Global Gods: Digital God

Chapter 15 The First Battle

After Yang Jin clicked on the match, he only waited for more than a minute. Everything in front of him changed, and electronic synthesized sounds continued to ring in his ears.


"Match completed."

"The battlefield will be automatically generated."

"The battlefield is generated. Three, two, one. Units from both sides enter the battlefield. Please choose the ordinary magic to bring."

In this simulated battle in the God's Domain, each god can choose to carry a common divine spell. As the points become stronger, the number and effects of the divine spells that can be carried will become stronger.

But now, there are only four common magical arts that Yang Jin can choose to carry.

Call the wind, call the rain, encourage, and fire.

"Choose to breathe the wind."

"After the selection is completed, the actual combat simulation officially begins."

As soon as the screen flashed, everything Yang Jin saw changed. The entire battlefield turned into a desert, and at the other end of the battlefield, he saw a group of lizard people.

Looking at it intently, information about this group of lizardmen came to mind.

Lizardmen (second-level race)

Level: 15

Racial unit: Elite.

Skills: Color Changing, Quicksand.

Evaluation: A tenacious survivor in the desert.

not good.

After reading the attributes of these second-level lizardmen, Yang Jin's face darkened. Although the Agumons were not afraid of the desert, the other's lizardmen were the darlings of the desert.

Once they really meet, I'm afraid they won't get much benefit.

"Hahaha, it's actually a desert. The guy on the other side, I advise you to surrender. Don't lose your manpower in vain."

Just when Yang Jin was thinking about what to do, the voice of the god of the lizard race opposite him rang in his ears.

If it were other terrains, the lizard man could only be said to be average, but in this desert, he was not afraid of even the third-level race.

While speaking, the god incidentally ordered an attack.

Two hundred lizardmen disappeared from the desert. Of course, this was not a real disappearance, but the use of color-changing skills to blend in with the colors of the desert.

"Activate the magic: Call the Wind."

Yang Jin gave a few instructions to the Agu beasts in the desert, and then activated the magical skill of calling the wind. Can the wind help the fire? This is also an important reason why Yang Jin chose to carry the calling wind.

On the endless desert, there was a violent wind blowing violently in the direction of the lizard man. The originally invisible lizard man was contaminated with a lot of yellow sand in the storm and was forced to be exposed.


The Agumons didn't know what they were afraid of. After discovering their target, they ran towards the lizard people in the distance under the leadership of several leader-level Agumons.



The god with the lizardman race also activated his own magic, also carrying the wind, and Agumon's forward speed was greatly suppressed.

"Your Agumon race can't be the opponent of my lizard people? Even though they are very high-level, they are in the desert, which is my home field."

The god's voice sounded again.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

Yang Jin chuckled lightly and looked down. Now that both of them have no magical skills, it depends on whether the lizard people or the agumons below are more powerful.


One by one, the lizardmen stopped their progress and activated their skills one after another. The Agumons running at the front were accidentally swallowed by the quicksand.

"Everyone spread out? Watch your step."

"Small flame!"


"It's useless? It's impossible for your Agumons to cross the quicksand and attack my lizard-men race."

The voice of the god opposite was full of pride.

But what made him feel a little depressed was that no matter how he provoked him, the other party didn't respond, as if he was fighting a robot.

"Come on!"

Yang Jin looked at the Agumons. This first match was very unfriendly. Forget about the desert terrain. He also met a lizard man who is a desert race.

Each Agumon couldn't dodge? Was it pulled away by the quicksand that suddenly appeared underground? In just one minute, more than fifty Agumon died.

However, as more and more Agumon came to the side of the lizardmen, the casualties of the Agumons finally stopped? The balance of the battle began to fall.

Each small fire can severely damage a lizardman.

"Congratulations, your Agumon killed an elite lizardman (second level) and gained 30 inclusion points? Congratulations, your Agumon..."

Continuous beeps sounded in Yang Jin's ears? The collection points that had originally returned to zero increased rapidly again, and in the blink of an eye they already exceeded a thousand.

"Those Agu beasts did not collapse due to death, but were my lizardmen..."

The gods of the lizardman race looked at the scenes in the desert and felt very depressed. Instead of defeating the psychological defenses of the Yagu beasts, the Lizardmen had gradually begun to collapse under the attacks of the Yagu beasts.

"I surrender."

Without too much hesitation, he chose to surrender. For him, the battle was over when fear arose in the hearts of his lizard people.

If he continues to fight, he will only cause more casualties to the opponent, and his lizardmen may also be buried in the desert.

There is absolutely no need for this.

"The opponent has admitted defeat and the battle is being settled..."

"Agumon: 68 casualties, 113 enemies killed."

"Evaluation: miserable victory."

"If you win the first actual combat simulation, your points will be increased by 10; if you win your first victory today, your points will be increased by 10; if you win the battle, your points will be increased by 10, and you will get a total of 30 God's Domain points."

Thirty points of God Realm points are not too little. It only costs 150 points to redeem a God Realm Expansion Card. This time, I got one-fifth of it.

Of course, for Yang Jin, God's Domain points are not the main reason why he conducts actual combat simulations. What he wants is to obtain collection points through God's Domain simulations.

"Included points 3233."

Looking at the collection points on the personal panel, Yang Jin nodded with satisfaction. Sure enough, the God's Domain simulation battle is a very important place to obtain collection points.


Looking at the scarred Agumons below, Yang Jin chose to quit. Originally, he planned to have three simulated battles in the God's Domain. Unexpectedly, he encountered a difficult guy in the first battle.

As the battle continues, the Agumons may lose their faith.


A ray of light fell from the sky, and the Agumons returned to the Digital God Realm. However, compared to when they went, everyone came back with injuries.

And the number is also much less, which looks very miserable.

The leader of the unit, Greymon, stared blankly at the scene in the distance, unable to believe what he was seeing.

PS: Second update, please recommend and collect.

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