Outside the Sirius Crystal Wall, the 17th Legion's garrison level.

Legion Commander's Office.

On the antique large single leather armchair, Gu Kangding was laying the chair flat and leaning on it with his eyes closed.

A pair of looming slender hands gently pressed on his temples on both sides, soft as if boneless, cool and pleasant.


Suddenly, there was a hasty knock on the door.

Feeling the force on his forehead increase suddenly, Gu Kangding frowned, and waved his hand back in dissatisfaction.

Then he sat up, made a majestic voice, and said, "Come in!"

The jade hands behind her gradually disappeared transparently.

A man with a square face and a dark green military uniform who looked to be in his early thirties came in.

As soon as he entered the door, the other party gave a straight military salute, and then opened the folder in his hand.

Start reporting to work.

"Knight Commander, the latest investigation results are out!"

"A total of 1,140 demigod-level scout puppets were sent out, 572 of which broke through the emerald barriers and entered the interior of each plane, 73 of which received information and sent back, and zero returned from the interior of the plane. shelf."

"According to the energy detection, no powerhouses above the true god level were found, nor were powerhouses deliberately suppressing the Realm. Thirty-seven ordinary indigenous demigods, 21 high-level indigenous demigods, and 100 large-scale forces were found. Forty-seven."

"The specific information has been counted as a table and uploaded to the internal Shenwang, you can check it at any time!"

Hearing this, Gu Kangding nodded, and opened the internal net to check it on the spot.

After a few seconds, the reading is complete.

He came back to his senses and asked Ling Yi, the deputy on the opposite side: "Is there still no whereabouts of that thing?"


Ling Yi's decisive answer shattered the last illusion in Gu Kangding's heart.

If not necessary, he really didn't want those child soldiers to go to the front line.

But the current situation...

[Emerald Barrier] As a powerful artifact carefully refined by 'that', it has no other abilities, and its ability to conceal the breath is top-notch.

Otherwise, those fragments of the main plane would not have been discovered for so many years under the noses of the Seventeenth Legion.

And it was only discovered after [Emerald Barrier] took the initiative to absorb energy from the surrounding void to produce special fluctuations because it could not get the energy supplement from the source of the plane.

Also, this thing is disgusting.

Under the design of 'that person', the emphasis is that if you can't get it, you will be destroyed! !

If there is an overly powerful force that wants to breakthrough the protective barrier of [Emerald Barrier], and there is no way to control the artifact, it will explode at the last moment of being broken through, destroying the things protected inside itself together.

As a result, if you want to enter the [Emerald Barrier] now, you can only use the "Huairou" method.

That is to enter from the void energy channel that actively absorbs external energy, and the strength of the entrant cannot be too high.

After many tests, the standard obtained is that it is below a demigod.

And if it is a demigod, the time to become a god must not exceed one year.

Otherwise, the divinity in it will be recognized.

Cause those who want to enter to be excluded, or directly exiled to the void.

Due to the huge difficulty and uncertainty of exploration, Gu Kang directed the report to the Federal Military Department to recommend that "it is recommended to use the puppet corps to conduct multiple rounds of sweeping exploration."

Unexpectedly, it was directly rejected by the Federal Military Department.

It wasn't until after many inquiries that Gu Kangding learned that there was a special fragment of a great artifact (the puppets could not recognize and store the artifact) in the protective plane of the [Emerald Barrier].

It is said that it is also closely related to a great artifact that has not been recovered in the 'Graveyard of the Gods'.

More importantly, according to the information received, those 'ancient gods' who have always been accustomed to hiding in the east also want to intervene.

In this regard, certain existences in the high-level federation were very moved.

They want to use this as a bait and take this opportunity to wipe out the remaining active ancient gods.

This prompts that the 'bait' thrown must be real enough to attract people to take the bait.

As a result, the sixteen regions and three hundred and twenty-two cities of the federation held the 'Exchange Competition for First-year Freshman' in advance at the same time.

Intentionally or unintentionally, it revealed that the winning students were about to explore the outer domain.

So far, Gu Kangding has learned from dark web news that there are 17 surviving 'ancient gods' preparing to participate in this operation, and the number is still increasing.

Not including those guys who were dealt with before.

Although the federal high-level vowed to say that a complete plan has been formulated to ensure the safety of the students participating in the operation.

But so far, Gu Kangding is still hard to believe in its reliability.

After all, it was the one known as the 'Scepter of the Viper' who made the plan!

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