall are not much better.

The indiscriminate attacks of different beasts caused their warriors to die in large numbers.

Niu Meng’s eyes were all red, but it was of no avail.

“Don’t look at it.” Although Gao Mu and Niu Meng had a bad relationship, he didn’t want to see the warriors die just like this, he shouted to the people behind him. “One can save one.”


The people of Jidao martial arts hall listened to the order and began to save the warriors in the different beasts.

Soon, the warriors of the Cangqiang Martial Arts Hall were rescued.

Gao Mu, who was slightly injured, didn’t care, and the seriously injured directly arranged a five-star coagulation fruit.

Seeing Gao Mu eat the Five Elements Coagulation Fruit for his own people, Niu Meng’s expression was a little complicated.

The battle between the alien beasts soon ended.

The people of Jidao Martial Arts Center began to clean the battlefield.

All the injured were sent to the hospital for treatment. No one was injured, he began to help repair the city wall.

The crises in the East Gate, West Gate, and North Gate have all been resolved.

Now only the South Gate is still fighting.

“How’s the situation at Nanmen?” Gao Mu asked the people at Yiji Dao Martial Arts Hall.

That person is responsible for contacting Nanmen.

After taking out the communication equipment and taking a look, he replied: “The city gates of the outer city and the inner city have been breached, and now Jian Yuewei and the people of Ji Dao Wuguan have retreated to the third line of defense.”

“What did you say?” Gao Mu’s face changed drastically.

Normally, the first line of defense is the outer city wall. The second line of defense is the inner city wall. This third line of defense is already inside the inner city.

Judging from the current situation, the South Gate is now very dangerous.

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