Chapter 83 I’m Here To Apologize

“What a powerful official!” Gao Mu was not afraid.

He straightened his waist and said with firm eyes: “Unless you can show evidence, otherwise I will never follow you.”

The severe cold was a little dilemma at first, and the atmosphere in the logistics office began to become more subtle.

Yan Hanxian’s men had already touched their hands on their weapons, ready to rectify Gao Mu on the spot at any time.

“What are you doing?”

At this moment, a majestic female voice suddenly sounded.

The appearance of this voice also changed the atmosphere a little bit. Yan Han looked at the source of the sound first, and his expression was a bit complicated when he saw the person coming.

Gao Mu also looked towards the source of the sound at this time.

This is a woman who seems to be over mid-year.

It may be because of the martial artist, so the woman maintains very good body and appearance.

She was wearing a tight-fitting black dress, which directly outlined her figure perfectly.

“Director Ye!” Yan Han arched his hands at the woman first. “Our Law Enforcement Department is handling the case, please don’t interfere!”

This woman is Ye Qingxian, the head of the later department of the Jidao martial arts hall.

Ye Qingxian looked at Yan Hanxian with a smile, and said coldly: “Come to my logistics department to arrest people, isn’t your law enforcement department too arrogant?”

“Don’t dare.” Although the Law Enforcement Department was powerful, he didn’t dare to be too presumptuous on Ye Qingxian’s surface. “We are here only to carry out our mission. Please Minister Ye not to embarrass us.”

“Perform the mission? What is the mission?” Ye Qingxian didn’t give face to the law enforcement department at all.

She looked at Yan Han with a cold face and said: “I want to arrest people in my logistics department, except for your minister who will come in person. Otherwise, you don’t want to take them away today.”

The severe cold is a bit embarrassing at first.

“I’ll give you one minute. You’d better hurry and disappear from my eyes. If not, I will let you know how good I am.”

Ye Qingxian didn’t give face, let Yan Han turn his head and leave without nostalgia.

“You’re Gao Mu, right?” After Yan Han left first, Ye Qingxian changed the cold face and frost before, looking at Gao Mu with a flowery smile and whispered. “Why did those hyenas from the Law Enforcement Department look at you?”

This was Ye Qingxian, but anyone from the Law Enforcement Department would not dare to say that to someone else.

“I don’t know either.” Gao Mu looked innocent.

His innocence was not pretended, but he really didn’t know it.

“What’s the matter?” Since Gao Mu didn’t know, Ye Qingxian could only ask other people.

The young lady who received Gao Mu just now reacted and said: “It may be related to the alien beast’s inner core he turned in just now.”

Ye Qingxian frowned and walked to the stage in front of the young lady.

Miss sister wanted to get away quickly.

Ye Qingxian operated the table with both hands very skillfully, and quickly understood the reason.

“More than 50 king alien beast cores?” Ye Qingxian looked at Gao Mu with a strange look, and asked slightly suspiciously. “Did you hunt these strange beasts yourself?”

Gao Mu nodded.

Ye Qingxian was taken aback, then smiled and said, “I believe you!”

After that, she continued to operate on the stage.

After operating for about five minutes, she nodded contentedly and said, “Okay, the hyenas of the Law Enforcement Department will not trouble you anymore.”

“Thank you!”

What Gao Mu fears most is trouble.

Ye Qingxian smiled slightly, walked to Gao Mu and patted him on the shoulder and said, “I admire you very much, and I hope you don’t let me down!”

Gao Mu was confused when he heard Ye Qingxian’s words.

Before leaving the logistics department, Ye Qingxian told him that there was no problem with his core, and the contribution value would soon enter his name.

“Good guy, who is this buddy? Minister Ye came out to help him himself.”

“I don’t know, but I feel that this guy’s relationship seems to be very hard!”

“It’s more than hard! It’s simply invincible, okay? Even if you are from the logistics department, it is not easy to see Minister Ye once.”

When people around were discussing Gao Mu, Gao Mu had already returned to his bedroom.

Jidao Cangshan, gathering place for intermediate training camps.

General Rong Hao looked at Gao Mu, who was ranked number one, with a gloomy expression.

He was the first person to pass the assessment in this intermediate training camp and also the first person to enter the camp.

He was very talented, and he was given very high expectations.

He himself believes that this intermediate training camp will be far ahead of him, and will be absolutely crushing, making other trainees unable to raise their heads.

Unexpectedly, the sudden jump of Gao Mu disrupted all his plans.

“Who is this Gao Mu?” He asked people around him coldly.

A wretched-looking person with a yellow-faced muscle beside him shook his head and said, “I don’t know!”

“I don’t know?” The wretched man didn’t know, causing Jiang Rong Hao to furrow his brows deeply. He looked at the wretched man and whispered. “Didn’t you say that you already have the information of all the intermediate training campers?”

The wretched man replied very seriously: “Before this Gao Mu appeared, I did grasp it. But he appeared too suddenly and too backward. So there is no information about him in my database.”

“But don’t worry, I will find information about him soon.”

Don’t look at the wretched male leader, but his work efficiency is really ineffective.

Now that the wretched man said so, Jiang Rong Hao nodded and said, “I hope you can hurry up!”

The wretched man nodded again.

Sitting in the dormitory, Gao Mu was looking for other ways to improve his score.

He killed a team of seven in the wild before, which prevented him from showing his face in the wild for a short time.

“Where is this Canglian Sea?”

Cang Lianhai is also a good place to improve the score.

Looking at the relevant explanation from Cang Lianhai, Gao Mu had no idea of ​​going.

If we say that the Buddha Tower is a place to test the overall strength. Then this Cang Lianhai is the place to test the strength of the physical body.

In this sea area, there are countless fishes and animals.

The attacks of these fish and alien beasts are not strong, even the bronze warriors can resist their attacks.

But it can’t stand it, there are so many fish and strange animals in the Canglian Sea.

“One nautical mile, physical strength is equal to black iron!”

“In two nautical miles, the physical strength is equal to bronze!”

“Three nautical miles, physical strength is equal to silver!”

Gao Mu’s physical strength was not very high, and if he ventured into the Cang Lianhai, he would easily be unable to get out.

When Gao Mu hesitated, the door of his room was knocked.

Gao Mu frowned and opened the room door.

Yan Han first stood with his team at the door.

“What’s the matter?” Gaomu didn’t feel good about Yan Hanxian.

Yan Hanxian’s attitude has changed a lot from before. He apologized to Gao Mu, “I have come to apologize for what I did before!”

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