Chapter 74 The Killing Game Against Gao Mu

Some people no longer think about the right and wrong, they only consider the immediate benefits.

They clenched their weapons, waiting for someone to charge first.

“Slay the rebels!”

One person brandished a weapon with blood-red eyes and rushed towards Gao Mu.

As some people charge, others no longer hesitate.

They waved the weapons in their hands, all rushing towards Gao Mu.

“Since you want to die so, then I will fulfill you.” Gao Mu’s eyelids sank slightly.

“All words are secret!”

“King Kong is not bad for magic!”

“Stop the chaos!”

Murderous aura is everywhere, sword aura is vertical and horizontal.

Ping Luan Jue, the strongest killer move, was the first person to rush to Gao Mu’s, and his life was directly taken away.

But even so, the people behind are still one after another.

Rewards are really too tempting for people like them.

“Qinglian swordsmanship!”

The long sword was swung, and the green lotus gathered and scattered.

Although this Qinglian swordsmanship is not as strong as Ping Luan Jue, its power cannot be underestimated.

Gao Mu’s long sword is like a ruthless harvester.

Each life was buried under Gao Mu’s long sword.

He didn’t know how many people he had killed, he only knew that his face was covered with blood now.

Just now I yelled that Gao Mu is a rebellious person. Seeing that Gao Mu was like an undefeated God of War, my heart was completely panicked.

He took out his communication equipment and shouted, “We can’t stop it anymore.”

At this moment, a hand patted his shoulder.

Han Lantu looked at him with a smile and said, “You have done a good job, so leave the rest to me.”

The other party knew Han Lantu, and the appearance of Han Lantu made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Han Lantu raised his hand over his head and waved gently: “Quick battle, don’t waste time!”

The king martial artists who followed him clasped their fists and shouted: “Yes!”

Then, I saw them rushing towards Gao Mu.

Gao Mu seemed to realize something, he raised his head and looked in the direction of Han Lantu.

Seeing so many king martial artists rushing towards him, he couldn’t help feeling a little flustered.

“Brother Gao Mu, don’t be afraid, brother, I will help you.” At this moment, Ma Jun’s voice sounded.

Han Lantu, whose expression was indifferent, his face changed greatly after hearing this voice.

He looked in Ma Jun’s direction and shouted, “Ma Jun, do you want to start a full-scale war with me, Yuewei, when you enter my central office area?”

“Scare me?” Ma Jun stared at Han Lantu from a distance, disdainfully said. “I just want to start a full-scale war with you, Yue Wei, what can you do with me?”

Han Lantu didn’t dare to speak as soon as he said this.

The reason why he initially called for a full-scale war was entirely to bluff Ma Jun.

But he didn’t expect that Ma Jun was not scared at all.

“Brothers, help Brother Gao Mu!” Seeing Han Lantu’s silence, Ma Jun continued to shout. “No matter what Brother Gao Mu did today, we will do it with him.”

Ma Jun’s words made Han Lantu’s face extremely gloomy.

The game he set up today should have been Gao Mu’s mortal game.

But because of Ma Jun’s joining, there was a flaw in this doomed situation.

“Why?” Gao Mu glared at Han Lantu.

Although he didn’t know Han Lantu, he felt the killing intent and hostility from Han Lantu.

“Of course you blocked their way.” Han Lantu didn’t answer, he listened to Ma Jun jokingly. “This group of B people, why don’t you believe it, clean up dissidents to be the first.”

“You are too strong to make them jealous. Therefore, even if you save the base city, they will not miss you. Even because you saved the base city, they will kill you.”

“In the final analysis, you are growing too fast. Moreover, you are not in their camp.”

Han Lantu did not refute Ma Jun’s words.

Gao Mu also knew that Ma Jun was right.

“Forget it, don’t talk nonsense, brothers, kill!” Ma Jun may be too lazy to talk nonsense, and shouted directly.

The people he brought were really awesome, and they all matched the people brought by Han Lantu.

The realm and star ratings of both sides are similar, so even if they match, it won’t cause damage in a short time.

“What do you say?” Gao Mu looked at Han Lantu.

Han Lantu’s face was gloomy, and his eyes were staring at him sullenly: “This will kill the game. Anyway, you won’t be able to survive today.”

When the voice fell, Han Lantu rushed towards Gao Mu.

He didn’t intend to fight against Gao Mu head-on.

After all, he knew that Gao Mu would not let go of the king’s five-star masters.

But the people he brought, were now facing Ma Jun’s people. He can only do it himself now.

Gao Mu held the long sword tightly and rushed towards Han Lantu.

Han Lantu’s weapon, like Gao Mu, is also a long sword.

However, unlike Gao Mu’s seemingly luxurious long sword, Han Lantu’s long sword looked very ordinary.

Of course, it just seems ordinary.

For a king-level warrior like Han Lantu, even if the weapon is not king-level, it is at least diamond-level.

The long sword and the long sword collided, there was no spark in imagination.

But this collision changed Han Lantu’s face greatly.

Because Gao Mu’s sword was really too heavy, his mouth was cracked and blood was flowing.

“You…” He wanted to say something.

But before he could say what he said, Gao Mu’s attack struck again.

“Qinglian swordsmanship!”

As a test, Gao Mu didn’t use Ping Luan Jue.

But even if it wasn’t Gao Mu’s strongest attacking skill, Han Lantu who was still fighting complained endlessly.

“How can he be so strong?”

He was obviously so much older than Gao Mu, but he was beaten so embarrassed.

Han Lantu was very unwilling.

After all, it was time when he was young, and he was also a so-called genius.

Gao Mu’s attacks continued like a surging river.

Han Lantu’s defense has become hard support.

He probably estimated that within ten rounds, Gao Mu would be able to break through his defenses.

“Everyone is here to help!” Han Lantu shouted helplessly.

But the people he brought were entangled with Ma Jun’s people.

Other people either have insufficient realm or dare not step forward.

Zhan Hu, who was watching all this from a distance, sighed slightly, “Perhaps, there is no need to go this far!”

When things reached this point, Gao Mu was bound to break completely with Kan Yuewei. In terms of his growth trajectory, even if he could not become the strongest person in this world in the future, he would still be the one standing on the top of this world.

Thinking of this, Zhanhu dared not think about it anymore.

While Zhanhu was thinking about it, Gao Mu had already used Ping Chao Jue to beat Han Lantu all over his body.

“Spare me.” Han Lantu suddenly stopped at this moment and looked at Gao Mu with pleading eyes. “Everything that happened today, I was forced.”

He lost the arrogance and pride he had before, and all that was left was the instinct to survive and the fear in his heart.

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