Chapter 76

The headquarters of Jidao Wuguan is located outside China.

The plane took off from Langya Base City and flew for nearly five hours before landing smoothly.

The hatch opened, and Gao Mu took a deep breath.

Looking at the outside environment, he was obviously stunned.

“Why did you stop in the wild?” Gao Mu asked Ma Jun not far behind him.

“The situation at the Jidao Martial Arts Center headquarters is very special. No flying vehicles are allowed inside. Therefore, the plane can only be parked in the wild.”

Ma Jun took out a map and looked at it and said, “We still need to hurry, so don’t waste time in the wild.”

Gao Mu nodded and ran hurriedly in the direction pointed out by Ma Jun.

After running wild for about an hour, Gao Mu saw the tall city wall appearing on the horizon in the distance.

After waiting under the city wall, Gao Mu felt his insignificance again.

He roughly estimated that this wall is at least forty stories high.

Under this city wall, Gao Mu felt even smaller than the ants.

“Let’s go!” Ma Jun laughed and teased when Gao Mu looked at the city wall in a daze. “After entering the city, there are still more places to surprise you!”

Gao Mu smiled slightly and followed Ma Jun.

Under the city wall, there is a huge gate.

On the gate of the city, there is a huge head of an amazing beast.

“What is this?” Gao Mu asked Ma Jun in surprise as if he had never seen the world.

Ma Jun was already quite familiar, and said proudly, “Tyrannosaurus skull!”


Gao Mu exclaimed.

Spiritual energy is revived, and strange beasts rise.

But even so, dragon-like creatures are still the best among the many different beasts.

The alien beasts that can be called dragons are also extraordinary.

“Why is there a Tyrannosaurus dragon skull here?” Gao Mu asked curiously.

“Pop!” Ma Jun proudly patted his chest, showing off with a thumbs up on his right hand. “Of course it was hunted by the master of our martial arts hall!”

When he said this, Ma Jun’s eyes were full of light.

He could see that Ma Jun loves Jidao martial arts school sincerely.

“Okay, let’s go into the city.” Ma Jun patted Gao Mu on the shoulder.

Under Ma Jun’s leadership, Gao Mu entered the city very smoothly.

As soon as he entered the city, Gao Mu saw many towering buildings.

“That is the core area of ​​the headquarters.” Ma Jun pointed to the tallest building and explained to Gao Mu. “Almost all those who can live there are the family members of the core members of the martial arts hall.”

“Those shorter buildings also live in the families of martial arts members. But the ranks of these members are not as high as the highest building.”

Ma Jun introduced to Gao Mu while opening a maglev car.

“Ding! Identity confirmed, Ma Jun (master of the fourth-level base city branch library).”

Gao Mu discovered that the technology level of the Jidao Martial Arts Hall headquarters was really high.

The car drove on the street for more than an hour before finally stopping.

“This is a comprehensive office building.” Ma Jun got off the car while continuing to introduce Gao Mu. “The people who work here are all civilians in the martial arts hall.”

“The reason why I brought you here is to go through the formalities of the training camp for you!”

The procedures went through very smoothly, and in just a few minutes, Gao Mu obtained the status of a trainee in the intermediate training camp of Jidao martial arts gymnasium.

“What does it mean to have a G grade on this trainee?”

There is a capital letter G on the Gao Mu trainee medal.

“Each training camp will last for half a year. During this half a year, there will be a rating every month.”

“This G-level was initially the lowest level. Of course, you will be able to improve your level in various ways.”

“At the beginning of each month, the trainees will be re-rated based on their performance in the previous month. The higher the rating, the higher the ranking. Once the ranking is higher, the resources will be better. .”

Ma Jun explained in great detail.

“In a short while, I will send you a detailed way to improve your score. At the same time, your communication equipment has also been installed with the exclusive ranking list for this intermediate training camp of Jidao Wuguan.”

“You can check your own and other people’s rankings through the rankings.”

After Ma Jun said all this, he glanced at the time and said to Gao Mu: “The only thing I can help you with is this, and the rest is up to you.”

Before Gao Mu could react, he left directly.

Gao Mu, with a bewildered expression, stood in the same place and felt a little at a loss.

“Now, you need to go to the camp of the intermediate training camp!” When Gao Mu was stunned, a voice rang not far away.

Gao Mu looked for reputation and saw a service robot looking at him.

“How can I go to the intermediate training camp?” Gao Mu asked the robot back.

The robot pointed to a car and said, “The car here is for everyone. You can drive the car and go directly.”

“Good fellow.” Gao Mu sighed when the robot said that. “Isn’t this just car sharing?”

Following the robot’s instructions, he opened the door of a car.

“Please choose a driving mode!”

As soon as he sat in the cab, he heard mechanical noises from the car.

Looking at the two options on the screen in front of him, Gao Mu decisively chose automatic driving.

“Please choose a destination!”

The voice sounded again.

After Gao Mu chose his purpose, he lay on his chair and began to check the information Ma Jun had sent him.

“Fotu Tower?” Gao Mu’s eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the three words for the Buddha Tower.

In the rating, the Buddha Pagoda is also one of the important data.

The higher the number of layers traversed, the higher the rating the next month.

In addition to the Pagoda Tower, a series of projects such as the hunting of alien animals and the month-end competition are also important rating data.

When Gao Mu checked these, his car had been parked at the gate of the training camp.

After getting out of the car, the training camp appeared in front of him.

“Is this a training camp? Isn’t this a luxury hotel?”

The appearance here, no matter how you look at it, looks like the kind of top luxury hotel.

If it wasn’t for the sign next to it, Gao Mu even suspected that he had gone in the wrong place.

After vomiting slightly, Gao Mu stepped towards the training camp.

“who are you?”

As soon as he reached the gate of the training camp, he was stopped by a middle-aged man.

“My name is Gao Mu and I am a student in the training camp!” Gao Mu said as he brought out something to prove his identity.

The middle-aged man frowned slightly when he heard Gao Mu’s words.

“Why did you come so late?” He muttered to himself while checking Gao Mu’s identity. “Others have arrived a few days in advance. You can do well and only come now. Do you know what one day late means?”

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