Chapter 93 A Meal Costs 7 Million

Back to the base city, the assessment team disbanded.

Li Jiaguan told everyone that the bottom 10 of the assessment scores this time will face two choices. The first option is to leave the training camp. The second option is to downgrade to a low-level training camp.

But these have nothing to do with Gao Mu.

He is confident that he can get very good results in this assessment.

“How is it?” After the crowd dispersed, instructor Liu asked the strong man. “This kid is extraordinary?”

“It’s more than extraordinary.” The strong man said softly to Instructor Liu after looking around. “If you didn’t come quickly, I would probably lose.”

Instructor Liu widened his eyes and his face was full of disbelief.

“Really.” Seeing that instructor Liu didn’t believe it, the brawny man said with eloquence. “This kid doesn’t know what kind of freak it is. He can actually smash my sword light with his sword energy.”

“Really?” Instructor Liu still didn’t believe it.

“Really.” The strong man nodded again, his expression very serious and said. “I even suspect that this kid can directly upgrade to the advanced training camp!”

As soon as these words came out, instructor Liu was stupid.

Being able to upgrade from an intermediate training camp to an advanced training camp is unique in the history of the entire Jidao martial arts gym.

After returning to the dormitory, Gao Mu fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already noon the next day.

After a simple clean up, he left the dormitory, ready to find a place to eat.

For high-ranking warriors, food is really not used to feed the stomach. Its function is only to satisfy the desire to speak.

Jidao City is very big, and the food street is also very prosperous.

Gao Mu eats from the street to the end of the street.

He touched his somewhat swollen belly and said, “No, the food here is not very tasty.”

He muttered to himself while looking for a new shop.

At the end of the food street, he saw a very dilapidated shop.

This shop is incompatible with the bustling food court.

“Will there be something delicious here?”

Gao Mu, who had been influenced by novels since he was a child, saw this kind of shop and preconceived that the owner of this shop was a hermit expert.

He hesitated slightly, and walked in the direction of the shop.

This shop is not only dilapidated, but very, very small.

Entering the store, there is only a very greasy table.

“Do you want to eat?” A slightly older voice came from the depths of the shop.

Gao Mu looked around and saw an old man with a fat body and a round waist slowly walking out of it.

The generous chef’s outfit, worn on this old man’s body, made Gao Mu feel tight and self-cultivating.

“Yes, do you have anything delicious?” Gao Mu asked the old man.

The old man enthusiastically pointed to the menu on the wall and said to Gao Mu: “The dishes on the menu are all my specialties. You pick it yourself, but I want to tell you in advance that the prices of my dishes are not low. ”

Gao Mu smiled and waved his hand and said, “Money is not a problem, mainly because the food is delicious.”

The old man smiled and said nothing more.

“Here is a braised octopus, a smelly mandarin fish, a Dongpo meat, and another Dongpo pork shoulder. For the spicy chicken, also have one. The crispy duck is also one.” Gao Mu ordered all of them. Meat dishes.

“No problem, you can sit and wait for a while.” The old man nodded, and went to prepare food for Gao Mu.

Gao Mu sat at the small greasy table and waited quietly.

Soon, a plate of braised octopus was put on the table by the old man.

“If the octopus is braised in brown sauce, does the color at least match the red color?” Gao Mu felt that his breathing was a little difficult.

He clearly ordered the braised octopus, but the octopus on the table was jet-black.

If it were not in Jidao City, Gao Mu would even suspect that the old man had poisoned himself.

“The braised sauce is just a name, and the color doesn’t matter.” The old man looked at Gao Mu expectantly, and urged anxiously. “You should try it now!”

The old man’s expression and eyes made Gao Mu wonder if the old man could cook.

Recognizing the nausea, I used chopsticks to pick up a piece and put it in his mouth.

As soon as the hairtail entered his mouth, Gao Mu’s eyes widened.

Whether it was in his previous life or in this life, it was the first time he had eaten such a delicious food.

This dark-skinned braised octopus in brown sauce was delicious beyond his imagination.

Seeing Gao Mu picked up a piece of hairtail again, the old man returned to the back kitchen contentedly and went to cook other dishes.

This second dish is stinky mandarin fish.

“Good guy, this smells a little bit sensational.”

Before the smelly mandarin fish came out, Gao Mu smelled the smell of the exclusive smelly mandarin fish.

When the smelly mandarin fish was brought up, Gao Mu directly covered his nose.

But even if he covers his nose, the smell still penetrates his brain all the way.

He picked up the chopsticks and gently clamped a piece.

There was a smell at the entrance, and then the smell began to disappear and was replaced by the deliciousness of the fish.

“It’s so delicious.”

Knowing the deliciousness of this stinky mandarin fish, Gao Mu, like a starving ghost, began to keep picking up vegetables.

In less than a minute, he wiped out all the smelly mandarin fish.

Seeing this scene, the old man laughed happily.

The remaining dishes are the same as the previous two dishes. They all look bad, but the taste is really nothing.

When Gao Mu wiped his mouth contentedly, the old man walked up with the receipt.

“A total of 7 million, how do I pay!” The fat old man narrowed his eyes while laughing.

Although Gao Mu had been mentally prepared, he was shocked when he heard the price of 7 million yuan.

“Old man.” He took a deep breath and said to the old man. “The reason why your restaurant has no customers is because the price of your food is too expensive?”

“Is it expensive?” The fat old man scratched his head and said. “I still give you a 50% discount.”

“If you don’t give you a discount, this table will cost more than 10 million.”

Gao Mu felt that his values ​​were collapsing little by little.

“Okay.” Since the old man said so, Gao Mu didn’t say anything, and just paid the bill straightforwardly.

After Gao Mu left the shop, the fat old man looked at Gao Mu’s back with a smile, and whispered to himself: “This young man, it’s interesting.”

After returning to the dormitory, Gao Mu was not idle, and he turned on his device and started to check the information about the new sign-in place.

I don’t know if I didn’t check it, this check really shocked Gao Mu.

This new sign-in magic cloud area is not something ordinary people can enter.

If you want to enter here, you must join the Jidao Martial Arts Center. In addition, he must become a core member of the Jidao Martial Arts Center.

“This is a little troublesome!”

Gao Mu scratched his head, feeling a little headache.

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