Chapter 81

The reason why he feels wrong is because the other party has four people.

Generally speaking, the warrior team comes to the wild. This kind of even-numbered team rarely occurs. In most cases, the composition of the team is odd-numbered.

Two long-range and three close combat is the perfect team match.

It can be seen from the combination of weapons in the team that there are three melee and one long range in this team.

No matter how you look at it, this lineup configuration is problematic.

Otherwise, their strength is very strong, and they have the confidence to hunt foreign beasts with such a lineup. Otherwise, the other remote in their team was hidden.

In Gao Mu’s view, the second possibility is relatively high.

“All words are secret!”

“King Kong is not bad for magic!”

To be cautious, Gao Mu still used his strongest defensive skills.

Facts have proved that his caution is right.

As soon as the golden tube covered his whole body, he heard three cracks behind him.




Three consecutive metal collision sounds sounded on Gao Mu’s back.

He turned hurriedly.

Behind him, a young man with a bewildered face stood nearby. In the distance, there are two young men holding bows and arrows.

Not only these three people were dumbfounded, but even the four people in front of Gao Mu were dumbfounded.

They originally thought that their attacks on Gao Mu were sure. But he did not expect that his defense is so strong. Such a sudden attack was also defended by him.

After the confusion, the person who had just negotiated with Gao Mu shouted: “Don’t be stunned, let’s go together!”

Several people reacted, and when they drew out their weapons, they had to fight with Gao Mu’s frontal hard steel.

“Seven-man team?”

Gao Mu’s estimation still made a mistake.

He thought this team was a regular five-man team, but he didn’t expect it to be an unconventional seven-man team.

Ji Dao Wuguan encourages trainees to fight with each other, but they do not allow trainees to fight in the wild.

As human beings, everyone is very clear. Once out of the constraints of the rules, then everything will become uncontrollable.

In a fight in the wild, Ji Dao Wuguan will give very severe punishment.

Of course, if you can destroy the corpse without leaving any traces, then it’s a different matter.

The cooperation of these seven people is very tacit.

The three melee warriors are responsible for fighting Gao Mu in close quarters, while the remaining three long-range warriors are responsible for distracting Gao Mu’s attention with long-range attacks.

The remaining melee warrior is not idle, he has been wandering around the three long-range warriors to provide protection for them.

The attack of these three melee warriors almost did not leak.

The harassment of the three remote warriors also annoyed Gao Mu.




The crisp metal clashing sounded one after another.

If it weren’t for Gao Mu’s vajra to protect the magical power, he might have been seriously injured now.

The seven did not expect that Gao Mu would be so resistant to beating.

After so many attacks, he was unscathed.

There is a way of doing things in one go, then failing again, and exhausting after three.

The inability to solve Gao Mu for a long time made their hearts a little impatient.

Gao Mu had been calm, waiting for them to make mistakes.

Under the impatience, the seven people did make a mistake in their cooperation.

Taking advantage of their mistake, Gao Mu directly pierced one of them with a sword.

Seeing this scene, the remaining six people are stupid.

They didn’t expect that, given their absolute superiority in numbers, not only did they fail to kill Gao Mu, they would instead be killed by Gao Mu instead.

Because of Gao Mu’s anti-kill this time, their mentality changed again.

Taking advantage of the change in their mentality, Gao Mu appeared again.

Every time he shoots, he is very fierce.

In just a few rounds, Gao Mu killed the opponent again.

“Don’t hide, hurry up and use your strongest skills!” the leader shouted.

The remaining five warriors nodded together, and then they wanted to use their strongest skills.

But their mentality has changed, even if they use their strongest skills, they cannot change the situation.

Gao Mu turned into a ruthless killer, killing these people one by one with one sword and one sword.

When the sixth man was killed, Huang Mao was stunned.

His knees softened, he knelt directly in front of Gao Mu, kowtow to Gao Mu frantically.

“Please, don’t kill me. Please, let me go.” Huang Mao burst into tears, his expression pitiful and pitiful.

Gao Mu looked at him with disdain and said, “Give me a reason not to kill you!”

This sentence seemed to make Huang Mao see the hope of life.

After thinking a little bit, he said very seriously and sincerely: “There is someone in my family who is a senior in the Jidao martial arts gym. If you let me go, I can let you pass the training camp smoothly. And, I can let you every month. Can get the highest score.”

Gao Mu rubbed his chin and looked at Huang Mao with interest.

“This reason is not enough to impress me!”

With Gao Mu’s current state, it is really easy to get high scores and high rankings.

“I can also give you money.” In Huang Mao’s world, money can solve most problems. “You say how much you want, no matter how much I can give you.”

Can money impress Gao Mu? Obviously, it can’t.

“Okay.” Gao Mu waved his hand in annoyance, and said. “I don’t want to talk nonsense with you, you can die.”

Huang Mao suddenly raised his head when he heard the word ‘death’.

“My dad is the director of the Jidao martial arts gym. If you dare to kill me, he will definitely kill you.” Huang Mao was still struggling for the last time.

“Are you in charge?” Gao Mu chuckled and shook his head. “When you are ready to kill me, you should be ready to be killed by me.”

The voice fell, and the Tissot sword waved.

Huang Mao’s head rolled to the side.

Gao Mu shook his head and continued on his way.

There was no change in his face because of the appearance of the Huang Mao team. There was no fluctuation in his mood because of the killing of Huang Mao’s team.

But what he didn’t expect was that not long after he left, a team of five came to the place where Gao Mu was fighting just now.

They had an intersection with Huang Mao before, so they recognized Huang Mao’s identity at a glance.

“It’s going to happen.” One of the team members whispered. “A child in charge of the Jidao Martial Arts Center was killed, who is so courageous.”

The others shuddered and dared not speak.

“Do you want to report this matter?” one of the team asked.

After the captain pondered for a moment, he nodded and said: “Since we found out, then we must report.”

The others in the team did not oppose the leader’s decision.

After all, they might get a good reward through this matter.

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