Global Gods: Digital God

Chapter 55 The Abandoned God

The elves are known as the darlings of the forest.

Even some mixed half-elf races are born with a third-level race level, and half-elves who grow up can even reach a sixth-level race.

As for the true elf race, an adult elf is born with fourth-level strength, and is a race as powerful as a pure-blood dragon.

Many gods in the main world will choose the elves who care about longevity as the main battle race.

Yang Jin never expected that he would meet the elves in this league.

"Escape directly?"

This idea emerged from the bottom of his heart. If there are elves in this place, then there must be the kingdom of elves. As a powerful race, it is not difficult for the elves to give birth to a true god.

But the interesting point is that although it is not difficult for the elves to give birth to true gods, there are not many elves who can have main gods.

The supreme god above, the World Tree that gave birth to the elves in legend, has such strength.

After that, no elves can surpass it.

At this moment, he might have been watched by the true god of the elves.

Thinking of this, he felt uncomfortable all over.

"No, that's not right."

Sitting on the back of a Gula beast, Yang Jin forced himself to calm down. The other party may not be as strong as he imagined.

Suppose the other party is really that strong.

There should be no other quasi-gods or demigods in this entire area.

Although in many legends, the elves are a peace-loving race, they cannot allow others to sleep soundly beside the couch. The elves will never allow so many racial demigods to surround them.

There is only one reason for this situation: that is, the strength of this elves is not strong.

At least, there is no true God.

Thinking of this, Yang Jin's fiercely beating heart slowly calmed down. He was just scaring himself.


Keeping the elves' affairs at heart, looking at the increasingly gloomy sky, he urged the Gullamons.


Hearing Yang Jin's words, the Gulla beasts accelerated their running speed again, rushing towards the area of ​​the Kingdom of God where the White Ape Demigod was.

White Ape Kingdom.

This is the demigod kingdom of the White Ape Demigod, and the area where it is located is protected by its divine power. However, with the death of the White Ape Demigod and the birth of a new god, this protective effect is slowly fading.

Outside the White Ape Kingdom, Dilumon, Garurumon, and Nine-Tailed Beast were confronting a huge crowd of goblins.

With each other's presence, no one dares to enter the White Ape Kingdom rashly.

Once inside, the apes inside are bound to prevent them from completely destroying the Kingdom of God and absorbing the divinity. With the opponents watching behind them, it is easy to fall into a state of being attacked from both sides.


An Aquilamon quickly flew to the Digimon position from behind, bringing the news they needed most. Father God was rushing over with Gullamon.

"Commander, that strange big bird has flown over again. It is estimated that reinforcements from the other side are coming soon."

Beside the goblin leader, a frost goblin saw this scene and whispered.

"Don't worry, their reinforcements won't be able to arrive. This White Ape Kingdom must belong to our great Goblin King."

The goblin leader laughed. He looked quite happy despite his awl face.

"Over there with the elves..."

"That's not your concern anymore."

The Goblin leader sneered and looked at the other person with a meaningful look in his eyes.

He is just a small captain, but his ambition is not small.

The great Goblin King can accommodate any goblin, but it cannot tolerate it here.


"Your Majesty, this is the route. I have observed it twice. If the other party wants to come, they will only choose this route."

On a concave cliff, a short Goblin lookout looked in awe at the Goblin King with the lightning mark on his forehead.

"Very well, bring over the guy we caught."

The Goblin King stroked the scimitar on his waist and looked into the distance with a smile, looking forward to the appearance of the heretic god who had destroyed the white ape demigod.


Soon, a human man with scars all over his body was dragged over by two goblins and fell to the ground with a thud.

"I heard that people in your world attach great importance to relationships. Now let me see if the rumors are true."

The Goblin King walked up to the human man, looked down at the man lying on the ground and said.



The man lying on the ground moved his lips, his blood flowed back desperately, but in the end he didn't say a word.

It's not that he doesn't want to speak, it's that he can't speak.

If you can observe him carefully, when his lips move, you can see that the tongue that gave him speech has been pulled out.

This is a preparatory god in the main world to participate in the Hundred Cities League.

His luck was not very good. Not long after he arrived in this league plane, he met the Goblin tribe, one of the masters of the hundred thousand mountains.

Undefeated, his divine realm was defeated and all his divine power was reduced to the power of the Goblin King in front of him.

Originally, the collapse of the divine world and the dissipation of divine power meant death.

But because he was only preparing to become a god, the divine world was not further perfected, which led to the backlash and he did not die completely.

But now it is easier to die than to live, and not dying means pain and despair.

The experience of more than 20 hours made him feel like he was living in hell.

He couldn't die even if he wanted to.

"My king, they are coming!"

A goblin said softly. In fact, it didn't need him to say it, the goblin king also felt it, after all, the movement of the gula beast was not small.

"Tie him up and hang him under this cliff."

The goblin king waved his hand, looked at the abandoned god with some disgust, and ordered his goblins.

Soon, Yang Jin saw this scene while sitting on the back of a gula beast, and also saw the goblin king standing on the cliff.

"Prepare to meet the enemy."

After jumping off the back of the gula beast, Yang Jin carefully looked at the man hanging on the cliff by a thin rope, and then looked at the white goblin with a lightning symbol on his forehead on the cliff with a cold look.

The other party had premeditatedly dispersed the Digimon, wanting to use the advantage of numbers to deal with the Digimon around him, and then attack him in groups.

"Hello, heretic god from another world. It's our first meeting. In a hurry, I only had time to prepare a small gift for you. I hope you like it."

The Goblin King on the cliff smiled frivolously, and then the thin rope that tied him up slowly began to cut.

"Now you have one minute to consider whether to surrender or watch him die!"

PS: There will be a third update later, please collect, recommend, and reward!

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