The latest website: This is thanks to Lin Fan's perfect werewolf body that surpassed the ancestors of the werewolf. Otherwise, how could a werewolf with a sixth-order strength survive the power of absolute justice?

I'm afraid that a single hammer can completely smash Lin Fan!

Absolute justice, but the fifteenth-order **** of justice who has gone through the road of divine experience! His strength is stronger than Lin Weimao, not to mention, there is the blessing of A-0325 [Hammer of Justice].

Although it is only a Class A taboo.

But because of this taboo, other gods can't control it at all. Only the white knight with justice can control it perfectly, and it is reduced to A rank.

Once this hammer of justice is fully used, it is enough to be compared with the legendary eternal gun, void cube, pocket watch of time, and lucky gold coins!

Win without defeat!

"Is this your true strength?" The white knight was also a little surprised, but then he held the hammer of justice high again.

"Evil, no matter how powerful."

"It will eventually be shattered by justice!"


The terrifying hammer of justice smashed down again.

For a while, the divine light of justice occupied Lin Fan's field of vision.

The huge hammer was like covering the world, and it quickly enlarged in Lin Fan's eyes.

Righteous Judgment!

The terrifying sacred white light is like a flame, surging on the giant hammer, rushing towards him!


At this moment, Lin Fan once again saw the middle-aged man holding the sickle, sticking out the sickle in the white light.

But in the next moment.


A crisp sound rang out.

The giant hammer of absolute justice stopped with a bang in front of Lin Fan!

The white knight looked at the air in front of him, there seemed to be nothing there, but a terrifying force blocked his giant hammer.

The light of justice gathered in his eyes, and the white knight saw the existence that melted into the light.

That is a man.

The silver-white guardian armor, the faintly broken cloak is engraved with the word "guardian"!

"It's you."

The white knight whispered.

There are many guardian gods, and there are many Lieyang Divine Kingdoms.

But there is only one that can melt into the light...

The guardian **** of Lengcuicheng, the **** of light of the fifteenth order!

"Stop." There was a faint whisper in the air.

Lin Weimao is not having a good time at this time. Although he has embarked on the road of divine experience again, this guy who is absolutely right in front of him has completely finished the road of divine experience!

Of course, if Lin Weimao hadn't dug out his own path to divine experience back then.

With his astonishing talent and talent that even Elder Zhang admired, it is uncertain whether the absolute justice can hold three moves in his hands at this time.

But in the final analysis, Lin Weimao has just regained the road to divine experience, and, just now, he was seriously injured by the killing power of the first blade!

At this time, Lin Weimao was able to recover less than 30% of his strength, thanks to carrying some high-level divine pills with him.


He can't just sit back and watch!

Even if he is very likely to be exposed because of this, he will be hunted down by the kingdom of God since then!

It was for this reason that he deliberately disappeared before, so that Lin Fan could seize the opportunity and leave quickly and quietly. Even Lin Weimao made up his mind that even if a magic soldier noticed Lin Fan, he would immediately help Lin Fan clear the obstacles and let Lin Fan escape silently.

However, after seeing that the stupid son Lin Fan did not choose to run away, but instead greeted the White Knight head-on, he had no choice but to show up.

At this moment, looking at Lin Fan's **** right shoulder, Lin Weimao's eyes were splitting!

"You are obviously the **** of light, but you also want to block justice and sink into darkness?" Angry poured out of Absolute Justice's indifferent eyes.

There was a sneer in the air.

"Why do you need to say more, I am a madman, and I need to explain it to you?"

Lin Weimao is a madman who ignores the order!

Otherwise, he would have been a Paladin of the Holy Court by now!

Not to mention the combination with the God of Darkness, it is to ignore the order of the God Realm, and brew a life that is not allowed by the God Realm with the God of Darkness.

"I was originally a guardian god, I don't protect my gods, I will help your mother deliver the baby!"

"Fight if you want!"

There was no fluctuation in the air, but Absolute Justice slammed the giant hammer across his chest!


The roar came, and the absolute justice went back a dozen steps.

The cold but invisible divine power erupted, and the divine soldiers behind him, under this influence, died directly and turned into pieces of meat!

The battle between the higher gods, even the gods of the tenth rank, is to die!

Unless, they have the perfect werewolf body that surpasses the ancestors of werewolf like Lin Fan.

But unfortunately, they didn't.

For a time, the other **** soldiers were stunned in place, their eyes horrified.

"what happened?"

"How did they die?"

"Why didn't the white knight hit the hammer just now, and what was he defending? What was he attacked by?"

They couldn't see anything, only the white knight looked at the air in front of him like a great enemy.

At this time, Lin Weimao has gone further on the road to divine experience, and his methods have become more and more bizarre.

He is no longer hidden under the light, but melted into the light. His attacks, his divine power, and everything about him cannot be captured by the naked eye.

Not even the **** of perception can feel it.

Because light is everywhere!

Today's Lin Weimao, although he is no longer as bright as he used to be, but this silent fighting method is even more frightening.

Only the white knight who has walked the road of divine experience and felt the world with justice can perceive the existence of Lin Weimao!

"You dare to be an enemy of justice." The white knight held up the hammer of justice with a blank face.

But then, the Great Hammer of Justice paused slightly.

The white knight glanced at the tide-like **** soldiers behind him. There was no doubt that if he and Lin Weimao started a killing spree here, these soldiers would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

It's not that these 100,000 soldiers of the gods are not powerful.

With such a number of medium-sized gods forming a battle formation, even the white knights could only retreat.

However, these soldiers were unaware of Lin Weimao's existence at all. They had no effect on Lin Weimao, who was in the light, and could not help themselves at all.

Moreover, with that sword just now, Lin Weimao made it clear that he was threatening himself.

If you fight against Lin Weimao here, even if you can beat Lin Weimao, if you don't get it right, these magic soldiers will die in the thousands!

The white knight looked at the Sea of ​​Death outside the island, and said coldly, "If you want to stop me, then come here!"

After speaking, the white knight rose from the ground and rushed towards the vast sea!

Lin Weimao, who melted into the light, turned his head and glanced at Lin Fan with complicated eyes.

He knew that once he left, Lin Fan would face 100,000 soldiers alone!


Even if he doesn't leave, the white knight cannot be defeated by himself.

In his current state, at most, he will be entangled with the White Knight for a In the end, he will lose. In the end, Lin Fan not only has to face a hundred thousand soldiers, but also a White Knight!

"I can only help you hold off the White Knight."

"Run quickly!"

Lin Fan heard someone whispering in his ear, and then only felt a rough palm caressing his head.

That is the feeling of infinite peace of mind.

The next moment, Lin Weimao, who was immersed in the light, turned around with a bang, and he did not hesitate to spend the little remaining divine power, and slashed at the divine soldiers in front of Lin Fan with a sword!

This sword.

Formless and colorless.

However, nearly a thousand divine soldiers suddenly stopped, and then shattered into pieces.

Lin Fan was thousands of meters all around, and there was no one there!

"Run!" After Lin Weimao finished speaking, he rose from the ground and rushed towards the white knight standing on the sea!

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