Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1376: IQ rolling (tending for subscription)

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And the **** of casting made a moment of idleness, Fang Ping suddenly thought of a question, asked: "Old build, what do you say is the end of Xianyuan?"

Old build?

Casting the **** makes some helplessness, tired.

Every time when Fang Ping’s strength surpasses some people, some people have to go through the process of heart and soul.

"The biggest role of Xianyuan is now those roads!"

Casting the **** makes Shen Sheng: "The last... the last end is that the warrior who repairs the avenue will be controlled by Xianyuan, and will be directly pulled into the source to fill the pit!"

"Of course, some of them will be broken, rooted in the ground, pulled by the emperors and filled in their own pits."

"The source, according to our thoughts, there is a pothole of the Emperor of the Emperor and the Emperor of Heaven."

"So, there are 11 holes."

"Xianyuan is to fill the biggest potholes, and the remaining 10 will depend on the emperor himself."

"The origin of the three realms, I am afraid that there is nothing good to end, the emperor is not willing to fill these, can only let others replace."

Fang Ping raised his eyebrows: "Where Wang Ruobing these people are the backhands?"

"Yes, the last time I looked at Xianyuan, there were a lot of problems, and it was very different from what I made in the past."

Casting God explained: "Some people have diverted Xianyuan! Wang Ruobing has several people who have not controlled all the Taoist martial arts. What you see is actually only a part. They steal the control of Xianyuan, but not all. ”

"They also fear that the Emperor of Heaven will only make up their own holes, regardless of them, so they also arranged their backhands, stealing power, and at the crucial moment, let Wang Ruobing become the item of their hole."

Fang Ping sneered: "These guys, playing these are a set!"

"There are different ways." The **** of casting did not say this. He sighed: "After having a powerful force, let them give up. They are not willing and normal. If so, of course, look for a way to live."

Fang Ping nodded and said: "But I heard that Chu Wu actually steals some power..."

"There is this thing, it should be done by Yangshen. In fact, a few people count, but now they have entered the shackles, but the yang **** has escaped."

Casting God explained: "A long time ago, it was earlier than the Nine Emperor's testimony! Let's just say that the Nine Emperors killed the first Wu, in fact, there are some reasons for this, killing them, let the power of Chuwu into the source ......

It is not simply to let the Nine Emperors cross the break, but also to use the power of the first Wu to fill the pit. ”

Fang Ping sneered: "So, Yangshuo is not a good thing?"

"That depends on how you define it."

Casting God makes a smile: "According to the idea of ​​Yangshen, I won the things, you have the ability to take away, you can't take it, that is mine! You kill people to vent their anger, kill the first martial arts, and have anything to do with me. It’s not me killing!”

Casting God makes a smile and says: "You said, in the eyes of Yang Shen, the death of Chu Wuqiang, is it related to him?"

"Also, Yang Shen steals a lot of power, this is also the source of the military, the physical weakness, because the vitality has been stolen too much, which also leads to the original warrior, strengthen the flesh without initial martial arts, not simply because of the original suppression problem."

The **** of casting sighs: "The **** of the sun can't talk about good or bad. He is also strong for himself. It is not subjective to the victim. But he did cause a large number of strong people to be killed, which led to the physical weakness of the native warrior."

"You know what you know."

"Not really, in fact, I heard it in the early years, and there are not many people who will pass it later."

Casting God makes a smile: "The gods are still active in the early years, and the emperor is also, they are fighting for the front, it is theirs, we are not good at interpreting anything, nor that qualification.

After the Nine Emperor’s testimony, the two active hours were less.

In fact... In fact, the source is still very strong and perfect. If the defect is solved, the power of the yang **** can be returned. The source is completely different! ”

Casting God makes some regrets: "The original source, in fact, should be the same as Chuwu, it is to strengthen itself, not the main source of growth! Just use the increase, let you feel stronger in advance, and then go detached!

You think about it, you are the source of the war, you can feel the power of several times in advance, adapt to this power, the source has no suppression of the physical and mental strength, then you think that you can quickly upgrade to this realm ?

The source road is an auxiliary avenue, but it does have great use!

Later, it was the end of the book, but the main source of growth, which is the indispensable responsibility of the Emperor and the Sun. ”

Casting God looked at Fang Ping and smiled: "If you can solve the problem of the source, completely repair the original way, and even provide power to supplement, then the source is the strongest way in the world!"

"I have thought about it for you..."

Casting God makes a smile: "First make up the defects, then throw the seeds into the perpetual motion machine, no, but also create the underworld, not the underworld, but a kind of recycling of power."

Casting the gods and talking about it: "The death of the three real powers, the return of power to the seeds, the seeds to provide the source of power, and the emergence of power will lead to loopholes in the source.

In fact, there is still a problem. What if there are too many strong people?

Everyone can live forever and live for 100,000 years. That source may not be able to bear it. ”

"How to do?"

"Isn't the fairy tales read? Do you rob!"

Casting God makes a smile and says: "Let the strong people rob, such as the nine strong, want to prove the road, then the robbery, one hundred save one! So, you can reduce the number of strong, weak If you want to become stronger, you should consider the crisis of death.

Unlike now, even if the breakthrough fails, the loss is not big.

This also makes many people unscrupulously absorb energy and make themselves stronger. The energy of the three realms is getting weaker and weaker, and it is also related to too many strong people. ”

"If you are dissatisfied with the three-order order, you need to make your own rules!"

Casting God made a serious statement: "It is not to say that if you kill the Nine Emperors and abolish the original source, then everything will be fine! This is not the case. If so, it may cause more trouble in the end!"

Rules, this thing, you don't make it, there will always be someone to make it!

So, even if the war really wins, you still have a lot to do. ”

Fang Ping smiled bitterly: "You can always look at me, and this will start to help me think about the aftermath."

"It’s not looking at you, it’s raining ahead!”

Casting God makes a smile: "After the war, the three realms will make these rules at least when they are at least. Otherwise, you may face difficulties like the Emperor of the year. There are too many strong people. You have a lot of things to develop. !

Heaven Emperor, they don't know the problem?


But at that time, there were too many strong people. Didn’t they kill?

Later, it was all killed, but you can see how much trouble there is in the Three Realms! ”

Casting God makes a smile: "Kids, these things can be handed over to the old man later, but I like to make these rules! I am thinking of you for the thunder, using artifacts to detect, when the power is raised to a limit, directly to the thunder, Kill them!

Also, I have read a lot of books recently, and in the future, there should be some restrictions on cultivation.

For example, a warrior without talent is unable to cultivate, and it is a spiritual root..."

Fang Ping rolled his eyes, what book is this old man looking at now?

Are you trying to create a world of truth?

It’s a thunder, it’s a spiritual root, what do you think!

"Don't take it for granted."

Casting God makes a smile: "It is really necessary to think about it. It is always good to plan ahead. The end of the Three Kingdoms War, and it will be a waste of time. This is actually the most appropriate time!"

Casting the gods to say, and sighed: "I know that you and Wu Wang they think that the people are strong, but ... kid, and then continue, the three realms can not afford!"


"The Terran side is now hundreds of millions of warriors, and the high-quality warriors have now broken through 1 million!"

Casting God makes the worry say: "Now, the energy they absorb every day, do you know how terrible? Horrible scary! This is the previous energy recovery, plus the seed projection and overflow, in order to satisfy everyone's cultivation.

But in the long run, when high-quality warriors are ten million, one billion, one billion, one billion... What should I do?

Go on like this, and in the end, you will find that there is no more energy on the planet!

Losing energy support, the new generation of people can no longer practice, the older generation's strong life is too long, but there is no energy to cultivate, what will they do? ”


"Slay up!"

Casting the gods makes the exhalation: "Kill others, take their energy, and satisfy their own cultivation! So, in the end, the Three Realms will become magical land! The real magic land, the world of people eating people!

Do you and Wu Wang long for such a world to be born? ”

"do not wish!"

"That won't be."

"So..." Fang Ping said faintly: "It is best to destroy the martial arts, completely eliminate the martial arts, and do not appear martial arts again. They are ordinary people. It is very good to die and die after a hundred years."

Casting God can not help but smile: "How is it possible, when there is a martial art, you can live forever, who will give up your strength, can you?"

"I can!"

Fang Ping calmly said: "I am tired of such a life, I am tired of killing, I do not want to let my children and grandchildren kill again, maybe I have no children and grandchildren, but I do not want the three circles to continue to kill.

If I say that I am eager for a world without a martial arts, would you always feel ridiculous?

Will it feel incredible?

But I want to tell you, what I hope to see is world peace, martial arts are no longer, killing is no longer!

Even if there is no martial arts, there may be wars. The wars of ordinary people will not happen again.

One person can destroy the three worlds! ”

How big is the Three Realms!

There are tens of billions of creatures, and one person can destroy the Three Realms.

The **** of casting made a sigh of relief and said seriously: "Are you serious?"

“Why not seriously?”

Fang Ping calmly said: "I think that is very good, at least not worrying, one is not careful, one of the top powerhouses is angry, the power bursts, the bang, the country is destroyed, hundreds of millions of people are killed!"

"Now, the Terran has not had such a problem, but now it is because the war is just around the corner, but once there is no survival pressure, what will happen later?"

Fang Ping shook his head and said: "It’s better to have no military than to cultivate martial arts!"

"You think about this..."

Casting God makes you shook your head: "Now maybe this is the case, but when you really climb the top three, the three realms are under your control, you may not think so."

"we'll see!"

Fang Ping doesn't say much, now everything is empty talk.

Casting the gods is a smile: "Peaceful world, no martial world... The idea is beautiful, but unfortunately, it should not work. I remember that it seems that someone mentioned this thing in the past, but in the end it is no longer... ..."

"Through the world without arms?"

Fang Ping’s eyes moved. “Who said?”

"who said it?"

The **** of casting made a sigh of relief and recalled: "Who said it... I really don't remember it! When I was a joke, I should be a strong person. It might be one of the nine emperors and four emperors. Of course, it seems. It’s just a spare time to mention..."

Fang Ping is blinking.

A world without weapons!

This point is a joke in the eyes of the strong, how is it possible.

How can the martial arts die for 40,000 years?

Even if there is no source, there is Chu Wu.

Even if there is no Chuwu, there are others.

How can I destroy the military?


However, someone actually mentioned it.

Then say... your own origin, may be related to this person!


Who proposed a world without weapons?

Fang Ping's eyes are blinking. If someone puts forward this concept, it may be the maker of the system, and he... Because he has experienced such peace, that person wants to realize such a dream!

Because other people, it is impossible to do it.

Even Zhang Tao!

Zhang Tao is a good man, and he hopes that the war can stop, but the era in which he lives is an era full of force and an era full of martial arts.

In Zhang Tao's view, many things need to be strong to solve.

Is that Zhang Tao likely to destroy Wu?

Big probability won't!

Because he does not know what will happen after the annihilation of the martial arts, will it again cause the family to face a crisis.

"One of the nine emperors and four emperors?"

Fang Ping was very surprised. He felt that the Emperor, the Sun God, and the seed were the most likely to make a system. Now, it may not be as complicated as I thought.

It is one of the nine emperors and four emperors!

Who is it?

"I have broken the nine, the system has been feedback data, my peak strength is more than 70 million cards, still no one to harvest ... Can it be said that this person knows, but is secretly waiting for himself to destroy the military?"

Fang Ping frowned, and soon, spit out, no longer think about it.

At this moment, he also sensed that the outside world, Lao Wang and several people arrived.


Town Star City, the main hall of the proceedings.

Seeing that Yao Chengjun came along, Fang Ping laughed and said: "Old Yao, I have disappeared some time!"

Yao Chengjun smiled. On the side, Li Hansong looked at Fang Ping and tried to stop.

Yao Chengjun glanced at him, his head was awkward and he shut up.

Fang Ping glanced at a few people and smiled. "Why, is there still a secret that I can't?"


The iron head hurriedly interjected, indicating that there was no secret.

Fang Ping smiled and said nothing. Suddenly grabbed the iron head, and then, turned around, the world was cut.

The iron head was caught in the darkness, silent!

"Fang Ping!"

"Fang Ping, let me go out!"


Iron head a sad reminder, let me go out!

Where is this?

Black lacquered, nothing can be seen, nothing can be heard, a person is very lonely here!

"Fang Ping!"


"Old Yao..."

I don’t know how long I have waited, I’m getting more and more lonely, and I’m getting more and more scared. Why did Fang Ping go this guy!

Grab yourself to this, and don't show up, why?

I don't know how long it took, Fang Ping suddenly appeared, and the iron head was excited, but Fang Ping was a face!


Fang Ping coldly said: "I am a brother, you are so against me! Losing me with my life, you are actually glaring at me, you... they are, I didn't think that you are actually doing this to me... ..."

Li Hansong sighed and said: "Fang Ping, do you know?"

Fang Ping coldly said: "Do you think you can win me? Pharaoh, I don't even ask, I asked him if he still said nothing! I am angry, he dare not say, you Li Hansong actually like this... ..."

The iron head said dryly: "No, Lao Yao said, tell you, you are plainly worried, no need for this. And what he said makes sense. The cat is not necessarily selling you, afraid that the cat will be controlled. Alright!

We are actually nothing, just by the way, to be honest, our strength is not good. Now, even if it is broken, can it really break nine?

If you can change the cooperation of several emperors, it is actually good.

Lao Yao is also for the human race. For your sake, Fang Ping, Lao Yao can have no bad thoughts. I know him. He is a temper. He is not afraid of death. Can he be afraid of anything else?

I don't want you to worry, I actually want to tell you, but Lao Yao is right, more than one person knows, one more person is worried, why?

I blame me, I just shouldn’t show it..."

Said, sighed: "You know everything, then there is no need to squat, in fact, it is not bad to discuss together..."

The iron head is still being described, but Fang Ping has disappeared.


In the hall of the proceedings.

At this moment, a few people of Lao Wang are chatting with Fang Ping, but Zhang Tao is looking at the iron head of drooling. Some wonders, what is this fool?

Even if a person is in a daze, he still has a look of drooling.


People who are all broken, how is it still?

Lao Wang also looked at the iron head somewhat strangely. Over there, Yao Chengjun and Fang Ping said that they would destroy the harvest of the Tiangong. At this moment, they couldn’t help but say: "Fang Ping, what is your mental strength to control him?"

Li Hansong’s mental strength is weak, and everyone knows this.

How do you control this fool with your mentality?

It’s drooling!

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Nothing, I am too lazy to listen to him, this guy has a lot of recent words, simply don't talk to him!"

There was a secret in my heart, and I wanted to take advantage of Lao Tzu.

Fortunately, you have more means!

Just looking at the attitude of this goods, some are not right, immediately went to tempted, and thought that there are gossip listening, did not expect ... really enough gossip!

At this moment, Yao Chengjun and Lao Wang, I don’t know at all, they have been sold by the iron head.

The iron head really thought that Fang Ping already knew it and is now explaining it.

Fang Ping is also speechless. This fool, who talks to you secretly, is that he is stupid!

As you are, you still keep secrets.

Lao Yao and Lao Wang and he said secrets, that is also enough heart!

Of course, this is also related to the iron head's belief in Fang Ping. In the iron head's view, Fang Ping knew it anyway, and he said nothing about himself. He is his own person. Just say it.

The next moment, the iron head looked awkward.

Soon, scratching his head and swearing: "Fang Ping, I can say it, what do you say about this?"


Yao Chengjun several people looked at him strangely, what did he say?

What did you say?

At this time, the iron head only saw the situation around, and they looked at themselves strangely. Some depressed: "What happened? Why are you looking at me? It’s not what I said first, Lao Wang said first, I am not a traitor. !"


Lao Wang looked awkward, what did I say?

I didn't say anything!

I made a greeting with Fang Ping. What did you say?

Lao Yao is also sluggish, as if he knows something, and then look at Fang Ping.

At this moment, Fang Ping is holding a teacup, drinking tea, and his face is very easy to navigate. It is not easy to deal with you!

On the other side of the iron head, I have a little control over my mental strength and create hallucinations. Is it not easy to say a few words to him?

I was too lazy to expose them. Fang Ping smiled and said: "Continue to talk about business, iron head, don't talk nonsense, listen well, just do it? Have you dreamed?"


The iron head is not really stupid. At this moment, his eyes are stunned and suddenly he is picked up.

I just... I just dreamed of it?

It seems not to be!

But... it seems that nothing happened in front of me!

He remembered that he was taken away by Fang Ping, but now he seems to be still in his original position!

The iron pharynx swallowed, suddenly looked at Fang Ping, then angered the middle finger!

Your uncle, you fool me!

This **** actually uses the spirit to create hallucinations, deceives himself, shameless villain!

Fang Ping was too lazy to care for him, and smiled: "Just say this, you three, ready to pick me up! Of course, not at the crucial moment! Pharaoh is the most appropriate, anyway, it is exposed, and it is really nothing to expose.

The iron head is second. After all, it is too stupid. It is not exposed today. In the future, it is also exposed by people.

Lao Yao is third.

I will bring some of your spiritual attachments in. If I crush anyone, whoever opens the way, I am ready.

I am doing this, and I am connected to the door of the source.

Casting the gods to make them a senior, guarding the town of Star City, to prevent people from coming to trouble at this time, right, staring at Tianchen and Tengu, be careful that these two guys messed up.

This time I entered, it may help people to open up the virtual door, the door of blood and the door of the spirit. ”

I’m still thinking about what I just did.

Fang Ping was directly up and said: "I went to see Wang Ruo Bing and Lin Zi, a few of you... I will come to this set less with me next time. Even if I come to this set, I will leave the iron goods, don't bring him. Free from the fact that the teacher did not die first."

Fang Ping snorted, snorted and broke away.

Lao Zhang also glanced at a few people with some disdain. "To discuss secrets with Li Hansong, it is better to call everyone to discuss and waste your tongue.

With the superiority of IQ, I was too lazy to ask.

Although I don't know what it is, Fang Ping obviously knows that he is too lazy to ask.

In the hall, there are three people left.

Lao Wang and Lao Yao both looked at Li Hansong, Li Hansong looked stiff, and the next moment, suddenly fled!

I did not do it on purpose!

Fang Ping pit me!

I really didn't mean it!


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