Chapter 97

Jidao City, a certain dark room.

Saint Yanagawa’s old hand stroked the photo of his grandson.

On the table in front of him, some materials were placed in a mess.

It can be seen from the photos of the materials that all these materials are about Gao Mu.

After the grandson’s death, Sheng Yanchuan used all the relationships to investigate.

For a period of time, the survey did not have any results or feedback.

But just a few days ago, the investigation suddenly made a breakthrough.

In the end, Sheng Liuchuan found that all the results of the investigation pointed to Gao Mu.

“I don’t care if you are a young genius, or if you are noticed by everyone. If you dare to kill my grandson, I dare to kill you.”

While stroking the photo of his grandson, Sheng Yanagawa muttered to himself in a dazed manner.

“Notify He Gu, let him seize the time to do it!” said Liu Chuansheng.


A cold voice sounded from the gloom.

Gao Mu, who was sitting in the dormitory, stared at the gold medal representing the core members in a daze.

“I didn’t do anything, so why did I become a core member?”

Just ten minutes ago, someone from the logistics department knocked on the door of Gao Mu’s bedroom and at the same time handed a package to Gao Mu.

After opening the package, Gao Mu saw the gold medal dedicated to the core members.

During these ten minutes, Gao Mu had been in a state of thinking.

Because he didn’t understand why this happened.

“Is it the wrong one?”

Gao Mu used his own communication equipment to open the official website of Jidao Wuguan.

In the member background of the official website of Jidao Martial Arts Museum, there are relevant information of all members.

After entering the backstage, Gao Mu suddenly discovered that the ranks under his name had become core members.

“How is it? My work efficiency is okay?” Ye Qingxian called in while Gao Mu was thinking about who was helping herself, and she said slightly inviting credit. “Now, are you a core member?”

“Thank you Minister Ye.” Gao Mu thanked him very politely.

“Hey, don’t rectify these imaginary things.” Ye Qingxian said with a smile. “Invite me to dinner when you have time.”

After hanging up the communication equipment, Gao Mu left the dormitory directly, preparing to go to the magic cloud area.

Not long after Gao Mu left the dormitory, He Gu appeared not far behind Gao Mu.

He put his hand on his ear and said softly: “According to the previous plan, start executing!”


A response came from the phone headset.

Gao Mu sitting in the car, playing games leisurely.

Every so often, the car stops.

He looked out the window, his face changed abruptly.

It was pitch black outside the window, and I couldn’t see my fingers.

If he remembers correctly, it is now in the afternoon.

Even if it is dark, it will certainly not be so completely dark.

When this happens, it is 100% that someone is deliberately making a ghost.

“get off.”

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

Gao Mu opened the car door carefully and got out of the car.

When he got out of the car, he saw the light again.

But the light in this place is a little different from the light in other places.

Not far in front of him, there were about three or four people standing.

He was not anxious to see these people, but began to observe the surrounding environment.

This is a very dilapidated, overgrown remote place.

“Don’t look at it.” One of the people on the opposite side said to Gao Mu. “Since we dare to get you here, we must be unable to let others find you.”

“Who are you?” Since the other party had said so, Gao Mu didn’t continue to struggle with his position.

“It doesn’t matter who we are.” The person who spoke just now said again. “You just need to know that we are here to send you to the west.”

Gao Mu looked at them coldly, without speaking.

These people dared to do something in Jidao City, which shows that they are fully prepared.

But even so, Gao Mu was still unafraid.

“Just you? Do you look down on me too much?”

The realm of these people was probably in the early stage of the Grandmaster realm. Although Gao Mu’s strength was also in the early days of the Grand Master, under the superposition of Ji Zi Mi, these people were not his opponents at all.

“We value you too much.” The person who spoke before continued. “In order to prevent it from being foolproof, we have come so many people. But I feel that we are still too cautious.”

The young master is terrifying, but for them. With so many people here this time, it must be enough to deal with a young master.

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense with him.” One of the people said impatiently. “Let’s hurry up and do it. I’ll make an appointment for a foot massage.”

“I’ll go to Hipi in a while, so hurry up!” The others were also a little impatient.

Seeing that everyone was impatient, the leader didn’t talk nonsense, and directly drew out his weapon and rushed towards Gao Mu.

“All words are secret!”

“King Kong is not bad for magic!”

Gao Mu directly drew out the Tiansuo sword and began to do it.

The person who rushed towards Gao Mu first waved the broad sword in his hand when he was less than five meters away from Gao Mu, and released a blade light about one meter high.

Dao Mang’s speed is very fast, and in an instant he rushed to Gao Mu’s approach.

“That’s it?”

Gao Mu curled his mouth in disdain, and gently waved the Tiansuo sword in his hand.

Because of the infusion of spiritual energy, the Tiansuo sword also released a sword light.

But compared with the opponent’s sword light, his sword light looked a bit miniature.

“Hahaha, buddy are you kidding me?”

“Sword light less than 20 cm? Is this a young genius?”

“Is this young genius nothing more than that? Thanks to us, so many people came.”

“I just said that I was overly cautious. You still don’t believe me.”

The sword light, which was only 20 centimeters long, became the laughing stock of everyone.

But Gao Mu didn’t care.

Jianmang and Daomang soon collided.

Just when people thought that Gao Mu’s sword light would be crushed by the sword light, a miracle appeared.

The small sword beam, which was only 20 cm long, collided with the sword beam and directly crushed the sword beam.

Not only that.

After crushing the sword beam, the sword beam disappeared at a speed, and flew towards the first person who rushed to Gao Mu.

The person’s reaction was also quick, and he hurriedly waved the long knife in his hand, releasing another blade of light.

But the end of this Dao Mang was exactly the same as that of the previous Dao Mang.

“How can this be?”

The man was dumbfounded.

The others present were also dumbfounded.

Just when they were dumbfounded, Gao Mu took the lead in moving.

“Secret of the lines!”

Gao Mu directly turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the person who rushed towards him first.

Before that person even had time to make any response, Gao Mu’s Tiansuo sword was already placed on his neck.

The other party opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But he was horrified to find that he couldn’t say anything.

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